I agree. Any kind of magic to harm others or try to control their will (including making them fall in love with you) is going over to the dark side. Magic to heal is a good magic, however.
Amen Brother
Magic for the ego never ends well.
Magic that heals people or groups is the work of God.
This may be the oldest known medicine bag from a psychedelic shaman!
Astonishing! Cant believe the bag lasted so many generations!
" The findings indicate that the pouch could have contained four or five different plants - but definitely at least three.
“Chemical traces of bufotenine, dimethyltryptamine, harmine, and cocaine, including its degradation product benzoylecgonine, were identified, suggesting that at least three plants containing these compounds were part of the shamanic paraphernalia,” the researchers wrote in their paper.
“This is also a documented case of a ritual bundle containing both harmine and dimethyltryptamine, the two primary ingredients of ayahuasca [a plant-based psychedelic tea].”
It’s unknown how widespread the use of ayahuasca was, or how long it has been used - perhaps millennia, or merely centuries - so this adds a significant data point.
Of course, it’s impossible to gauge from this sample how the plants were prepared, but it does show that the inhabitants of the Sora River Valley knew about the plants’ properties 1,000 years ago."
South America most likely has a very long history of drug and medicine cocktails. Have you heard of this one?:
World’s Scariest Drug (Documentary Exclusive)
Some have speculated ‘voodoo zombies’ are tied to this drug.
Very Scary!!!
How often do you think its been used in Guantanamo Bay interrogations?
There are a number of plants that have scopolamine in them and they are nothing to mess around with. Some were used in the medieval “witches brews.” The belladonna drops used to dilate your pupils at an ophthalmalogy appointment contain scopolamine. I’ve never heard it described in terms of this kind of mind control, however, but perhaps that’s true. I’ve also heard of it causing vivid hallucinations that last for hours. Also, Bill W. who founded Alcoholics Anonymous went to a treatment center that used a low dose of Belladonna to induce a spiritual experience. That was his first “Higher Power” experience. Later on, he also went through LSD psychotherapy (in the 50’s when it was still legal." I would never want to mess with scopolamine containing plants:
Scopolamine - Wikipedia.
My first ayahuasca experience was in the Santo Daime Church in Ashland, OR (a religion that originated in Brazil) in 1996. A few years later their sacrament was confiscated by the DEA. Their case went all the way to the Supreme Court and they won the case based on religious freedom!
from my observation of astrological charts, the house that rules sexuality and death is very strong in lucid dreamers.
and as in all areas of life, it’s not about the energy, it’s what you do with it
no… I don’t need any of these things… hihihi…
What medicine are we talking about here? (your reply to my question about sex life and dreaming).
We’ve been covering so much on this thread that I’ve lost track!
And no, I’m not tripping on any drugs, just tripping on ideas!
Dont trip on his ideas, this looks like a case of abuse, rather than using it as medicine:
What It’s Like to Make Art on DMT | HAMILTON’S PHARMACOPEIA
Doesnt seem like the healthiest habit…
Spoken like a True Warrioress of the Light
Me either. Their contact in Colombia looked like he had fried his brains on the stuff.
I might be wrong but I thought I may have heard that some Ayahuasca ceremonies mix scopolamine in with the vine mixture. Not certain by any means.
Very interesting.
I heard ladies of the night used to take it for similar reasons…
and to dialate their pupils (better night vision???)
0:28 I like his Green Tara
Amen Brother, one of the highest Freedoms
Yes, psychically sensitive natural shamans don’t need psychedelic medicines. Only us hard heads who needed our heads broken open to higher realities. Or people with depression or trauma who can benefit from it as a healing medicine. I think I’m to the point now where I don’t need it much anymore. The last time I used psilocybin was 3 summers ago, when I was told on that trip that I don;t need to do it any more. The only thing that I’ve used since then is occasional cannabis (which I use only occasionally for inspirational downloads and to deepen meditation) and ketamine, which I took in November as part of a psychedelic therapy training program.
The artist above doesn’t say how often he uses DMT, so I won’t judge whether he’s truly addicted. It may be he uses it more frequently than the average psychonaut if he’s using it for artistic inspiration. True addiction is usually to a substance that is killing emotional pain, like alcohol, opioids, cocaine, amphetamines, etc. I’ve worked for years in both the mental health and substance abuse fields and I have never come across a case of hallucinogen use disorder, even though this diagnosis is listed in the diagnostic manual. If such a thing exists it’s rare. Psychedelics don’t block out emotional pain or trauma, they make you more aware of it in order to help you process it. They can be used to treat addiction, such as a research study that showed that psilocybin had a very high success rate for curing nicotine addiction! And ibogaine has a very high success rate for treating opioid addiction and many other addictions as well (although only a little research on it has been done so far).
Not saying hes an addict, I just didnt get the vibe he was giving the medicine the religious respect it deserves.
I think women are typically more gifted in this arena than men.