The Power of Visualization and Imagination cant be overstated.
Please post videos and resources you have found helpful on this topic
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The Power of Visualization and Imagination cant be overstated.
Please post videos and resources you have found helpful on this topic
Thank you
Use the 5 senses vividly, so it feels like you were actually there.
Only read this today…
Really nice alignment… I was talking about this with a friend this morning!
this visualization is one of my favorites of all times… the voice, the sounds, the energy…
Thank you for this
Been trying to find videos on the basics and advanced visualization techniques , but so many of the resources that come up have more to do with manifesting visualization, than actual visualization guides.
I have found reading some fiction stories, and even childrens stories can help work the visualization muscles as well, so will post some of these in the future.
Also guided visual meditations can really help like your video.
Thank you for this Art, my HeART
This has reminded me that my first dream of this year had this word - ART25 - was the title of a house in nature. I entered it. and then another dream came up.
great visualization steps:
1st visualize,
then reach a state of inner clarity,
then finally the state of non difference.
some minutes before the monk explains really well how to see no difference between “you” and the deity… precious stuff
Dearest Beloved thank you for this
Another important hint from Vishen is to not control how the visualization wants to happen… just let it BE
Entering a bit in the liminal space where images appear on their own.
Or being the vessel in which all is possible.
What I notice MANY times in my regular intuition practice, is that I am literally creating my life, allowing images on specific subjects to come and inspire. I allow only those who are of light. The others I just don’t want to know. I say “this is not for me”, and move on.
this one is also a LOT OF FUN and effective:
in this case it’s being oriented for manifestation but it can go also to any visualization.