In terms of the liability problem with ibogaine. Yes, there is that. One would have to be medically screened and some folks with heart problems may not qualify. Many ibogaine facilities now have doctors and even heart monitors. More research would be needed before my proposal could be safely implemented.
And yes, I’m familiar with El Salvador’s gang problem and the effort to lock them up. This is one step to take, but it’s not enough in my opinion. The gangs come out of multi-generational truama. Horrendous wars in the 80’s and trauma going back to the Spanish conquest. Yes, to getting violent people off of the street, and then we need to find ways to do deeper healing work, in my opinion.
By the way, I know someone who spent more than 2 years in a Federal Prison in Oregon for transporting large amounts of mushrooms across state line into Oregon. Federal Prisons are actually pretty nice compared to State prisons, however, so he was lucky that he was busted for an inter-state crime. He spent his time there doing sweat lodge, going to meditation groups and running an organic garden. In many respects it was therapeutic and healing. I’ve heard that the State prisons, however, are hell for the most part. If you traumatize people further and then send them back to the street, then they will just go and traumatize more people. Hurt people hurt people. Healing people may help them to go out and help to heal and help others.
LOVE this!
Thank you for telling me this. Traditional ways I think are the best ways to use this medicine.
Never heard of this one.
Have you tried Mugwort tea? @BlessingsDeers was asking about this recently.
Really tough to swallow this brew, wondering how it compares to the 2 you described?
I don’t think I’ve tried mugwort tea. It’s supposed to help with lucid dreaming? I don’t think it’s a psychedelic.
Agreed. The devastation from conquest and corrupt governments left deep wounds.
First you stop the bleeding. Then you can mend the wounds.
Its not, if there is a high, it is very very subtle, but it does have a mild calming effect.
I got a bag of the ‘weed’ off amazon, organic, for under $10. Its from China though, so probably covered with pesticides and not really organic. Still effective though.
It affects the vividness and texture of dreams.
Very curious to hear your results, i think its worth the investment ($10-$15 goes a long way). If you want me to spoil the surprise, I can tell you my experiences with it.
You can smoke it too, but it is really harsh on the lungs, and like weed, probably highly carcenogenic…
Have not tired:
But I think of the 3 herbs listed, this one is most likely the best to help with lucid dreaming. (I base this assumption off of its time tested potency, and religious/holy ties)
@BlessingsDeers have you tried Wild Asparagus Root yet?
Thanks! I’ll have to check out some of these herbs for dreaming!
- SHATAVARI (Asparagus racemosus) is an Ayurvedic herb with a long history of use for supporting the male and female reproductive systems. Its name, which translates as “100 spouses,” speaks to its role in promoting vitality."
Looks like it may be an Aphrodisiac too
Ordered this one. Will give yall a report card on it in 2 weeks
OK so it’s good for one’s sex life and for dreaming as well?
Sounds like a good bedtime herb!
Valerian is great for keeping you asleep.
I have not noticed it affecting the quality of dreams.
Can leave you a bit groggy the next day
I tried Valerian a few years back. Never did much for me. I still have some. I’m not an anxious person, however. It may be good for anxiety.
Buckle Up Buckaroos…
“Strong like Bull”…
OK then, I’ll add that to my bucket list.
So many herbs and medicines and so little time. But hey, if it’s good for bedtime, why not?
Ashwagandha is effective for anxiety and calming the body
Can knock out 2 birds with one bone…
Re: Ashwaghanda. Yes, I use it occasionally as needed. I had some recently when I was sick with a cough. I recommend it to some of my clients for depression.
I also muscle test herbs and medicines and supplements to figure out what to take when.
I can see how this is tied to black magic.
Love Spells are a big no, no in my opinion.
Playing with fire:
The Craft (1/10) Movie CLIP - Blessed Be (1996) HD
It’s a common ornamental cactus if you learn to recognize it. I’ve seen it growing in people’s yards in California and the Southwest. I was in a Mexican restaurant in L.A. last year and there was a whole wall of giant San Pedro cacti! Totally legal to grow and possess but technically not legal to consume or extract.