Dharma Will/Box

Inspired on a conversation with our Beloved @Kalabasis I remembered today that when my “Preparing to Die” book arrived, naturally, I constructed something with my father (a cover for the washing machine).
This inspires me to suggest that one of the things we can create as a preparation for death is to create something with our Beloveds that brings out Aware Presence or any other intention, staying with our beloved ones, even though we might be in different dimensions.

Another inspiration for our Dharma will is this post I shared yesterday:

especially this part:

inspires me to also suggest that one thing our beloved ones can do is having a list with all our dharma friends (and their contact), who would like to pray for us from the heart, in our time of departure.

We can even extend this to anyone from our circle that dies… this reminded me of @Bucket … how are you Beloved? and the connection with Pan?
