Intuition, Pineal Gland & Colors in Buddhism, chacras and eyes

this has connected me with this video I shared on this other thread…

about the stars… from which perspective?
there ARE SO MANY! never had thought about this…
or would you write about all those perspectives?


How To Make Intuitive Decisions Under Pressure


mighty precious distinctions in here :heart_eyes:


Voice Of Intuition (Sounds of Sirius, by Buddha Code)


Queer | Official Trailer 2 HD | A24

recommended by a very :deer: American friend…

“I want to talk to you, without speaking”

I would say both main characters have Venus in the 8th house… :boom:


One of the most powerful and oldest forms of communication

“Danniel Criag burns a hole in the screen”
Kind of punny…???


@fenwizard they launched this excellent LIVE I mentioned some days ago to the public.

More than any word spoken here, the energy and flow are present and words become a Divine vehicle of Clarity and Love:

Is Idealism Enough? A dialogue between Bernardo Kastrup and Rupert Sheldrake

“Mind’s first directive is to deceive itself”

“How can we help science to move forward?”

1:18:00 Rupert on

Telepathy Research

Excellent question to Rupert

Bernardo’s psychedelic (experience) self research.

Excellent explanation from Professor Rupert about how we believe in 3d phenomena that is collapsed into two or one dimension. Brilliant☀️


@_Barry look what I found:


Don’t discount training, which can make a huge difference in what we call intuition. I remember reading a study about training Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) which first conducted audience analysis of excellent Controllers and found that the good ones were able to anticipate flight patterns developing for 5 minutes in advance, while the exceptional Controllers were able to anticipate flight patterns and changes for up to 8 minutes in advance! Hence, new training aimed for a higher flight anticipation training rate. Unfortunately, this advancement in training is not always evident these days.



" The Pentagon’s focus is to maximize the power of the sixth sense for operational use. “If we can characterize this intuitive decision-making process and model it, then the hope is to accelerate the acquisition of these skills,” says Lieutenant Commander Brent Olde of ONR’s Warfighter Performance Department for Human and Bioengineered Systems. “[Are] there ways to improve premonition through training?” he asks."

" According to the Pentagon, the program was born of field reports from the war theater, including a 2006 incident in Iraq, when Staff Sergeant Martin Richburg, using intuition, prevented carnage in an IED, or improvised explosive device, incident. Commander Joseph Cohn, a program manager at the naval office, told the New York Times, “These reports from the field often detailed a ‘sixth sense’ or ‘Spidey sense’ that alerted them to an impending attack or I.E.D., or that allowed them to respond to a novel situation without consciously analyzing the situation.”"

Awesome article!
Thank you for sharing this



Is This Thought Intuition or Ego? | Eckhart Tolle

Apple CEO Tim Cook on Intuition

"Go West, young man "


How To Develop Your Intuition | Bob Proctor


Quantum Information Panpsychism Explained | Federico Faggin PhD.


Physicist Experiments With Blind People That Can See | Extra-Ocular Vision | Dr. Alex Gomez Marin


Loved this video, thank you my Heart

The Matrix Revolutions


I’m gonna play with this one, with a full loving heart, and with a deep message that I find it to be true… this all happens also because in our youth we are not allowed to touch each other deeply affectionately, especially in family (Parents and children, brother and sister, brother and brother, sister and sister)… then we have to fight to get in touch and feel the wonders of this “disgusting flesh” in touch with other human beings’ flesh… hihihi… :wink:


Materialism, Panpsychism and Idealism ALL Have a Problem | Bernardo Kastrup PhD

this is a very short video and mysteriously, full of magic. I felt a strong shift inside me in the end of it.

“you are talking with you across a different time line”



Your Body Can Sense When The Weather Is Going To Change

" f you’re genuinely connected with your intuition, you’re very familiar with those funny little vibes it sends you on a regular basis. They might take the form of a heart flutter, a stomach churn or a sudden need to shift your focus, but they’re hard to miss. And while we often chock their powers up to coincidental timing, there’s more to it than that. The human body can actually sense when change is afoot, like when a thunderstorm is about to blow through.

Thanks to something in the science world known as pre-cognition, we have the ability to anticipate near-future events without realizing we’re doing it and without any evidence to suggest the sudden shift is coming. A 2012 review of several studies explored how this clairvoyant-like behavior works and found that it’s surprisingly common. A fair number of people “just know” when something is about to happen. Another study even found that the heart rate quickens just moments before these events occur without any mental recognition on the participant’s part.

If our bodies can predict changes ahead of time without sensory cues, it makes total sense that we can tell something is about to happen when those cues are present. Take the weather, for example. We see a dark cloud, we smell the metallic humidity in the air, and we instinctually deduce, “Oh, it’s going to rain soon.” Current understandings of biology can’t fully explain why this anticipatory effect occurs — it just knows that it does.

And honestly, for now, that’s good enough for us. We’ll continue leaning into “déjà vu” exclamations and being proud that our intuitive connection with the world surrounding us is on point. Because to be able to connect the present to the future at all is pretty damn cool."