Very Wise words my friend!
Can you share this experience or write me privately about it?
Very Wise words my friend!
Can you share this experience or write me privately about it?
yes. I will encrypt what is needed and share the juice.
my father asked for my help. he rarely does that so I know that when it comes, it’s really important. I always help him, hand in hand with my intuition, and we have manifested some very amazing miracles together.
This time it was about a business process that has been running since the 80s…! It involves several people and I believe my processing was sensing these people’s energies, and sending them blessings, love and power to heal some stuff. the feeling was of going through several perceptual layers, in connection with the meeting’s needs, also sensing the energetic net of the group. As I approached the spot, the light became strong, but before I was in contact with the power of death in a good way - to stop things, to be truthful, let go of the masks, not so easy to handle when in the matrix… I watched my fear of being myself in that context… we can only do this with the power of the heart, intuition, and faith - which dismantles the ego.
Intuition had given me an image that manifested right in the beginning of the meeting! It was a rose with peaks… the goal was to focus in the rose, and the woman who was receiving the group (in her house) started with that analogy “it’s a rose with many peaks” to which I replied “yes, and we came here to focus in the rose”, the way she looked at me gave me instant confidence and from that moment on I was a vessel of clarity, discipline and commitment to get it all solved! And it happened so. One of the people did not show up because he was out of town but I only got to know that the day after. This showed me that the processing (crying and receiving a lot of information to dissolve) after the meeting was connected with that. uuuuffff… also after the meeting, already at my room’s balcony, I was contemplating the skies to see a rare event: an eagle playing with seagulls. One of the seagulls was even “singing”…! this is how I felt in that meeting - an eagle playing with seagulls… not so usual, but sometimes it’s ok to do so.
After the meeting, when we were arriving home, I noticed a car with the letters PA, which inspired me to look up and… there it was… an amazing eagle flying next to us… thought of you with gratitude for our Divine Connection…
First time of me hearing this was today, looks like it might be something worth checking out
thank you also for sending me this divinely sent quote today, from beloved AH:
“Practicing Craphood.
So if you recognize yourself as the luminous child of Dharmata, Recognize yourself as the universe, Get your body swapped out with the cosmos, Tat Tvam Asi. I am that. that is it! Enlightenment!
If you don’t, what do you do? Rather than evolve and expand, you contract. That begins the involutionary cycle. “That’s not me. I am not that big. I am not a deity. I am not infinity. I’m a schmuck”. It’s because we visualize and practice schmuck-hood All all the time. Poverty mentality living in scare city. The small mind practices the sadanah of samsarah. I recite samsaric mantras… syllables marked with I, I, I , me me me mine mine mine. Those are the three principles seed syllables of the Samsaric mantra. Then I visualize my little samsaric pathetic self In my little samsaric pathetic world … So I am practicing my finitude… My ridiculous contracted self all the time. Then, when I am finally open at the grand opening of death, I am not the universe I am not all these deities, I am just this piece of crap. Because I have been practicing piece of craphood all my life. My society, my parents whatever. You buy this stuff. You are practicing . You are always practicing. Crap as self. You’re practicing craphood all the time. “
LOVE it! So true!
I remember him saying this or something very similar in one of his videos, I forget which one, I think it was one of the stages of dream yoga? Transforming yourself into a Deity?
Total Grand Slam
Good day dear NCC friends @NightHawk999 @mbready @_Barry @BlessingsDeers @Bucket !
This morning I am inspired by the Dharma Will/Box resonate invocation introduced at AH’s recent Pure Lands “ playshop”. And what followed today is a further contemplation of what the Bhumis are. How liberating and empowering these pure and holy gifts that are here before us on this glorious path! Wow! Supremely share-worthy amongst we fellow sojourners! May we attain and enjoy! Blessings all!
“All the sentient beings I have a good or bad connection with
As soon as you have left this confused dimension
May you be born in the west in sukavati
And once you are born there, complete the bhumis and the paths”
The first bhūmi, the Very Joyous. (Skt. pramuditā), in which one rejoices at realizing a partial aspect of the truth;
The second bhūmi, the Stainless. (Skt. vimalā), in which one is free from all defilement;
The third bhūmi, the Light-Maker. (Skt. prabhākarī), in which one radiates the light of wisdom;
The fourth bhūmi, the Radiant Intellect. (Skt. arciṣmatī), in which the radiant flame of wisdom burns away earthly desires;
The fifth bhūmi, the Difficult to Master. (Skt. sudurjayā), in which one surmounts the illusions of darkness, or ignorance as the Middle Way;
The sixth bhūmi, the Manifest. (Skt. abhimukhī) in which supreme wisdom begins to manifest;
The seventh bhūmi, the Gone Afar. (Skt. dūraṃgamā), in which one rises above the states of the Two vehicles;
The eighth bhūmi, the Immovable. (Skt. acalā), in which one dwells firmly in the truth of the Middle Way and cannot be perturbed by anything;
The ninth bhūmi, the Good Intelligence. (Skt. sādhumatī), in which one preaches the Law freely and without restriction;
The tenth bhūmi, the Cloud of Doctrine. (Skt. dharmameghā), in which one benefits all sentient beings with the Law (Dharma), just as a cloud sends down rain impartially on all things.
The rascal in me wants to write “we’ll think about this when we are in Sukhavati!” hihihi… the ego says “I’m already there!” hihihi and has another question “what are the paths???”
thank you for sharing this information… the first time I read it, I felt a HUGE spiritual download to be applied on earth. Got curious with the name bhumi to find a very interesting article:
Earth (भूमि, bhūmi) is one of the five primary elements (pañcabhūta) forming the basic components of the world, according to Vāstu-śāstra literature. It is because of the presence and balance of these five elements that our planet thrives with life.
Bhūmi, one of the four classifications of Vāstu, is considered main because it is the first of the elemental principles (bhūta) and a support for the existence of the world (Mayamat, 2.9).
Ha ha ha, you rascal you! I’d say the one who says “I’m already there!” is a rascal as well! Yet I might be wrong, that is if you already recognize these attainments! Respect, @BlessingsDeers if that’s the case!
Either way, the fact that you felt a big spiritual download is very very cool!
I gotta admit, I kind of did too! I mean the 10
Bhumis further described under the General definition in Buddhism sub- reference of your link felt like deep inner gifts already received but hanging out under my spiritual Christmas tree… definitely gifted me….I can feel them!…but perhaps Xmas morning and their full opening ( flowering?) awaits!
I’m reminded of what Francesca Fremantle states in her book Luminous emptiness” - “recognition equals Liberation.” Now how cool is that???
And Thich Nhat Hanh asserted this IS the Pure Land! So you are definitely onto something, Deer One! And that’s just what defines a rascal- always on to something!!! Ha ha ha ! Yippee!!!
Thank you for posting this, very wise teachings
Most welcome, @NightHawk999 !
And here’s more my fellow sojourners @Bucket , @mbready , @_Barry @BlessingsDeers @Night.Club from the mouth of beloved AH during the recent Pure Lands Training. Followed by the immaculate voice of Samaneri Jayasāra and a link to her awe and God/Godess inspiring catalog of 23 recordings entitled “ Dharma for Death Dying and Illness”. Blessings galore, y’all! There’s a whole lot of “galoring” going on!!!
From AH;
“…. “Going thru the eight stage dissolution, this is the relative dimensions - the bardo of dying. Then landing into the luminous mind- the dhamata - this is when you reach the end of the evolutionary process and become everything you become the universe. This relies on you recognizing this. You return to nothing. That means everything. Small self dissolves and you become big self the universe.
This is really a good deal. If you know in your heart of hearts at the moment of death, you are going to swap out your body for the Universe that’s a good deal. You’re just going to have to die. You are going to have to let go of exclusive identification - which is only a conventional designation -with this otherwise the swap deal won’t work. The deal is off.
But If you can die before you die, then when your infinite nature is revealed at the moment of death, At the grand opening… The luminous self of Dhammata… Swapping the body out for the universe, the cosmos,; You recognize I am it. That’s it. Enlightenment.”
Gifted from Sister Samaneri Jayasāra;
Speaking of “ there’s more”…. There’s more!
This sweet and brief illumination by Sadhguru. “One Drop Spirituality”. Genius!
From the article:
If being alive necessarily means being self-aware, it suggests that all living things are to some degree conscious. The answer to the frequently posed question as to why life’s cognitive processes don’t take place ‘in the dark’ becomes straightforward: because they can’t. Living things are intrinsically self-aware, intrinsically conscious. Cognitive processes are intrinsically ‘lights on’, though the level of consciousness that may exist in any living thing – how it would feel to be that living thing – is a separate (and likely intractable) issue. Presumably, however, the ‘lights on’ in a bacterium with no neural system would be less than in a human with its complex neural system. So, yes, bacteria, being alive, are conscious, a view that is consistent with recent biological research that concluded that bacteria can ‘think’.
Inspired on a conversation with our Beloved @Kalabasis I remembered today that when my “Preparing to Die” book arrived, naturally, I constructed something with my father (a cover for the washing machine).
This inspires me to suggest that one of the things we can create as a preparation for death is to create something with our Beloveds that brings out Aware Presence or any other intention, staying with our beloved ones, even though we might be in different dimensions.
Another inspiration for our Dharma will is this post I shared yesterday:
especially this part:
inspires me to also suggest that one thing our beloved ones can do is having a list with all our dharma friends (and their contact), who would like to pray for us from the heart, in our time of departure.
We can even extend this to anyone from our circle that dies… this reminded me of @Bucket … how are you Beloved? and the connection with Pan?
Much gratitude to you @BlessingsDeers for sharing your Dharma Will/Box Creative ideas! It inspires me to record a couple of songs of mine and place them for easy access in my Dharma Will/Box! And given my immediate family’s Love for film, it occurs to me right now to invite them to watch a classic film, “Innerstellar” during the days of my transmission! .
Otherwise I would like to share what I have entered into my Dharma Will Box as “My Post Death Helper Instructions.” This is a dynamic document, therefore l will be modified, and I am sure significantly, yet I suggest it’s good to have a working draft just in case, right? These instructions are directly derived from Tulku Thondup’s “Peaceful Death, Joyful Rebirth”, Chapter 8 , “ How to help the dying and the dead”, and are built upon the guiding principles of Pure Land Buddhism and Phowa practices. I have found Ven. Thondup’s wisdom and guidance from this book to be invaluable in the development of my Dharma Will/Box thus far.
My Post Death Helper Instructions
It is my wish that once I am deemed clinically dead, any sincere, faithful and reverent friend or family member please speak the following to me. Thank you.
“Michael, please stay with your meditation without distraction. The time of death has arrived for you. Please do not waiver from your meditation. Now watch your mind. Has your mind any form, any shape, or any color? No. Your mind does not have any form, shape, or color. Your mind has nothing to grasp at. That nature is the union of clarity and emptiness. Please stay mindfully in the union without wavering. All the sounds that you hear are self-sounds. All the lights that you see are self-lights. All the rays that you witness are self-rays. Remain in meditation without wavering.”
Now at this point, if I do not appear to have a facial expression of peace and contentment or even the slightest hint of a smile, please say the following to me;
"Oh child Michael, you might be experiencing a house falling down. But that is not so. It is the sign that your inner breathing is ceasing, and your mind is exiting your body. As soon as your mind is out of your body, you will see the light of five colors surrounding you. Do not be scared of them or become panicked. If you recognize them, they are the lights of the five Buddha families. If you can’t recognize them they are the lights of the Lords of the dead. So don’t be frightened.
Please listen carefully. Among the lights that you will see there are five kinds of lights. In midst of blue light ignorance will arise in the form of a bear headed person. Don’t be scared of him, but have devotion to him. He is Vairochana Buddha. Please recognize him as such.
Again, in the midst of yellow light, your arrogance will arise in the form of a tiger-headed person. please don’t get scared by him. He is Ratnasambhava Buddha. Please develop devotion to him.
Again, in the midst of red light, your attachment will arise in the form of an eagle headed person. Don’t be terrified of him. He is the Buddha of infinite light. Please develop devotion to him.
Again, in the midst of greenlight, you’re jealousy will arise in the form of a monkey headed person. He is Amogasiddhi Buddha. Please recognize him as such.
These five lights are the lights of the five Buddhist. If you are afraid of them, they will become the paths that lead to inferior realms. Please don’t be scared of them or run away from them.
Oh child of good family! You might feel that instead of the path of lights, you must take a narrow path, but please don’t go that way. That path will take you to birth in the hell realm. You might also find a river of hot ashes. That will take you to birth in the hungry ghost realm. You might find a swamp of filth. That will take you to birth in the animal realm. You might find an opening to a brass tube like path filled with odors of food. That will take you to birth in the human realm. You might find a path with shining weapons. That will take you to birth in the demigod Realm. You might also find a path with many gates and wheels of sharp weapons. That will take you to birth in the God realm. Please don’t follow these paths.
Instead, please come up through the Central channel of your body, which is wide open at the top. Above your head is Amitabha Buddha with a blue complexion."
As the helper, you should meditate on uniting your mind with my mind, thank you. Then, loudly shout PHAT many times, merging the unity mind into the wisdom mind of Amitabha Buddha. Then contemplate in oneness with Amitabha Buddha. Remain in that contemplative state as long as possible, again and again. At the end, say aspiration prayers such as the following;
(Next say prayers to involve the blessings of the Buddhist and lineage Masters. The introduction and these prayers will help me to attain enlightenment.)
(My next assignment will be to add these prayers to this page.)
I LOVE these ideas… LOVE LOVE LOVE
beautiful… thank you for sharing Beloved
yes… perhaps I would add the mantra “om mani padme ohm”, for it “closes the doors to the six realms of samsara” (page 37 in “Preparing to Die” from AH). My intuition whispered it might also be helpful.
Infinite Blessings
A thousand bows of gratitude @BlessingsDeers !
Yes yes yes to your Holy Muse’s suggestion to add the mantra “om mani padme ohm”, to “close the doors to the six realms of samsara”.
Thank you Deer One for your unwaivering and selfless blessings of love and support! Yay!