🧑‍🎓 How to Increase Your "Neuroplasticity," in 7 Key Steps

Thought was an interesting read and self-check.

This was also a “fun” test as an older senior:


" As one Boston University neurobiologist commented on the analyses: “[This] shows you can produce profound changes in the brain with training. That’s a big deal.”"

Its a very big deal!

" Challenge Your Opinions

Let’s take a moment here to acknowledge: none of this is supposed to be easy. The human response system is a booby-trapped forest of cognitive biases. Our brains work overtime to convince us that we are right, that our opinions have more value because they were framed by our own experiences. This natural disposition reaches a fever pitch online, where stubbornness and “hot takes” are rewarded with likes and follows, and people prefer to present themselves as confident and incontrovertible.

But in the long run, our brains benefit best from a healthy heat check. Consider the intellectual virtue of epistemic humility, which states one can never know something for sure. Knowledge is imperfect, temporary, ever-under review. At some point down the line, it might be challenged.

This mental framework encourages flexibility, contrition and open-mindedness…which puts you in pole position for a more neuroplastic future. There’s nothing cognitively challenging about trotting out the same anecdote for years on end. But conceding that that anecdote might not be the full story? And listening to what others have to say on the topic? And bookmarking the whole discussion for later? That’s powerful stuff. That’s where change happens in the brain."

The smartest people I know do this. This I one reason why I respect Andrew so much he is always questioning things and people, including himself!


You are not kidding, it’s a great encouragement to practice!