Deep sea upwelling & lucid consciousness

That is a really rough past that she endured. It definitely puts things into perspective. Not that it justifys her treatment of you.

We dont get to chose much of the adversity we face in life, but we do get to chose how we grow and evolve from it. Sounds like you are taking the steps forward in healing and growth that she did not.

Here is her birth chart, it shows a snapshot of the solar system when she was born:

As I mentioned earlier the 90 degree angle formed between Gemini and Pisces can be very disharmonious, especially in relationships. (90 degrees is the most disharmonious angle). There is one other sign that Gemini forms a 90 degree angle with, that sign is Virgo. It would be disharmonious if just her sun was in Virgo, but she also has her Moon, and a Mercury there as well, that really amplifies things.

Unevolved Virgos are stereotypically known for being perfectionists, fussy, and hypercritical. If you felt like nothing you did was ever good enough in her eyes, it probably was not. In bad and ugly cases this personality trait can manifest as taking pleasure in ‘cutting’ people down. Sounds like that was the case on her death bed when she said those nasty words to you.

Evolved Virgos look like Mother Teresa, using their talents to help the vulnerable.

Here is summary analysis of that sun moon combo:

Not always the most pleasant to be caught up in the scope of a ‘Sharpshooter’…

You were delt a rough hand astologically speaking, any child with a mother or father who has a 90, or 180 degree angle between them, can lead to a lot of hardships growing up, and beyond.

I hope this brief summary helps. I found learning astrology monumentally helpful in my own spirtual path. If you are looking for more closure on this, you might try to consult a reputable astrologer in your area, or go to the library and check out a few books. Linda Goodmans Sun Signs is a classic, but a little dated.

Thank you so much for this. Mom was a sharpshooter extraordinaire! This validates a lot for me.

2/23/23 A giant buck deer emerges from the forest, antler tips on fire with eternal flames. Fire smolders in the woods. The buck stops here.


Gets my vote . . . . .


What was the emotional feeling of this dream?

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For sure. The deeper you dive, the more you begin to appreciate how little Free Will there is in life, especially in personalities. Many things are hardwired, and very difficult to change, or even rise above. Each sign has great strengths, but they all cast big shadows as well.

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Deeply affirmed. My thoughts and feelings about being lucid are validated by his presence. The buck is me, my self, The Self, my animal intuition that’s present and fully available to me. It shows me that living out of this intuitive self is that part of me that is the larger Self and is eternal (my soul). At first I wondered if the buck was going to confront me since it was so close to me but I do believe it has come forward to guide me. Very exciting but also very scary. I’ve spent my life hiding my self but perhaps it’s’s time to come out of the woods and be visible. It’s already happening.


This was actually what first came to my mind when I saw it, that is why I asked you the question about its emotional content, wanted to make sure there was not a negative connotation to the fire, which ai think its symbolism here is very positive. Seems like it is burning up and illuminating the karma of your past (the woods), and ready to drive forward with new strength (the burning antlers). The antlers definitley are tied to drive, being they are grown when the bucks are at their highest strength and most forceful, the firre connected to them may be symbolizing your drive for more illumination, or using that illumination you have found to drive you forward onto new beginings.

Love this interpretation, thank you. I do believe that is spot on.

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Me too. I had to look up the meaning of this phrase:

" Phrase[edit]

the buck stops here

  1. (idiomatic) A statement that no excuses will be made, that the speaker is going to take directresponsibility for matters, rather than pass the responsibility to higher authorities.
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Look up President Harry Truman!

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It felt like “ the buck stops here” was physically literal… as in, this is it…we’re here already…THIS IS your destination. Now what are you going to do about it?


My husband and I are visiting my daughter in NH this weekend. While we were walking in the woods yesterday I thought to myself, “maybe the buck will appear. Come on over.” Then I look through the trees and see this.

OMG. There it is. Same stance as the dream. Is that a trailhead marker? I’ve never seen one like that before. Off we go!


Looks like it may have been a minor precognitive dream or synchronicity, or both?


thank you for coming out of the woods and for all the sharing and honesty.
you are an inspiration.

have you ever considered doing neurofeedback?

big hug.

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