šŸ†šļø Horizontal vs vertical enlightenment


Anytime, was it any luck?


Oh, I wanted to write since daysā€¦
So, yes, I had a session with Bodi and it was indeed very helpful. I was able to vent my frustration - six months practicing and no result - and hearing that it is not so uncommon to have to practice for an extended period of time before having a lucid dream was a relief (to say the least).
According to Bodi it has also to do with age: he had lucid dreams when he was younger (like me) but when he started again (heā€™s now also over 60) it was just much more practice involved.
I also learned that it was a breakthrough for him to state ā€œThis is a dreamā€ instead of asking ā€œAm I dreaming?ā€ as a day practice. I am doing this now as well and also got a bell sound on my phone that reminds me every 15 minutes to ā€˜wake upā€™ from whatever I am identified with and focus on the dream state of this reality. At the moment I feel a bit flat with all of this, asking myself if there was a way to go deeper even when ā€˜presentā€™ and not lost in thoughts or daydreaming or fully identified in a conversation or whateverā€¦ Any ideasā€¦? I do all other practices and ā€˜testsā€™ as well, including reading and youtube clips, but my former excitement is not there anymore. What to do.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Didnā€™t have a lucid dream till I was 71.


find a new author and read their books, letting it rekindle your interest.


Try galantamine. It took me about six months of practicing and trying all the steps before I tried Gal and the first time and I did I have a lucid dream. Gotta be careful with the time you take it because it could keep you awake unless youā€™ve had some sleep already and know for sure you can get back to sleep. At least, thatā€™s my experience. If youā€™re not interested in LD/DY right now, maybe move onto something else for a while and wait for it to return (or not).


Thank you all for your responses. I will sit with it, review all steps I have taken so far and start afresh. Even though I donā€™t participate regularly, I find this group wonderful.
Very thankful :slight_smile:


beautiful Michele, first of all, thank you for sharing yourself in your whole :heart_eyes:
I feel that perhaps what could help you, would be to let go of the strong focus in dreaming lucid and do these chores as something FUN.
I would not take Galantamineā€¦ itā€™s like a shortcut and it feels to me that itā€™s like being in a rush - which, for me, itā€™s not so aligned with Dream yoga and LD.
Keep the motivation, keep sharing with us and please HAVE FUN with it.
For me, FUN is one of the things the ā€œgatekeepersā€ check when deciding to open the gate for you or not.

yesā€¦ this felt like a really good idea. I would even explore other areas of dreaming. Intuitively it came this one:

if you scroll down just a bit, you will find a video that might inspire youā€¦

This is just an example of SO MANY beautiful things we can do with our dreams.
In the video thereā€™s one part that I loved - it was something like this: ā€œthe more your emotions flow, the more the dreams openā€.

I received this (Body Poem) last Saturday from a friend who wanted to offer it to me for such a LONG timeā€¦ I had always said ā€œnoā€ā€¦ either because of the context, timing, feeling that he wanted it too much, and so onā€¦ but it finally happened, and it is an AMAZING dream work. Recently I had a dream with @NightHawk999 that somehow things didnā€™t make any sense for me - I chose that dream, and was deeply happy to find other layers and see beyond the obviousā€¦ this because it happens SO MANY times that dreams are encrypted - this is an excellent tool for getting to the core of the information.Itā€™s indeed Alchemy.


Appreciate you being a part of this group. :slightly_smiling_face:


Going to reply to this more when I have more time, but wanted to let you know the image I sent you was one of me with an animal.

Will write you tonight or tomorrow



wonderful! :brown_heart:


Ken Wilber in an Insightful Discussion on Integrating Spirituality, Science, and Human Development

@Michele1 this video is very helpful and insightful