Borrowed this one from a Beloved Dear Friend
Here Ksenia is doing an ayahuasca icaro (medicine song).
“Cura, cura cuerpocito
limpia, limpia spiritito”
“Heal, heal my little body,
wash, wash my little spirit.”
Total Grand Slam my Friend
"She teaches me lessons, and boy does she sing…: "
“2 sides of a mirror”
Amo esto!
Don Jose Campos singing an ayahuasca icaro. He was just released from prison in Mexico for possession of ayahuasca as the court ruled in his favor. See the “Psychedelics and dreams” thread for more info.
The Artwork is fantastic!
Do you know the english translation of the lyrics?
So many more synchs:
Awesome video, thank you
No I don’t speak Quechua (the Native language that most icaros are in) although there are Spanish words mixed in. The title is “Pajaro Volador” (flying bird) so it must have something to do with that. Icaros contain the energies of particular plant and animals and these energies are sung into the patients for various healing purposes. I think of it as a kind of sonic homeopathy. If the shaman thinks that people in the ceremony are in need of particular healing energies they will sing those particular icaros. So if you need some flying bird medicine, this is a good one!
Machi cura
Machi sana
Machi cántame una nana
Machi machi machi - ma
Machi machi machi - ma
Yo no lloro
Yo sólo canto
Con tu encanta
Pacha Mama
Madre Tierra
Medicine Woman is curing
Medicine Woman is healing
Medicine Woman sings me a lullaby
I do not cry
I just sing
with your love
Pacha Mama
Mother Earth
Peia live in Barcelona.
"This song was carried out of the jungle of Peru by a friend about 10 years ago. I have since heard it sung throughout North and South America, around many sacred fires.
I have always been touched by this prayer:
“May the medicine that heals me be medicine for all,
God is all, all is God.”
I have added the lines:
Mother Earth, Sacred Water
All of my life, all of my love.
I sing this prayer with fierce reverence for our sacred Mother Earth and the Spirit of all life. Every creature that ever was, every single drop of water, every fertile fistful of the ground which feeds our bodies, each breath and the fire that lights our days and warms our cold nights. It is all medicine if we can only remember how to live in balance, if we can only restore our relationship with the beauty and power of the elements, the earth and our own inner wisdom."
Sacred Fire, Purest Air
Divine Space, illuminated by Eternal Light
May all beings be liberated from the prison of fear and ego.
Amen Brother!
And may ALL beings everywhere Awaken and find peace and an end to suffering