šŸ“Œ Recommended Book/Series for Learning Dream Interpretation (updated)

Yes, anytime!
There are also some really good videos in the link shared by @NightHawk999

good question to start off with!..

thank you Beloved @NightHawk999 for ALL! :heart_eyes: :pray:t3: :sun_with_face:


this is a high intuitive commentā€¦ in my lucid dream yesterday with AH I was in his living roomā€¦ :star_and_crescent:


Can you share the full dream?


Death: A Jungian Perspective


Tip #1 If the dream is not significant, dont fuck with it

(Learn to Discriminate between mental static dreams, and ones of great importance)

Tip #2 Dream Journal religiously, and review it often

Tip #3 Some dreams are meant to be taken Literally, not symbolically

Tip #4 Respect these Noturnal Messages

Tip #5 Emotions and Feelings are extremely important;

(During the dream, upon waking, and upon review days later. Pay very close attention to these!!!)

Tip #6 Dont wake up abruptly take your time

Tip #7 Dream Symbols have Individual meanings, and collective meanings. Best to figure out your own personal dream language first.

Tip #8 Dream Symbols often have multiple meanings, be open to and curious about this

Tip #9 Dreams LOVE word play and PUNs

Tip #10 Tone, Emphasis, and inflection are very important, pay close attention to these when you share your dreams, and listen to others.

Tip #11 People, places, and things can all be symbolic for aspects of ourselves and our Pysches, pay close attention to these Beings

Tip #12 INTUITION is a Magical Power we all posses, but often forget to use!!!

(@BlessingsDeers :innocent: :green_heart: :pray: )

Tip #13 AsKING and AsQUEEN Questions to yourself about the dream, and to others about theirs dreams is monumentally important!!!


Tip #14 Look for the EUREKA moment when interpreting, often times this is felt somatically as goosebumps, or ā€œAh Haā€ or ā€œBINGOā€, deep satisfaction, or ā€˜tinglesā€™ :sparkles:

(You know it when you FEEL it)

Beloved @py_by_the_bay , hope these tips help. I am excited to hear the books and resources you have found helpful on your dream interpretation journey.


will do so in a private message :eagle:


IDENTITY CRISIS: When Our Story Falls Apart


LOW ENERGY: Where Can We Source the Drive to Take Action?


From Shamanism to Jung: Understanding ā€˜Loss of Soulā€™


ā€œDreams, the place where the ā€œhere and nowā€ meets eternityā€:


Carl Jungā€™s Word Association Test


A highly effective Dream Symbol interpreting tool


I really like these! Are these your personal guidelines? :slight_smile:


No, I stole them from this book:


Jung derived his ideas about ā€œcomplexesā€ at least in part from the word association test. These are partly unconscious and emotionally charged areas of the psyche, such as a negative or positive mother complex, a negative or positive father complex, etc.
Jung would also have patients give an association to a dream image as a way to interpret the dream. But he wouldnā€™t ā€œfree associateā€ the way Freud did. In Freudian analysis one would associate to the dream symbol, then associate to that association, then associate to that association until you finally arrive at something that Freud thought was the underlying unconscious conflict (usually some conflict from childhood, often of a sexual nature). Jung didnā€™t completely buy this, broke with Freud and came up with his own methods. Jung believed in staying close to the dream image rather than wandering off into the bushes looking for a sexual conflict based on a pre-existing oedipal theory.
By the way, Jung experimented with using a Galvanic Skin Response meter while giving the word association test, this measures changes in electrical resistance in the skin which can change with the amount of perspiration. Unconscious emotional reactions would register on the Galvanic Skin Response meter. This research contributed to the development of the lie detector test.


@_Barry. This is one of the best comparisons of Jungian and Buddhist thought that Iā€™ve seen. Iā€™ve also had the tree image come to me as a picture of how we as separate leaves and branches are all connected to One universal consciousness at a deep level.


Very interesting

I have found Jungs Association techinque to be like the inkblot test for dream symbols

Sounds like a less fun version of the game 6 Degrees of Kevin Baconā€¦


Iā€™m not familiar with that game but letā€™s see. . . I associate Kevin Bacon with bacon and bacon with pigs. . . pigs are dirty. . . sex is dirty! Bingo! :joy: