Hi I'm Robert from Ireland

I’m actually British but living in Ireland for 20 years. I run a daytime mental health wellness and recovery programme and I’m a practicing Yang style Tai Chi Chuan instructor. I have been practicing lucid dreaming pretty intensely for just over a year and recently decided to explore Dream Yoga as my primary focus after reading Andrews books. I’ve enjoyed my visits to the Virtual Hangout and I think I’m ready for more. I’m not a practicing Buddhist, but meditation is becoming an ever strengthening feature to my day. Practicing and expressing Tai Chi Chuan’s internal energy aspects has become quite profound for me since I’ve been flying about at night in my dream body, although practicing Tai Chi in the dream lucidly is much more challenging.


Great to see you here Robwat. A lot of us are interested in using our dreams to practice “conscious skills.” Charlie Morley talks about rehearsing kickboxing techniques in his dreams and Andrew Holececk credits nocturnal sessions for improving his piano playing abilities. What has been your experience with Tai Chi?

I’ve done Tai Chi and QiGong for a couple of years but have never approached being able to do them in dreams. I am not practiced enough to even have that intention.


Hey @Robwat welcome to The Club :wave: Nice you made it to some of the #virtual-hangouts. Look forward to seeing you at some future events :slight_smile:


welcome Robwat, you share a rich history and should find much to feed you here at NC. Andrew

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Hi Barry, I have found that when I’m doing Tai Chi Chuan in non-lucid dreams, on those few occasions, I feel much more in control. I have achieved martial applications way above my expectations where projection of my energy on to my partner or opponent was immensely powerful. The experience has always taken me to a much deeper place in my waking practice. Then there are times when I’m fairly useless and the Tai Chi is very physical and uncoordinated. In lucid dreams I find Tai Chi (and most things) a challenge to get settled and not feel rushed. It’s like being a beginner again and hard to feel in control of my dream body and internal energy. I have also tried to do form practice, but I’m over absorbed by trying to remember sequences I have done thousands of times awake. Also Rooting is tricky as I keep sinking in to the ground. I had some success with posture testing the Wu Chi posture from my Zhuan Zhuang (standing post) Chi Kung practice. This one dream I really went after it many times and a Chinese man approached me and helped test my posture from pushing my chest, corrected my technique and I was able to bounce him across the room with my intention. On another occasion the dream threw me about the room in the Wu Chi posture and I had to fly out of the window. I’m 13 years doing Tai Chi and 1 year lucid dreaming so I’m going to have to work harder on my dream stability and Tai Chi lucid dreaming is something I will come back to. I would suggest, just pick an easy short QiGong sequence to repeat and try to feel in to it. That’s what I plan to do when I go back to this again.