I did this mediation three times in three different days.
1st day – I was mesmerized by an illusion…. I was on a path with some trees and
2nd day – I had the feeling that I was walking in a path of stars… delightful
3rd day (yesterday) – spontaneously went walking with Solimar on a leash. Usually this happens only in Summer cause there are so many people around, but intuitively I decided to take him on a leash – some minutes I realized why – there were fire works which scare him… he feels much safer on a leash on those moments. A few minutes after, I decided to go to the beach, and because Solimar was on a leash, leading the path, I went almost all the way doing this meditation……!
The feeling was that walking in this way – looking at the stars, is more natural than the normal walk…
I decided then to hold my breath a few times and… I literally felt the stars coming inside me (and no, I wasn’t tripping). I enjoyed it so much that on the way back from the beach I did it again. I saw then a shooting star…. Inspired by this image:
My wish was to laugh three times more in 2025 than in my entire life!!! I don’t know how that would be possible…. But I trust my spontaneous wish! (laughing right now)