I’m so glad you posted this @Steve_Gleason ! I learned of DH a couple of years ago and watched some interviews of his on YouTube.
I definitely had inspiration while listening to this latest talk as it confirmed thoughts I literally had this past weekend.
Ever since I watched this clip of aliens a couple of weeks ago, I couldn’t shake the feeling that these beings are upgrading the hardware. Sort of what Hoffman was talking about, how the coders make the tweaks in the background and in doing so, to test it out, they must play the game and thus interact with the interface, hence we get alien sightings.
I also noticed subtle feelings of frustration/anger at the thought of these beings doing whatever they’re doing and then disappearing when they’re spotted. I get this protective instinct as I think it’s super shady behavior.
Part of me wants to interact to find out what they’re doing here and another part of me understands this can never be so as their very nature is so beyond my comprehension.
Anyone else have any thoughts as to the nature of these beings as being code manipulators versus just random aliens from another planet? I honestly believe they’re (part of) the wizard behind the screen in the Wizard of Oz.
Years ago I read Far Journey’s by Robert Munroe and he intimated that the human race is the design product of a more advanced alien species which uses our planet as a garden to harvest “Loosh”, where the human species is regarded as the prime and most productive farm animal. All our sufferings and joys produce emotional energy which is syphoned off by the aliens as a product and taken away to “somewhere” for their selfish use.
Years later when I watched a movie called Jupiter Ascending (the Wachowski’s who created The Matrix films) it brought this concept to life again and had me question once again could this actually explain the sightings that don’t make sense to our modern consciousness?
I get solace from the disturbing nature of these ideas by not reifying them and remember emptiness, but I share here because it would be interesting to hear others thoughts on the matter. I admit because there is such a force of ignorance that prevents us from waking up, is it because of these coders behind our reality? As a little girl I felt there was more going on than meets the eye and this feeling has always stayed with me. When I had the paranormal activity and then vision in the clouds in 2008, it confirmed my life long held suspicion there is definitely more going on that what I can understand.
Sorry to ramble on but I feel like many long held intuitions are converging for me at the moment. It’s exciting and I’m inspired by Hoffman with his own mediation practice and the need to let go of this interface and go into the void. No wonder Siddhartha no longer stood up from under the Bodhi tree and why the metamorphosis led to the Buddha who stood up in his place. How many of us are willing to let go of who we are/know in order to be an awakened one?
Today during this morning’s Virtual Hangout, @Andrew left me dumbfounded when he shared he lost so much in order to pursue this path. He truly is the light I look to in someone who has walked the talk when it comes to entering the void and emerging to a different life/personal transformation. If you’re reading this Andrew, you are a hero in my eyes 
I truly am grateful for this group and the wonderful opportunities to learn and share.