:dancer:t5: The Hidden Powers of Everyday Ritual

From the article:
In an ecstatic ritual performance, the power of the rhythmic action reverses the experience of who’s doing the action. Dancers may begin by feeling that they are dancing, but as the pulse of the action intensifies, there comes a point of reversal, when the dance starts performing the dancer. The ritual takes over. In intense sports, such reversal is known as an experience of “flow.” While only an especially intense ritual produces the total reversal we know as trance, where the performer is carried away, all ritual conveys some degree of agency reversal.

Illuminates a lot of what I’ve come to appreciate about Tibetan Buddhist rituals.


Have you ever country line danced?


Nope, none of the people I was with when I lived in the southwest did, and it wasn’t that popular in those days, 60s, early 70s. Did some Tibetan/Sherpa-style line dancing in the Peace Corps . . .