Some Questions with Awareness & Heart šŸ¬

The Ask Game came to my life in 2021. It was so much fun playing with friends that I would give them my deck! :deer: This one I bought with the commitment to keep itā€¦ I also LOVE playing with family - itā€™s genius for the Christmas season :heart_eyes:

Felt that sharing some questions here would be great for several reasons - at a distance we influence each other less, and also because itā€™s fun to see other peopleā€™s answers written, and perhaps find inspiration in discovering more of each otherā€™s inner treasuresā€¦

I will chose them randomly with a heart intention for usā€¦ Here is the first.

My answer:

I brought Possibility Management to Portugal in 2015. The calling came from a dream, where Clinton and Marion (the ā€œdinosaurā€ founders) were in Portugal for delivering their stunning emotional work. I called them and asked ā€œYou are coming to Portugal and didnā€™t say anything?ā€ Hihihi then I explained my dream, invited them to come andā€¦ they accepted! I was inspired straight from the heart andā€¦ against all odds, it happened! The price for this training was way above the Portuguese standards, emotional work was pioneer work here at that time, and it was indeed a huge achievement. We started with ā€œExpand the Boxā€ and when we indeed had the confirmation that the 1st possibility lab would happen in Portugal, my ego started to inflateā€¦ more and more each dayā€¦ my attitude started to be noticedā€¦ silently by the trainersā€¦ I had participated before in these labs, and since 2011 had been doing regular week emotional work. Thought I wasā€¦ THERE, but just copying what had touched me. My inner warrioress fought against me, (unconsciously) making me forget who I amā€¦
When the training happened I had the most humiliating experience of my lifeā€¦ to find where I really was, not where I thought I was. It happened on the last dayā€¦ I was invited to facilitate the morning activity to realize that 1. We do not do anything alone; 2. People around me are, at least, as amazing as I am; 3. What you give is what you get - I had been delivering sharp emotional clarity all the previous days, not realizing that the most important ingredient had been left outā€¦ (crazy little thing called love), so I received back all that, and a part of me died forever on that day. Which was GREAT! I became much more loving, grateful and yes, deeply humble with a much wider ability to recognize the beauty around me, while anyways scanning people. I have started to transform what I see, instead of ā€œspiting outā€ other peopleā€™s faults and what they needed to change in their lives. Thank Goddess this all happened in a very caring sacred space!.. Decided on that same year to pass the organization to a deer friend, and PM is still thriving in Portugal :tada:

Dedicate the following music to this great lesson in my life:

looking very much forward to reading your answers @NightHawk999 @Kalabasis @Barry @fenwizard @Dream_Hacker @Michele1 @mbready and anyone who feels the calling to doing so.



Not sure if He qualifies, bc I believe He is beyond concept.

When delusional paradigms of life shattered, and were replaced with conceptualizations that better fit reality


Whatā€™s humbled me deeply? Obstacles to practice. The lesson that Iā€™m not in control, that exerting force just loses everything youā€™re trying to achieve.

If you gently cup your hands (in a gesture of supplication/prayer, I realized!), you can hold water. But if you clench your fist, the water all falls out.


AMEN Brother!

So much Wisdom in these words



yes, I think he qualifies.

beautifully written! thank you for sharing.

excellent metaphor! thank you for sharing.


Today I received this precious gift from a deer friend who does family constellations for years and is a rock star in Portugal in this areaā€¦ sheā€™s also a writer :heart_eyes:

Seven questions to ask your mother before itā€™s too late, is the name of the message she shared.
I will do so, and also ask my fatherā€¦
I think they are great for the Christmas Season, and can also be shared by anyone who is a parent to their younger children:

  1. What is your happiest memory of us?
  2. How was the first year of motherhood?
  3. Is there anything about our family history that you had to keep secret?
  4. What is the most loving thing I have ever done for you?
  5. Whatā€™s the most important thing you wish or want for me?
  6. What are the best and worst parts of getting older?
  7. What do you want me to always remember after you leave?



My Dad died in 1969, Mom in 1980. Iā€™ll send it to my daughter and see if she responds.


Beautiful questions!

Better to ask in person, or written, or over phone?
Better to ask 1 Q per week, or all at once in one sitting?


Belpved @_Barry,
Have you heard of the Bon Postal Service??? :wink: :innocent: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pray:
Write the first question out, before bed meditate with it along with a pic of your Mother, imagining asking your her with full heart,
then 5-10min right before bed,
visualize asking her the Q over and over again, make it the last Q on your mind before sleep,
Then let the chips fall where they may




thanks for sharing Beloved Barry :pray:t3:


I think it would also be great if you would answer the questions and send them to herā€¦ :dolphin:



yes, your as wellā€¦
I would say itā€™s better to ask in person.
but in written must also be SO beautifulā€¦ over phone also so great! sometimes distance brings out spacial flavors you do not get in presence, or written.

about the timing I would feel. if it flows, perhaps you can ask them all. if one of the questions fills the whole room/space with Love, I would let it be and enjoyā€¦
the most important in these questions is toā€¦ CONNECT :heart_eyes:


this isā€¦ GENIUS!.. Great Bon Postal Service :star2: hihihi


Amen Beloved Sister!
This is Grand Slam Advice for Beloved @_Barry
I would not hesitate to hand write the answers in a letter to your daughter, and give that to her as an additional Christmas present. (Chose paper and ink that will last a lifetime, she may Cherish and hold onto it, for that longā€¦

Brilliant! How could I forget the GREAT!?!?!:
GBPS :star2: :star2:


this is SO beautifulā€¦

Yesterday I asked the questions in Presence to my mother and the moment was very loving, precious and needed. Iā€™ve been less available to her and our quality time yesterday was UAUā€¦ Her answers surprised me, especially the most loving thing I have ever done for herā€¦ she could not chose only one and they are all simple thingsā€¦ such as washing the dishes for her sometimes, taking her to places when needed, and smiling.

Her answer about what she wants for me was also a highlight!!.. she wants the best good things of life for me, in the way that God finds best for me, because she doesnā€™t know what it is! She admits that what she sometimes thought to be the best for me, turned out not to be so! She prays everyday and this is included in her prayers :heart: What an amazing mom I haveā€¦ :heart_eyes:

Her answer about the worse and great parts of getting older inspired me for my bookā€¦ such an important topicā€¦ so great to give it space and momentumā€¦ talking about these things is huge transformation for humanity. It brings the most important topics of our existence.

Some of her answers were recordedā€¦ her last one was supremeā€¦ when I asked the question, she laughed, she was surprised by her own laughter, and then said: ā€œThis laughter that I did not expect is what I want you to remember of me.ā€


itā€™s so great to share these things with youā€¦
thank you this space :heart_eyes:




Thank you for sharing this helpful life question and your personal answer,@BlessingsDeers!

I suppose any potently humbling experience brings about a psychic death or release of a part of the ego-self structure, allowing space for the shinier and more open and elevated view to be newly integrated. Yay, Universe, for making this so!

I would have shared a very similar story to yours
@BlessingsDeers prior to January 28 of this year, the day my 36 year young sonā€™s 3D Life ended. Mattā€™s departure has been the most humbling of experiences as it has been the greatest of spiritual catalysts in this lifetime for me. I truly would not be here if it werenā€™t for his transition. Not to necessity deify him ( tho many teachings assert we are all deities)
in my journey this biblical passage attributed to Jesus accurately applies to Matthew and me. For the Comforter has come in so many remarkable and varied and constant and indescribable ways since! All glory be to God in the highest!

"It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you."John 16:7, KJV


Love this!

AMEN^( :infinity:). I want this as well for you, and say a sentiment thing in my prayers for you


So true! And it makes the most of what precious time we have left with the ones we Love. God only knows when this time will be cut short.

OMFL YES! :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :pray:

Thank you for your Love, Light and Space



This is the Golden silver lining of lives worst tragedies. When these parts of our sleves die, it allows space for Light to pour in :green_heart:

AMEN^( :infinity:)

"Gloria in excelsis Deo"

ā€œ7 Sed ego veritatem dico vobis: expedit vobis ut ego vadam: si enim non abiero, Paraclitus non veniet ad vos; si autem abiero, mittam eum ad vos.ā€

Thank you for this



having had a similar experience to yours, I would say that being a mother was also deeply humblingā€¦ and the greatest spiritual catalyst for making it possible for all the magic that happened when my son died.

how Blessed we areā€¦ :infinity: :pray:t3: my prayers for you, from the depths of my heart, are that God takes really good care of you, and that you are deeply and truly LOVED :heart_eyes:
I donā€™t know if itā€™s because of our strong connection or from strong feelings for you, I can see, in awe and infinite gratitude, that all my prayers for you, indeed reach you andā€¦ they come back to me!.. what a huge Blessing!.. and MAGIC!..


Today, I bring a new question:

My answer:

Mystic Wise Inspiration;

Loving Good Memory Bringing Hope;

Light Presence.



I Listen with Heart

I care about helping people with their problems

Loyalty & loyaty to the Light
