Oneironauticum Dream Circles with Night Club Guest Jennifer Dumpert

Jennifer Dumpert – Night Club guest extraordinaire – is hosting free monthly dream circle meetings that I highly recommend for Night Club/School folx looking for extra credit. (The focus of the upcoming Jan. 22 2021 Oneironaticum is lucid dreaming.)

I attended one last month and loved it. It started with a mini lecture by Jennifer, then she did Q&A, then finished off by leading us through a lovely yoga nidra exercise.

Details here

Each month focuses on a different oneirogen, though it is optional whether you try that yourself or not. The upcoming lucid dream-focused event features galantamine as the Oneirogen.

The current schedule is:

  • Dec 23 : Mugwort or other olfactory oneirogens
  • Jan 22 : Galantamine [DIRECT LINK TO EVENT]
  • Feb 26 : Binauraul Beats
  • Mar 26 : Calea Zacatechichi
  • Apr 23 : Guayusa
  • May 28 : Silene Capensis

Great resource. Is there a video of the Dec 23 meeting?


Pretty sure they are not recorded

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Also updated post. Thanks, Sujata.


Reminder: this event is happening tonight! :star_struck:


It’s 10:30 PM EST, 7:30 PST.


Following the Dec. 23rd meeting, I had an epic lucid dream. :star_struck:

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Use mugwort or Yoga Nidra or Galantamine—any or all? Thanks for recommending this dream circle. I found it terrific, though it ended around 12:30 ET. Not supposed to fall asleep? Is that why she was humming softly and shushing at the end? :slightly_smiling_face: Worked for me.


Per Jennifer’s suggestion for this month, I used galantamine in conjunction with WBTB and MILD.

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Any trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep? I find Yoga Nidra gives me about an hour and a half to two hours before awakening. Going back to sleep is usually not easy. Yoga Nidra doesn’t work as well a second time in the same night.

Thanks Sujata. I’ve been doing the nine breaths purification regularly, and bar-lung breathing in addition to nighttime preps that Andrew demonstrated. There seems to be a few of us older folks with similar chronic physical problems that affect our sleep. It makes sleep preparation a daily adventure.

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Plants. I have mugwort in my garden.


Do you make tea with it? Must be potent.


The upcoming Oneironaticum on March 26 features Calea Zacatechichi. Does anyone know a good source for this online?

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I get Calea Zacatechichi, tincture and leaves, on Etsy. Several sources there.

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