đź“Ś Recommended Book/Series for Learning Dream Interpretation (updated)

I’m taking a workshop with Charlie Morley and he recommended a book based upon a TV series that might be of interest to Jungian—oriented folks. The book is The Way of the Dream: Conversations on Jungian Dream Interpretation With Marie-Louise Von Franz . She was Jung’s student and interpreted his dreams in his later years.

The book is based on a UK TV series which is on youTube and you can see it here:

After the first few minutes she is interviewed after dream vignettes and it gets very insightful.
Note: @2:12 she discusses Joseph’s dreams . . . .


Thanks _Barry, I’ll see if I can make time to watch this. Do you (or anyone) know if the out of print paperback book you linked to is on acid-free paper? (I have a sensitivity to old, decaying paper).



Totally understand. Don’t know but if I can find a pdf version I’ll let you know.


Brilliant! Watched the first hour last night. This video is amazing! Thank you for sharing it @_Barry !

Really liked what she said around the 15min mark, about Blind spots, and how dreams are constantly communicating these to us. And how difficult it is for us to interpret our own dreams because of our egos prejudices.

Also loved what she said around the 1hour13min mark about how we cannot know a human beings destiny. And how you cannot have theories on how a human being or human life should be. Thought that was really brilliant.

Also really liked what she said about Dream dictionarys, and that they can be very misleading. I have always felt this way as well, that dreams are extremely subjective and the symbols can mean completely different things for different people.

Was very eye opening in the beginning of the video, how many people said they dont value, dont find meaning, or dont remember their dreams. I think if you did that same interview today, you would get very similar results. I would be very interested in the statistical break down of the street interviews, and what the data revealed about our culture as a collective.

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Andrew recommended this book for looking at dreams, which I have found useful.
Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams

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I love this interview. At around minute 47, when Marie-Louise is talking about where dreams come from and the center of the Self and she asks, “Is the Self dreaming of you or are you dreaming of the Self?” Both I think, at the same time (we come together inside the space of the hive).


Ordered it after reading the intro, looks very good. Got it for under $10 on Amazon, ships at end of the momth or sooner.

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I agree 100% that both is the case.

But I think the lower level Samsaric dreams are where your unconscious habits are dresming you. And with Dreams of Clarity, its notmjust the ego, something higher is coming into play and influencing the dream. With dreams of light, because ego has dissolved, I think that may be purely something higher at play.


I’ve been taking an excellent online course in Jungian dream interpretation by Martha Crawford (link to her website). I got a couple of books she mentioned in the course materials, that are useful for the Jungian technique of dream amplification: The Book of Symbols: Reflections on Archetypal Images and A Dictionary of Symbols by Cirlot. Learning more about mythology can also be very useful for amplification.

Crawford’s fascinating essay Dancing in the Graveyard details how amplification works, and applies the process to a significant recurring dream of hers (towards the end of the essay synchronicity comes into play in an intriguing way).

Martha has a video dream course online that would be very useful in learning how to do dream interpretation.

There’s a wealth of material on her website (https://www.whatashrinkthinks.com/), with suggested donations; her policy is “I ask people who use my services to think about what a healthy self- and other- respecting donation would be, based on their financial circumstances,” which I think is a very cool approach.



Further to my above post: Martha Crawford has a 49 page PDF for sale that is very helpful as an introduction to dream interpretation: Jung Life: Jungian Fundamentals for Everyday Living ($10).

Table of contents:

This is the central textbook for the course I’m taking. Highly recommended. The course itself has links to a huge amount of optional reading that expands on the topics discussed.



Dream Interpretation Tips!

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