šŸ“Œ Recommended Book/Series for Learning Dream Interpretation (updated)

This is a ā€œpopularā€ meme explained here.


This reminds me of the game of figuring out how many degrees of separation there are between yourself and someone else in the world. For instance I figured out that I have 4 degrees of separation between myself and Donald Trump. I have a friend who used to teach Art Therapy workshops in Russia and one of her students was Putinā€™s ex-wife. That makes 3 degrees of separation between me and Putin. Putin has met Trump, so there are 4 degrees of separation between myself and Trump. And Trump has met all of the other former U.S. Presidents and many world leaders, so there are 5 degrees of separation between myself and all of them. Itā€™s a small world.


:dog: :evergreen_tree:
ā€œtake a couple of weeks off, you look tiredā€ hihihi
@NightHawk999 ā€¦ this video you shared about words association inspired me to create such a thing BUT in an altered state of mind - either on a shamanic journey and/or in a dream! thanks so much for that :deer:


Excellent video Barry aligned with my latest LD where I saw the ocean in B&W + graysā€¦
Thank you so much for sharing!

Shared it with my Lu Jong teacher who shared that Jungā€™s bedside table was ā€œThe Tibetan Book of the Deadā€, by Padmansabhava :deer:

Worth posting it a-gain with some highlights:

Carl Jung & Buddhism On The Unconscious

2:09 - based on my astral projection experiences, I would include the Tinnitusā€¦ hihihi

@NightHawk999 did you notice the word on the key? (minute 2:32) made me think of the Mudra you created :wink:

Think differently about minute 4:21 + when he referrers that a hand cannot see a colorā€¦

minute 11:14 - my experience with Tummo is of bringing consciousness into the Body: a body - mind experience transcending just knowing it in the mind.

12:53 reminded me of the story of the two wolfsā€¦ remember @NightHawk999 ?

ā€œIf consciousness dreams and sinks into the unconscious, could the unconscious also dream and sink into an even deeper unconscious?ā€ :heart_eyes: :sunny:


Awesome synch my Friend

Very interesting

8min mark-10min

I am very curious if he is using the Buddhist definition of Awareness, or the Hindu definition of Consciousness, when he using the term Consciouness.


So many gems in this one!


This part deeply hit home.
Heard the seed metaphor before, but never heard the channel metaphor that turns into a flowing river eventually

14min mark

Unconscious Compensation
ā€œEvery Conscious action, causes an equal and opposite in direction, reaction, in the Unconsciousā€

Very interesting theory

This one is deep.
I wonder if Jung believed in a collective Shadow for groups of people, tribes, nations, ā€¦excetra?

Total Grand Slam my Heart, thank you



The Buddha was/[is] a World Champion at this gameā€¦


Why We Make Others Feel Bad: Understanding Projective Identification


Jung talked about 2 levels of the unconscious - a personal unconscious where our supressed memories, traumas, stuff with Mother and Father are held, etc (the level Freud talked about ) and a collective unconscious where the archetypes based on the collective psyche of the human race are held. There may be more levels beyond that as well.


Add the autonomic nervous system. Perhaps the system that lets you drive in traffic while thinking about dinner. I think there are lots of unconscious venues that are independent of each other. I think, consciously.


Yes! The physical body level is also a level of the mind, including the autonomic nervous system.
Wow a synchronicity just happened as Iā€™m typing this! NPR is playing in the background and someone is talking about the fight/flight/freeze response which is the survival mechanism encoded in the autonomic nervous system. ā€œPTSDā€ is when the autonomic nervous system gets stuck in this fight/flight/freeze response. Check out neurologist Stephen Porgesā€™s polyvagal theory to learn more about this. The vagus nerve system is the heart of the autonomic nervous system. Many also believe that trauma is encoded at the cellular level. This gets into ā€œepigeneticsā€, the idea that trauma can be passed down through family lines. Not genetically but through epigenetic factors that turn genes off or on. See the work of Rachel Yehuda, who showed that trauma is epigenetically passed down to the ancestors of holocaust survivors.

So there are many levels of the mind. In energy psychology we muscle test for trauma at the conscious level, the unconscious level, the body level and the soul level.

And then the deepest beyond all of this which Jung talks about is the level of the Self (with a capital S). This is like the eternal divine Self. Similar to the Atman in the yogic traditions. In Transpersonal psychology they talk about the Transpersonal level. For instance, Stan Grofā€™s work talks about many of these levels.


In southwestern Alaska, in the the 1930s-40s, the Eskimos had an awful cholera epidemic and a few other epidemics that some have argued have traumatized this population to this very day. Perhaps, if we dig deep enough . . . .


The whole Native population of the so-called ā€œNew Worldā€ has been traumatized for generations. When the first explorers arrived in the 1500ā€™s they brought smallpox, TB and other European diseases that they didnā€™t have immunity to. The population was immensely reduced through epidemics. By the time the colonists arrived in the 1600ā€™s they found a continent with a relatively small population! Very easy then for them to take over. More trauma then ensued as they were driven off their land, massacred and given blankets infected with smallpox. So we are talking layers upon layers of trauma! There was much speculation about their high levels of alcoholism being genetically based. Such a gene has never been found. I suspect epigenetic trauma factors but to my knowledge this research has not been done. I know a lot about this first hand as I worked in Native mental health and substance abuse disorder programs in the 80ā€™s. I suspect that other populations with high levels of alcoholism and substance abuse, such as the Irish, may also be trauma based. Actually the whole human race is pretty damn traumatized for generations, but some cultures perhaps more than others. I would argue that the Europeans who arrived were already pretty traumatized and then acted out their trauma on the Native population, not to mention the African slaves that were brought in.


This research is very interesting


Have not heard of him before

Unspeakably ugly trauma, I cant imagine what it was like to live in a major European city back then, may have rivaled some of the lowest levels of Hell

Waring tribes was not uncommon.
If your tribe lost, you better hope the victor was merciful.

There are not many silver linings that came from the horrific atrocities done to the Native populations. 2 that I can think of are:

Famine for the tribes has been nearly eradicated
Their beliefs and languages have been immortalized


Well, there is that . . . . . . ā€¦


Yes Indeed!!!
(This website doesnā€™t let me post a comment unless itā€™s at least 20 characters).


@NightHawk999 Iā€™m sure there was trauma among Native American tribes with inter-tribal warfare, etc. before the arrival of the Europeans. Trauma is the story of the human race. But it was amplified many fold after the arrival of the white man and his diseases and dislocations.

Re: Stan Grof. He was a Czech psychiatrist who was sent LSD to research by the Sandoz corporation in the 1950ā€™s behind the iron curtain. With intensive LSD therapy he observed people processing many layers and levels of trauma including in-utero and birth trauma and collective trauma from ancestors, as well as the archetypal level and unitive level. He was able to immigrate to the States in the 60ā€™s and carry on his LSD research at Spring Grove Hospital in Maryland until the early 70ā€™s when he could no longer get legal approval to do this research. He then became a scholar in residence at the Esalen Institute in California, became a leading figure in the Transpersonal Psychology movement and developed a legal way to enter altered states and process deep somatic trauma (including birth trauma) using breathwork. This work is called ā€œHolotropic Breathworkā€ and there are many workshops available where this is still practiced. Iā€™ve experienced Holotropic Breathwork myself and I got to meet Stan at a Solar Eclipse ceremony in Oregon in 2017 that was sponsored by a film-maker who was making this film about his life:

(This whole film can be viewed on youtube for a fee).


on this level my teacher is Donna Eden - Medicine Energy. LOVE her work and attitude.


Yes! Iā€™ve also studied with Donna Eden and her husband, the energy psychologist David Feinstein! He is probably the leading researcher on using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or tapping. This uses tapping on acupressure points as a way to clear trauma and other problems. Small world.


Agreed. This was perhaps one of the largest genocides in human history, if not the largest.

Could not find it there, but looks like its free on Prime.


Yes, I also studied with himā€¦ they are amazing.