Transformational dreamworker and spiritual coach

Hello everyone,

I am glad I landed on this forum, I can feel the resonance with so many people already sharing and being active here. I’ve explored the topics, and so many seem over-interesting!

Here is an introduction to me.

I am a transformational coach, using dreamwork amongst a blend of diverse methods to materialize the biggest dreams of my clients while digging deep into their unconscious and establishing a stable connection with their spiritual selves, to manifest what wants to be born in our reality, through them.

I am conscious of my role as a channel and steward of the Source. Clearing the way for those messages and actions to occur in their purest form has been my (inner) work for the past 5 years.

In 2018, I lived through an intense experience. It was the kundalini awakening in me. I had an ecstatic crisis for something like 30-40 minutes. It felt like an orgasm, but infinite, and vertical, going from me to the sky and from the sky toward me. I felt in pure divine union. This ecstasy ended when I realised that my physical body started to become paralysed. I lost all control of my arms and face, I could not move them at all, and I could not speak anymore. This paralysis lasted for 15 minutes. That’s when I consciously decided to stop the vibration raise that I was intentionally inducing during this kundalini event. I sat down, feet on the ground, and took time to regain control of my arms and face.

This event has changed my life for sure, but what followed was a quest, to understand and to grow. It was just the beginning. I was not at all awakened. I just had a glimpse of the divine.

if you want to know more about me and especially this part of my life, I wrote a 10-minute-read article a few weeks ago about it. You can find it Here

Today, after 5 years of searching, 3 years of being coached about consciousness development, IFS therapy sessions, Jungian psychology sessions, Dreamwork counselling and the whole package of life, and challenges presented to me, I can confidently say that I reached a place of trust, a place of alignment between my Spirit and my Human. Creating effortlessly what needs to be created. I am so excited to share that with the world and help others connect to this state of being.

On this forum, I wish to explore and dive deeper into Dreamwork. It has been a big part of my self-growth. I have been dedicated to Dreamwork since April 2020, with a constant journalling routine, still today, and active work on what my dreams want me to know. I led a dream-sharing group 2 years ago, and I want to start this again. So if you resonate and want to give it a try, please reach out to me! I am looking for committed and engaged dreamworks to raise consciousness and become the whole version of themselves.

I am excited to meet the people in this community. I can already feel the vibrations of high-frequency beings.

Sending you love and appreciation for reading my intro :heart:


Welcome to the club. If you are looking to advance your dreaming and nocturnal practices, I think you are in the right place. Andrew is brilliant and there are many skilled dreamers here who have great wisdom in LD and DY.

Pretty cool synchronicity, I have been talking with @Bianca_Aga about Kundalini practices over the past few weeks, and I have been learning just how powerful and transformative it is. I am very greatful you shared this experience:

Pretty amazing and intense, I have heard others share similar accounts of this energy awakening being very powerful, and in some cases even quite painful.

There is a dream sharing Sangha that meets 2x a month, on saturdays.

Have you been lucid dreaming for a while?

What are your nocturnal practices like?

Sounds like you are already a very advanced meditator. That will help a lot.

What areas have you explored already? How deep have you dove into it?


Hello @becomingo a very warm welcome to NC community. I think you’ve found a very safe place to be yourself as i did.

I read your story and was interested to read that your ‘awakening’ experience happened in the Dordorgne in France. Im curious to know where abouts. Did you know about the Buddhist community there? My parents lived many years near there.

Many of the top Tibetan Lamas visited this place and have done teachings.

Anyway… Wishing you many rewarding wonderful experiences here in Night Club, leading you to those awesome places of wisdom knowledge fruititional expansion.


Thank you for the warm welcome!

I’ve been lucid dreaming as a child, but it stopped quite early, and in 2020 I practiced again, and I had one lucid dream per month. Recently I do not have lucid dreams. I always need to maintain a practice, an effort of intention, to have them.

But, as I keep journaling my dreams, I always have very vivid dreams, and I often remember 2 to 4 dreams each night. Sometimes none, when I am awaken by my 1-year-old :baby:

I’ve had a dreamwork coach in 2021. I’ve participated in 2 dream circles. And I organised my own. I found the group settings very powerful to create true changes after studying the dreams.


I did not know about the Buddhist temple! That’s exciting. It was 30-40km from where I was at that time. The day before my “crisis”, we went rock climbing with friends not far from the temple.

Thank you for sharing this information :sparkles:


@becomingo Ahh … i had a feeling you were near there. The region is a hub of Buddhist activity, from 3 year retreats, week long teachings, weekly meditation classes and Padmakara do vast copying of Buddhist text and publishing dharma books. Its possible you connected with its energy when you were rock climbing, or your past life has a connection to the Ningmapa lineage Lamas, who 1st set up home here.


Some things are more important than dreaming :wink: Congratulations on the new addition to the family.

Have you checked out Andrews free Webinar videos on the stages of Dream Yoga? I think there are about 8 or 9 videos and they detail the different stages of dream yoga. Well worth your time if you are looking to explore dreaming on a deeper level.

I agree. Looking forward to hearing you share about the things you have learned in doing these sacred dream practices.


Just a FYI note:

At the “Preparing to Die” meeting on Tuesday (Private for registrants) Andrew, fresh from a 10-12 day dark retreat, went pretty deep into the experience in a marvelous recounting of the retreat. I expect that to “perfume” his Book Club meeting tonight where he reads from the Preparing to Die book.


This sold me on the course! Hoping to watch this. It is not in the curriculum, do you know if they will add it for those who missed it?

Got Andrew’s book on audible “Preparing to Die” and I started listening to it too.

This inspired me! Already have three dark retreats set up, one after each teaching. Hoping it helps me integrate this material better.

We should cross post it on the page with the discount code if the video gets put there.

@AlyssaModerator do you know if the video will be added to the curriculum or put somewhere late comers can access it?


Yes, it was recorded, posted, and I believe it will be available for the new group when it starts, as will the new resources be available for the old group.


I remember Prem asking Andrew about it in the last Q&A and Andrew not having time to reply to do it justice. Wish I could have heard what he had to say about it. Sounds like its not for the faint of heart, but almost essential for the deeper divers.

I was thinking about this the other day, and wondered what the tempertures are in the caves in tibet and india. I have heard that most caves that go deep into the earth have a steady 60 degree temperature year round. So air conditioned in the worst summer heat, and warm and cozy in the blistering cold of winter.

Curious to know if this is true in other parts of the world, not just the USA.


Visited many caves in Europe and Asia and they are all around 55 degrees.


Welcome “Deer” @becomingo :feather:

Thank you for your courage, self-empowerment and power to walk this path.

I have come to experience such “divine possessions” my self :star_struck: but always in a group and in a sacred space, making it safe for me.

There are several studies from a Portuguese scholar from the University of Lisbon, in Portugal that perhaps you’d like to look at. He is a Buddhist and Tantra researcher. Here’s his academic contact.

If you wish to deepen your dream work you can also take a look at Robert Moss’s blog. He’s the creator of Active Dreaming and has precious knowledge on these realms.

I send infinite blessings to you and your family, in a warm hug.