🌟 Sacred Teachings

Aaaaahhhh… thanks SO much for introducing me to Arnie and Amy :heart_eyes:
LOVE the video. Already shared it with other friends.
It’s an excellent practice to be doing along side with the intuition & LD paths :sunny:
“We are not just particles,
we are also waves (…)
particles can disintegrate but the waves hit the shore,
on another,
and go on.”.

found this other gem from him:

Gold teachings right from the start:

“Work out your family problems first,
the person you’re married to, learn to live with that person better,
and realize your problem is all over the world.
And you’re not solving it, if you don’t solve it at home first.
So do it.
And whatever you learn there, use with the other political people you don’t agree with.
Remember, your opponent is a part of yourself,
you’ve known for a long time and haven’t worked on.
It won’t help to kill them.
They’ll still be there.”

Inspired in all this, I share that this weekend was dedicated to some friends but very specially to my mother :heart_eyes:

And a profound insight came flying to my heart on Saturday…
I was with her on the way to Lisbon and she mentioned again that when she came to Lisbon (from her hometown in the countryside) to work on a Hospital (she was a nurse) and lived in another Hospital (at that time they offered the job, a salary and home at the Hospital).
Instead of following my usual thought of saying to myself (or directly to her) “This same story again?” or as our @Kalabasis would say “a-gain” - so appropriate in this case; I chose to ask questions about that little story to find out many little stories inside that “same” story shared already several times. Apparently it was the same, but it opened a door for wonderful details I had never heard before! The original inspiration had come from a deer friend during the week is in his sixties, who was also repeating some stories… When, connected to my breath and inner wisdom, I asked more questions to find myself marveled at how much deeper we can go when we, as Arnold and Amy could say, go out of the box and notice the details.
@NightHawk999 inspired in all this, I was contemplating on how Art has been teaching and delighting me in watching different layers of a piece through the magic hands of time (connected to that post of the pyramid that only today noticed the details, my Heart - thanks for bringing it to me again). This has been inspiring me to be more and more an observer, a space where other people can bloom and feel heard. Of course sometimes I have the impulse to ask questions, which usually have a quality of bringing the unconscious to the surface, BUT now, as @fenwizard shared the other day, it seams that asking questions about a repeated story is a kind of a play of timelines that allow a deeper connection with our Beloved ones. This has also made me think that simple sentences often feel so lonely… especially if repeated often :sunny:
