Article about psychedelics and dreams

Similar voter initiative voted down in MA in November!


Have you tried MDMA therapy before? I have heard good things, especially the results with veterans. Is there anywhere in US where it is currently legal?

Say some Prayers for this bill!



Yes I have, many times. It’s a beautiful sweet medicine, full of the energy of compassion for self and others. The best healing balm in the world for PTSD or any kind of trauma. I’m not aware that it’s legal anywhere in the world unfortunately. MAPS was hoping the FDA would approve it last summer, but alas it was shot down. That’s why I was so surprised to see it added to the Washington bill! The bill as I understand it would have 2 tracks: One track for people with diagnosed mental health conditions and a second “wellness track” that would allow anyone to try the medicines for wellness purposes. There are also 2 levels of providers, one for professional providers and another level that any high school graduate can do if they complete the training program (the similar laws passed in Oregon and Colorado also operate on this second level). The bill would start with psilocybin and the other medicines would be added in later after a few years. MDMA is heart chakra medicine, full of lovingkindness for self and others.
My absolute favorite is to combine it with psilocybin!


Yeah I’m familar with the MA situation. The Washington Bill is not a voter initiative. It’s going through the legislature. A similar bill passed the legislature a couple of years ago, but our previous Governor Inslee vetoed most of it (he modified it to allow research with psilocybin and PTSD with Vets at the University of WA) but nixed the rest of it. The word seems to be that our current Governor Ferguson is more psychedelic friendly and will be more willing to sign once we get it through the legislature again.


Thank you for letting me know this.

I wonder if they offer this therapy in Mexico or Puerto Rico?

Curious top know what the negative side effects are, if any?

This should be the primary focus, and where the majority of money and research should be placed. The latter can wait. Follow the path of weeds legalization, start for medical patients, then if it is successful, and has minimal collateral damage, allow the general public to dabble.


As far as I know, it’s not legal anywhere. MDMA (aka ecstacy or molly) is a big part of the rave scene but there it’s more recreational, so I think it’s been a barrier for it to get accepted as a healing medicine. The VA is still researching it as a treatment for PTSD (I know someone who is involved with conducting a research study at the Portland, OR VA) and MAPS is raising the funds to do the next round of research that the FDA is requiring.


Let us hope they DOGE any snakes at the FDA preventing alternative therapies from entering the market, due to their ties/loyalty to big Pharma…

Its my understanding that these days, the kids buying molly on the streets are at high risk of it being laced with or replaced by fentanyl. Really scary times!


Indeed. Very scary times for getting anything from the street!
That’s why we need to get this approved by the FDA. There is some hope that RFK Jr will turn this around. We shall see, but may it be so!

Regarding Fentanyl: I just attended a funeral on Sunday. An old college friend (someone whom I’ve attended many a psychedelic ceremony with) lost his son to fentanyl. He had some mental health problems and living in a mental health apartment program in Seattle. He started taking opioids off the street and OD’d on Fentanyl. I also have clients who have lost children or other relatives to it. Quite the epidemic!


Bessel Van Der Kolk, probably the foremost PTSD expert on MDMA therapy.


Another major trauma expert is Gabor Mate, MD. He was an infant Jewish holocaust survivor from Hungary. He favors the use of ayahuasca in treating trauma. There is less research on ayahuasca as a therapy than there is for MDMA but on the other hand there are places one can go where it’s legal, so in that sense, it’s more readily available. It may also be a more intense experience than MDMA.


Amen Brother!

Loved the first video where they gave a shout out to Fox News, and actually got a warm reception on the air!!!

I think there are many conservative and libertarian citizens who would become supporters of the MDMA therapy for veterans if they knew how successful the results were. The key is getting the word out, and getting good data.

Its Horrific, and has destroyed so many lives. I am so sorry for your loss and for his family. The saddest funeral I ever attended was from an OD. Really heartbreaking.


Yes, indeed. I have a client who lost her son to a fentanyl OD 2 years ago and another client who lost her nephew to fentanyl that was in coke he snorted and I heard from another client who lost a relative to fentanyl that was in MDMA! I would no longer trust any drug from street sources but I’ve also heard there are fentanyl test kits you can get for harm reduction purposes.


I spoke with a police chief a few weeks ago, and he told me something very similar, that heroin is now being sold in cocaine format, so it can be snorted, and that in turn is being cut with fentanyl.

I would not be opposed to charging any drug dealer with murder, when one of their customers dies from fentanyl OD, especially when the customer though the product they were buying was supposed to be molly, or coke, or opiates, etc.

I wish these kits were more widespead, placed in every bar and nightclub bathroom across the US.
Unfortunately I think this is wishful thinking, would not should be if the Mob and Cartels still own a large percentage of these businesses. Test kits would hurt thei bottom line :unamused:


I saw a poster recently in the restroom of a Seattle restaurant telling people to test their drugs and where they could order test kits. They can be ordered online but most of the people who are addicted to drugs are too busy just hustling for the next fix to think about it. Opioid withdrawal is horrible. It ceases to be about the high and becomes a desperate attempt to avoid withdrawal. If I were King of the world, I would provide free ibogaine treatment to all who want it and judges would say, you can either go to ibogaine or go to jail. Your choice. Fierce compassion!


The Wixarika (Huichol) Tribe of Mexico may be the oldest peyote using culture.



Truth. For those in this vicious cycle, even if they had the test kits, and the test results came back positive, odds are they would still knowingly use the fentanyl. Fentanyl is highly effective in small dosages, but in larger doses becomes highly lethal.

Have you seen this movie?:

Requiem for a Dream (2000) Trailer #1

Same director who did Pi, really dark, but a true masterpiece when it comes to speaking Truth.

If they preformed a Coup De Grace (Compassion Blow) on you, and installed me as temporary Dictator, I would send our most heinous death row inmates to El Salvador’s Mega Prison, and use the Billions of dollars saved to give all Veterans 1M; 200k for a home, 500k for retirement investment they cant touch, but can live off the interest (approxamately 50k a year) and 300k for medical treatments.

Master Holecek does a really good interview with a guy who treats addiction by taking addicts out into the woods, and roughing it for a few weeks. I would offer this to those convicted as a 3rd option. Connecting to Nature and God works miracles.


Yes, sounds good. The advantage of ibogaine is that it instantly treats the addiction and craving without going through any kind of withdrawal and it also teaches you about the meaning of your life, the traumas that you have endured, your soul’s path, etc.
So I would first have them do the ibogaine, then sending them to the woods would be a good way to integrate and prepare to go back to the world.


My biggest fear with this is it sounds like a Liability Nightmare. I am all for this, as long as King @fenwizard makes them sign a waver before treatment waving their rights to sue, if say a stroke or heart attack or other nasty side effect occurs.

Some addicts, from years of addiction have worn down body parts, arteries, heart valves, etc. If they are not in peak physical condition, this strategy may be playing with fire.

‘Worst of the worst’: Go inside El Salvador’s fortress prison for gang members

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Have you tried peyote before?
What was the experience like?

Been on my bucket list for years


Yes, I have participated in Native American Church ceremonies a number of times. For me it was a very mild medicine - it only had a slight buzz- and it tastes nasty. Difficult to get much of it down without vomiting. But it also has a heart opening effect (a little like MDMA). I’m told that if you can work up to higher dosages that it can be more visionary and transformational.
I think my most profound experience with it was one time when they began singing a Jesus song and I saw the spirit of my Christian Grandmother dancing around the Tipi! It’s also a very disciplined ceremony where you have to sit up all night long and only go out for breaks at specific times. It’s not at all a hippie, go with the flow and anything goes kind of a thing in a real traditional peyote meeting!

Huachuma (San Pedro cactus) from the Andes also contains mescaline and is much more widely available. It’s a common ornamental cactus. I’ve also done that a number of times, but I found the effects quite mild compared to mushrooms, ayahuasca or other medicines. Huachuma is often done as a nature walking meditation, which is nice. But you have to eat quite a bit of it and it tastes nasty!