Francis Story and the Case for Rebirth (Lion's Roar)

I enjoyed this article which is a great followup to all the recent teachings and discussion of the Bardos.


Great read, Barry. Thanks for posting it.

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More evidence of rebirth? Watching this six year old gives me a great big smile. Full disclosure, I’m an oldtime Eagles fan.


“There is nothing that happens by chance. There are causes for everything, seen or unseen, known or not known” —Francis Story ~ I am somewhat agnostic in what I believe…that everything happens for a reason? Do you believe in fate? Is our life already planned out? Right here, right now, is this my destiny?


Everything happens for a reason, some say. I believe you make the best of whatever happens.


I so enjoyed reading this Barry. Thanks for posting :pray:


I think that reality, as we perceive it, is a tapestry that is constantly being woven and each and every phenomenon, from the note that I just played on my guitar to the branch that just fell from the tree outside my window, becomes a new thread in the weave, causing the pattern to be ever changing and totally interdependent.

I don’t think there is a predetermined script for my life. I do think that my life is shaped by the karmic seeds that I leave behind, though. I would call that neither fate nor destiny but rather karmic conditioning. Maybe you could say that we are constantly creating our own destiny that way.

We can break the pattern of that conditioning by seeking to abide in empty awareness, free from grasping and aversion…



I teach a type of butterfly effect to where a student in the program has to define every event as a way to trace back to the student. I don’t have any actual students other than people who follow my lessons on twitter but the idea is to make a stream of deliberate apologies to anything that happens in the world and make you he cause… eventually your actions start to surface as a cause of an event and you know the whole lineage of the end product… over time your rendered with guilt as to who to keep living. In this Ive discovered a new type of previously un known crime. the kind where a gang of people like us can biff tannin a person off the edge of the earth. just by knowing all his time lines.