Some Questions with Awareness & Heart 🐬

Here’s a new question :heart:

My answer…
» The stars… in dreams, astrology, by looking at them in the night :star_and_crescent:
» Nature :palm_tree:
» Silence :mute:
» Meditation :person_in_lotus_position:t3:
» Sleep :sleeping:
» Writing :writing_hand:t3:
» Intuition and synchronicities - this lets me know that the goal wants me to get it, firing me up infinitely :magic_wand:
» Lucid Dreams :star2:
» Connecting with some friends :owl:
» Ncc :deer:
» Death, in the sense of remembering that it’s there, so until then, I do my best :skull:
» Accepting change FULLY (which many times means to express the heart, touching the pain, healing old wounds) :infinity:
» Choosing happiness, no matter what, trusting that when I’m happy, the whole Universe conspires with me for something to happen! :anchor:
» Having no rush, allowing the mystery to unfold (based on previous experience) :turtle:
» Dancing :dancer:t3:
» Drawing :paintbrush:
» Painting :art:
» Singing :dolphin:
» Tummo :fire:

and you?


Be careful setting goals!


Music and playing movie scenes in my mind that are motivational

Watching motivational movies, and vids

Why Do We Fall - Motivational Video

Working out

Unbroken - Motivational Video

Dream - Motivational Video

The Eagle Mentality | The Power of Attitude | A great Motivational Video

:eagle: :eagle:
:owl: :owl:


Dont let the Narrow Mindesness of others constrict your own.

-James BON


Alan Watts: Life is Not a Journey, it’s a Dance


Yesterday I had the huge honor of witnessing a rainbow from afar, with an eagle flying over it… it was SO SPECIAL… thought of you!



this one reminded me of this amazing song you shared some weeks ago:





this one reminded me of this Yogi message I got the other day:

in English:
“You are as magnificent as the universe”


What has humbled me greatly?

Spot on @NightHawk999 !

As a young 19 year old seeker in my first therapy group I played the aloof fool and the older wiser one’s could see right through my act, effectively called me out on my inauthenticity and without much compassion! There were my guts and phoney-ness left spilled out on the floor in front me for all to see! Oh I was humbled alright!

What has consistently humbled me otherwise throughout my adult life is God, as I have been born again, again and again, on more days than not-having gone to bed feeling my “crap-hood” from one event or another during my non-sleep hours, only to enter into the Bardo of sombulence and arising the next day feeling graced by love, refreshed renewed reborn whatever you want to call it- the next morning! Certain it ain’t me doing this, I am so mightily humbled by the Lord of Light Love Grace Compassion WIsdom and Power having their hand exclusively in all of it for me! Not only humbled, but so gratefully graced!


Amen Brother, well said!

So blessed to have so much Heart here!


Beloved… this inspires me to share my Lucid Dream tonight because YES, what I feel in my Lucid Dreaming is that gracious electric LOVE pouring endlessly onto me :sunny:
Feel deeply grateful for being conscious in this…

the dream:
I was with my father… after several events, we hugged and I FELT HIS SOUL… and I said “This is all just a dream”… in this, I felt the energy of the stars in his body and all over my body… what a feeling! what a Divine HUG!..
This is the second time that I dream lucid with my father, with a strong sense of his presence. this calms my heart because I truly know that even when one day he will pass away to other realms, we will keep meeting if/when Life wants it. He always has great messages for me, things only his Soul can talk…



and… tonight I dreamt lucid again with my father…!
this time there was information for me to work on.
I hugged him again! this time in his bathroom! became lucid and said: “this is the world of dreams and here anything is possible!” in this, I felt a rocket inside me for some seconds, while my father’s form disintegrated and me saying out loud “anything is possible” several times. Woke up with a LOT of energy… with the strong feeling that I had actually been in his bathroom, astral travelling.
Woke up and shared the dreams (this one and last night’s) with two friends. After that, I had clarity.
Went to him and said it was the second night I had hugged him and if it was ok for us to hug for some minutes in silence.
We did so and… after some silence I said:
“You are the father, and I am the child” (inspired in the dream where he specifically asked me to not treat him as a baby) to which he answered:
“Yes, I am the father and I will do my best to be in my place”.
After some more seconds I added:
“I would like you to know that I will never give up on you, no matter what happens.” (inspired by in the dream he asking me if I had given up on him)
when I looked into his eyes, he was another man…
and I guess I will never be the same again…

I shared the lucid dreams with him and could see his eyes and heart shining. I asked if he had been at the toilet at 5h20, to which he replied that yes, it was possible.

PS: I am practicing Tummo everyday… wondering if that was influencing these bombastic dreams,
and I slept the two last nights with ear sound blocker because felt the need to rest more.
@NightHawk999 tonight, after my first 3 sleep cycles said to myself several times, while doing the Kubera Mudra, and feeling my (Tummo) Inner Fire (Light):
“Why am I such a radiant bright light, opened to living my full potential?”