คเ Merging song lyrics to make poems with AI

Really terrific. Thanks for doing this. I loved the flow of the poetry and how it came together and the added dance video was perfect! :pray: :pray: :pray:


Glad you like it! Was scanning through old posts and wanted to share this photo.

It was one of the things I gave my mother for mother’s day. I told her I captured the stars for her (my wife and I were outside relaxing in front of our fire pit when I took this picture of the big dipper). Then from tonight we captured this one of a shooting star… Maybe for you :smiling_face:


Great quote, very insightful.

A great lesson in Opportunity cost(s).


Really well done. its amazing how many literary gems and wise words are hiding in our music libraries.

Have not listened to all yet, but this one is my favorite of the ones I have listened too.

Need to check out some of the reference songs too, glad you included the KP ET song with Kanye, definitely a favorite, And I think their remix is better than the orginal.


Awesome you were able to get that pic. Never seen someone get a snapshot of shooting star before without using time lapse, very impressive!

Do you yall know how to use Ursa Major to find the north star?

Its amazing how captivating a bonfire and the stars can be. That was our ancestors ‘TV’

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Worth noting it is coming to Android soon too.

This is the free version you could only access through their website before (chatGPT 3.5 - I think their cut off of data is 2021?) . They also offer a paid version, $20 a month for the latest (chatGPT 4) which can fully access the web (this feature may or may not be invite only at the moment I forget).

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Been working on this one in my spare time for awhile but I have been pretty busy the past couple weeks. Used one of my favorite songs of all time in this one :slightly_smiling_face: (Circle of Life) and the others listed. Hope you enjoy!

Songs used:

Update on this one, I decided to run it through zero gpt which detects AI written content.

Here is the screenshot:

Poem text:

Amid the silence of the desert’s embrace,
A billion stars illuminate the boundless space,
Enveloped by the heavens, we share this peaceful place,
Visions of love and a warm embrace.

A partner, a confidant, together we grow,
In a mystical bond that only we know,
Bound by the celestial rhythm and rhyme,
We walk upon the Earth, traveling through time.

On this path infront that unwinds before,
The circle of life opens infinite doors,
Through moments of doubt and whispers of grace,
Our love transcended, keeping steady pace,

Secrets revealed in the universal flow,
The truth of existence, a soft guiding glow,
Cosmic, celestial pulses combine,
Uniting us all in spacetime’s design.

Infinite is our love, across galaxies vast,
Dimensional realms we explore, as the present and future merge with the past.
An alternate realm, unveiling mysteries untold,
We reach for the stars, our story unfolds.

Defy our passion, attempt if you dare,
Love’s unwavering devotion, none can compare,
Banished, you’ll find, all doubts in the void,
Our love soars on through galaxies unexplored.

Zero GPT:

Cool part is I wasn’t trying to bypass detection at all.

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Love this line, great work

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Over the past one to two weeks I’ve been doing dark shadow work. Found ‘Dreaming Through the Darkness’ recently while exploring my shadow and incorporated the Q&A into the work which I attached at the bottom. There has been some dream work involved in this process too. Planning on doing my golden shadow next. Hope you enjoy.

For this one I used one song which encompasses my shadow well. Hope you can experience my darkness through the music video attached :black_heart::smiling_imp::black_heart:.

Lyrics used:

Dreaming Through Darkness Q&A

What am I most afraid of?

the fear of miscommunication and limited self-expression, concerns about losing bodily function and capabilities to take care of myself, existential fears regarding definitive answers to mortality and the unknown, anxieties surrounding pain and emotional distress, apprehensions about living an unfulfilling and monotonous life, specific phobias involving various animals, the fear of vulnerability and emotional openness, as well as the apprehension of facing deep-rooted fears.

What lies about myself do I tell others?

I tend to project confidence and control, denying any insecurities or feelings of jealousy and comparison. Also I avoid admitting when I feel lost, confused, or struggle with self-esteem issues. There’s a tendency to hide my fears of rejection, confrontation, or body image issues. I also internalize when I feel any disconnection from spirituality or a sense of purpose in my individual dream or spiritual work. Also I struggle with forgiveness and letting go of past hurts.

What am I most ashamed of?

There is a sense of shame regarding various aspects of my behavior and personal growth. Highlighted by struggles with empathy, forgiveness, and expressing love and affection openly. I also acknowledge the negative consequences of impulsive decisions, failure to promptly apologize for mistakes, and the detrimental effects of holding onto grudges and resentment. In addition, I expresse remorse for my inability to effectively communicate, support others, feel compassion, handle criticism without defensiveness, and control anger. Overall, these reflections encompass a deep-seated shame surrounding interpersonal interactions, emotional expression, and personal development.

What do I hide from others?

My hidden parts include my deepest fears, insecurities, and the lingering pain from past traumas. I often grapple with doubts and uncertainties that weigh me down, making it difficult to find peace within. Forgiveness is a struggle for me, both when it comes to forgiving others and myself. There are also hidden talents and passions that I haven’t fully pursued. Body image and self-acceptance issues constantly stress me, as does my struggle to trust and open up to others. Also, I carry hidden resentments towards authority figures and societal norms, and I haven’t fully processed the grief from past losses. At times, I find myself jealous towards others’ success, and I struggle to express my true emotions authentically. Often I battle with a lack of motivation, and I long for an understanding and truth with the spiritual connection present in my life. The fear of not understanding definitevly what mortality entails also lingers within me, alongside a subtle resentment towards societal expectations.

What personal habits cause me pain?

The personal habits causing me pain stem from self-sabotage, neglect, and emotional suppression. I often procrastinate on important tasks, engage in negative self-talk, and hold grudges instead of forgiving easily. Bottling up emotions, avoiding vulnerability, and excessive isolation hinder me. Also I have difficulty expressing my true feelings. Moreover, I struggle with self-compassion, neglect self-care, and harbor criticism towards my physical appearance. The inclination to be overly passive, defensive, and self-critical is also present.

What part of my body am I least happy with?

If I can remember, what are the themes of my anxiety dreams or nightmares?
Being in large gatherings, rooms or classrooms with a lot of people and not being able to come up with words to say in conversations but at the same time wanting to be included with what the group is pursuing.

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Doing the dark shadow work was exhausting. As of yesterday I feel I’m back to my normal self but the above is a lot of darkness from my past that had been suppressed for many years (as you can see from the date in the video below - 2011).

I wanted to add this video to showcase the time a lot of the above was present in my life and it also highlights one of the questions Charlie asked about, passions you regret not pursuing / talents.

Original song:

During my shadow work I took to embracing it fully and like I said above the energy involved in that was nearly overwhelming. I can understand why harnessing this energy for positivity is so important.

So far this is what I have learned after analyzing myself a bit while working with AI / Charlie’s book as a guide.

Now that this stuff is in a position for me to analyze and work with that is where I am headed next. This is all new territory for me and I wanted to share some of the stuff I am learning along the way. :v:

Also, this song is a vibe. :innocent:

Wanted to add this from Charlie Morley’s book ‘Dreaming through Darkness’ about the shadow for spiritual growth:

“Shadow work also produces a more mature personality and leads directly to spiritual
growth. Our spiritual development is actually dependent upon the degree to which we have
integrated our shadow. Full shadow integration, both dark and golden, is not simply a pre-
requisite for awakening, it is synonymous with it.
Imagine a steam train pottering through the countryside. As it moves along the tracks
over the flat ground, it can get all the power it needs from just a few shovelfuls of coal.
Now imagine the steam train making its way up a steep mountain track. It will naturally re-
quire loads more coal to power it up the mountain. If we want to make it to the mountain-
top, we need more energy, and that means going into the shadow. It is the only way.
Not everyone agrees with this, though. Some people feel that ‘being spiritual’ is about
smiling all the time and denying our dark shadow for fear of ‘manifesting negativity’. This
tendency to overlook or minimize our unenlightened human condition is called ‘spiritual by-
passing’ and leads to stunted spiritual growth
Without harnessing the power and life-force stored in the shadow, we can only go so far
on the spiritual path, but if we can learn to transmute the energy of the shadow into the
gold of awakening, there are no limits to how far we can go.”


Was working on these for a little tonight. Wanted to add some artwork to the poetry. Not very often though, planning on sticking to just poetry the majority of the time.


Appreciate you sharing this. Need to got get Charlies book now. This stuff looks very powerful.


The Fourth of July is often celebrated as a milestone of independence. However, an alternative perspective sees it as ultimately celebrating the nature of war itself. This viewpoint highlights the need for a beginning in order to reach an ending, reflecting a society detached from its natural state. Commemorating victories in war may inadvertently perpetuate the cycle of conflict and foster desires for conquest, overshadowing the pursuit of forgiveness and the resolution of suffering.

Songs used:

(Side note: I typed the introduction then had ChatGPT make it shorter and as neutral as possible)

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From the excellent Adams Chronicles (PBS): The Reading of the Declaration of Independence.


Sad war had to be waged over this. On the surface, waging a war for unalienable rights seems like the right path. I think it’s good to look further back into the history of the United States and remember that the early Americans first fought for the rights to the land that Native Americans had claimed whom themselves were trying to express their unalienable rights. While the Declaration of Independence embodies principles of freedom and equality, the treatment of Native Americans by Americans has often fallen short of these ideals.



Given. Not excusing anything that happened, but if you put these things in historical context you’ll find similar stories around the globe and throughout history. No need to run through them because they are all equally painful!

For my part, I am reminded of a group of Eskimo college students from my University that took a class trip to England and were caught up in some IRA-type disruption while there. When they came back I spoke with them and they all echoed one student’s remark that he never really felt like an American until he left the country and now how proud he was to be American. Pretty remarkable considering Alaskan Eskimos traditionally trace their loyalties to family, their villages, their people, the State and finally, the country. Just a thought.


Wasn’t entirely sure what IRA was and wanted to add this to your above post (hopefully this is an accurate interpretation):

During their visit, they found themselves caught in a situation similar to the activities of the Irish Republican Army (IRA). Upon returning, this person now felt a deep sense of pride in being American.

Lots of different perspectives on events. :+1:

I agree with you, forgiveness is important with historical events but I had a synchronicity leading up to the holiday that brought me to a new perspective.

Spiritual wars are ugly and through the synchronicity I learned there may still be one taking place. Made my stance clear on the holiday only because of this synchronicity.

This bit from my above poem is aimed to reflect how I’ve redirected my old energy from this holiday to something positive that I feel is more neutral:

Born for this purpose, I carry it in my core,
Scripting a tale of saving Gaia that is worth fighting for.

From distant realms, our voices intertwine,
United by Gaia, strength in our design.

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I’d add, all it’s sentient beings too . . .


Fighting for Gaia should include this, in my opinion, but nature can be brutal, and the looming threat of species extinction is deeply ingrained in Earth’s history. Reflecting on the Younger Dryas period serves as a somber reminder of why this particular time period holds significance based on theories I’ve heard and read about.

One intriguing hypothesis regarding the cause of the Younger Dryas period is the impact theory. It suggests that a comet, accompanied by a large cloud of smaller comets, entered into close orbit with Earth, resulting in an extinction-level event when Earth was bombarded. It took nearly 12,000 years for humanity to reach the state we are in now following that period. Consequently, losing the progress we have made would be utterly devastating.

The reason I bring this up when discussing protection of sentience is due to a show called “Ancient Apocalypse” produced by Graham Hancock which is available on Netflix. The show claims that we are currently living in a time when this comet and its cloud have returned to close Earth orbit.

This notion adds an extra layer of significance to our present era. All the more reason to fight for Gaia and sentience.