My name is Steve and I live in Yorkshire in the UK. I’ve been studying on and off for 20 years, if I’m being honest more off than on but I’ve turned a corner and study every day now. I’ve just completed Andrew’s course on the Embodied Philosophy website on the Bardo teachings. There is quite a time difference so I’m often watching recordings of a live event but it has it advantages.
I hope to engage with you lots 
Thanks Steve
Hi Steve, welcome to the Night Club website. Andrew has offered several Bardo Courses, many are posted online, and that is certainly one focus of this site. Other areas of interest include lucid dreaming, dream yoga, sleep yoga, Tibetan Buddhism, the nature of reality, sleep, free will, and of course, meditation. If you are interested in live events, there are many in GB and Europe that might be attractive for you. Charlie Morley offers live events worldwide and some in your general area (Scotland, Wales, sometimes in London). Claire Johnson offers a live retreat in Portugal. Looking froward to hearing more about what you are doing. Have you attended any of the NC online weekly webinars? Meditation every Monday night (8PM EST US). This Friday, Andrew will have Q&A session which will be a great opportunity to drop in and ask a question, if you have one. The schedule is here and you’ll have to make a time adjustment from 2PM MT USA/4PM EST USA to England, but it will be worthwhile if you have the time.
Thank you Barry, I will investigate
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Both Charlie Morley and Claire Johnson have dialogues with Andrew that are really worth the listening.
Hi Steve!
Barry has done an amazing job of giving you the run down. I just wanted to take a second and say hello! My name is Alyssa and I am one of the moderators here, please let me know if you have any questions! We’re glad to have you here.
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Thank you Alyssa
, thank you to you and to Barry