“Understanding Impermanence – Reducing Suffering” | Free Online Live Teaching
by Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche
by Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche
Some highlights:
Loved to remember that 4-5 minutes of practice a day is quite enough, and especially important for modern society’s rhythms.
Another important highlight which is particularly important for 2025 is the role of active meditations, strengthening the mind-body connection.
50h30 + 1:15:55 - blind spots of the tradition coming to the Modern World.
Also delighted with the Self-discovery approach from the author - we already have it all, just need to go inside and remember.
1h26:10 - Excellent distinction between State of Cessation Niroda Practice and Dzogchen/Mahamudra, with a super harmonizing end
This recent interview with Ken Wilber covers the basics of his Integral theory, including differences between Growing Up and Waking Up.
Interdependence matters . . . .
Looks interesting. I see an image, but no content.
Click on the link above the image
OK I figured it out, thanks!
A WOW read and practice! Meditation: Dissolution of the Body At Death Joan Halifax Roshi
Wow! That’s intense!
Thank you!
Thank you, I have read it before, but reading the article again at 1:30 am, fortitious
Ken Wilber on ego death, waking up and enlightenment. He touches on psychedelics as well as lucid dream and sleep yoga.
As much as I enjoy for His Holiness the Dalai Lama to be resumed, I sure miss his Presence, the Tea, the logistics announcements and all the magic in the way he delivers the Teachings… hihihi
it’s a bit like being in his living room… in a family environment…
indeed! thank you SO MUCH for sharing
Thank you for sharing @_Barry , and for pointing me- a less that regular attendee to this wonderful online Sangha- @BlessingsDeers! So wonderful. Resonates very much so for me with the Pure Lands Phowa practices.
Makes a good practice. Could also help easing into sleep.
Yes! But almost too much for sleep!
Very intense!