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Cuddle Parties

Cuddle Parties

Cuddle Party

Cuddle Party Highlights

London 360 Cuddle Workshop

Cuddle Parties: Non-sexual affection with no strings attached

Luke Warm Sex: Cuddle party

What Is A Cuddle Party?

I think its a brilliant idea
Also think its a brilliant idea to do a Background check on all the participants, to weed out any bad apples.
Also make sure no contagious diseases.

Adding the back rubs, shoulder, or neck massage is genius too!
Talk about a drug free way to get your oxytocin fix
I think you would be a Brilliant hostess of one of these parties!!!
(And Solimar would make a really good assistant :heart_eyes: )
I think a better title would be “Spiritual Cuddle Party”, might attract a more evolved crowd.

This vid is kinda funny:

Cuddle Party - A short film by Matthew Epstein