PREMONITIONS, PROPHECY, and INTUITION (in dreams and wake life)

this is actually one of the themes in my workshops - also about intuition: people fear it because they associate precognitive dreams or insights with death and meaningful things in their life - things that touch them deeply.
so, one task to do is to demystify it. and of course honoring also the ones connected with a passage to death situation.
i will share some stories of mine, because my students’ sharing is confidential :slight_smile: unless i would ask them. i will feel it in the next days.

one precognitive dream story:
The night before my son had an accident (he drowned at school and died four days later), i had a dream in which my mother and i were in a public place with him (João Mateus), all of a sudden, me and my mother, we were hoping on a electric train (very common in Portugal) we enter and i notice that he was left behind… i make a movement to go out and my mother had no reaction, i go to the driver explaining that my son was left behind and he says “Ah… it takes one month to track him” and i answer “it doesn’t have to take a month, i know where he is” and went out. I found another electric train, trying to reach him but since it wasn’t the station for him to stop they didn’t give me a ride. And the dream ended there.

other precognitive dreams:

  1. I found a friend of mine and after some minutes she said she had dreamt of me: “you were running naked at the beach” - i asked her “what did you feel about my energy?” and she replied “freedom and happiness”. then i asked her “when was the dream?” and she said “Wednesday last week” to which I replied “that was the day when i decided to cut cords with a spiritual lineage that i had been connected to for ten years”. this was very important for me. also as i write these words. remembering this gives me profound confidence.

  2. (this one was AMAZING). I was playing with a child (son of a friend). As we were going up the stairs together, he gently threw into the floor three tarot cards. I looked at the cards and woke up at that time. registered the dream and the cards. The next day i went to see the meaning of the cards and the message was straight to the point and helped me to understand better a recent life situation.

  3. i experienced a spontaneous lucid dream with sound where I was LISTENING (i really listened to her speaking - amazing) to what a friend was saying. i didn’t call her because i was probably busy, so she called me two days after (she didn’t call for months).