Hi from Montreal

Hey @Kalios , welcome to the Club!

Lots of great resources and great people on here.

I was in the same boat as you when I joined 1.5 years ago, had gone to the library for 3 years and gotten books, watched youtube channels, and was not having success. Finally stumbed across one of Andrews youtube videos, and it lead me here. Withing about 90 days of joining Night Club and being laser focused and consuming as much of the material as possible, I had my first Lucid Dream in years! In the first year of being a member totaled about 12, which ma seem small, but was huge for me, because I was getting discouraged after the 3 years of not being able to do it on my own. If you are tenacious and persistent, and work hard with the right techniques, you will for sure start to have Lucid dreams. I am very greatful for Andrews brilliant works, and all the members here that helped me.

Have you started doing a dream journal?

What is your meditation practice like?

This is a passion of mine as well, great minds think a like :slightly_smiling_face:

Check out Andrews most recent Q&A video, around the 15min mark to the 21min mark:

He says its totally possible to communcate with plants and nature. Have not heard about using dreams to do this, but I think that is a brilliant idea! @BlessingsDeers may have had experience doing this in her dreams (shes amazing!), if not, she is very skilled and talented and might be able to test this method out for you. @mbready this might be a great homework assignment for you and @_Barry as well (they are rockstars too!).

It makes total sense to me that the Shamans and Indiginoius tribes around the world would use dreamwork to find animal herds for hunting, as well as areas with lots of plants and trees producing food, as well as natural springs with clean drinking water.

It would not shock me if the prophecy was given to them via dreams:


“The legend says that the Aztecs left their home to look for a place to start a new life. Their god had told them to find a lake where an eagle with a snake in its beak would stand on a nopal cactus growing from a rock. That would be the place to
build their new city.
After much travelling, the Aztecs eventually reached the Valley of Mexico. In the centre of the valley was a large, salty lake. On a small island in the lake, they saw the eagle stood on the nopal cactus, holding a live snake in its beak.
The Aztecs were sure that this was the sign they had been seeking, and in about 1325, they established their capital city on the island, calling it “Tenochtitlan”, which means place where a cactus grows from a stone.”"

The story of the Pharoh and Joeseph in the bible is kind of similar to your question, here God gave a warning to stock up on food during the 7 good years, becuase 7 bad years of famine would follow. God & or Mother Nature gave a really nice heads up, and that prophecy saved many lives.