Article about psychedelics and dreams

Its not, if there is a high, it is very very subtle, but it does have a mild calming effect.

I got a bag of the ‘weed’ off amazon, organic, for under $10. Its from China though, so probably covered with pesticides and not really organic. Still effective though.

It affects the vividness and texture of dreams.
Very curious to hear your results, i think its worth the investment ($10-$15 goes a long way). If you want me to spoil the surprise, I can tell you my experiences with it.

You can smoke it too, but it is really harsh on the lungs, and like weed, probably highly carcenogenic…

Have not tired:

But I think of the 3 herbs listed, this one is most likely the best to help with lucid dreaming. (I base this assumption off of its time tested potency, and religious/holy ties)

@BlessingsDeers have you tried Wild Asparagus Root yet?