Hi from Austria


nice to e-meet all of you!
A few weeks ago I had a spontaneous lucid dream. It lasted only a few seconds but still I got very curious about it. I bought Andrew’s book “Dream Yoga” and I loved it.
That’s what brought me here. I hope to learn more about the topic and to share some good times with the people here.



Here’s a spontaneous welcome! :smiley: Great to e-see you here. There are some upcoming webinars where we gather to listen to Andrew and share stories and links to resources. Saturday evenings in the USA is a movie night, which will be around 2AM your time, perhaps when you wake up in the middle of the night tonight for a drink of water you can drop in for a scare (The Nightmare Before Christmas).

Or Tuesdays, there is Book Club for Andrew’s latest book, Dreams of Light. It’s 9PM EST so still really early for you.

However, on Thursdays, there is a virtual hangout webinar where folks gather in a community around our common concerns about current events and ask questions and share resources too. That is 3PM ET, which is 9PM, I believe in Austria. Perhaps you will join us then.

All of the meetings are recorded so you can join them in the future to revisit the past in your present.


Thank you very much for the warm welcome @_Barry :slight_smile:
I’m still a little lost here, but I’ll try to work myself through the app and the chat and join you sometime at some online event :relaxed:


The easiest way I’ve found not to get overwhelmed (stay lucid?) is to start out at the Community page first, linked at the top right hand portion of the NichtClub Dashboard home page, to the right of the Webinars link.


Hallo Maria, ich bin Karin aus Essen. Ich bin auf der Suche nach deutschsprachigen Night Club Mitgliedern die Interesse haben an einem Traumzirkel, das heißt ein regelmäßiger Austausch über unsere Träume. Hättest du Lust, dabei zu sein? LG Karin