A Greater Power than myself

Very cool dream, what what your emotional feeling in the office, and the after seeing the birds?

I wonder if this dream has something to do with a current spiritual ‘awakening’ or revelation, or is forshadowing one that is on the horizon?

Have heard buildings can sometimes represent the body, with the roof/eaves and attic sometimes representing the head. The Juxtaposition of “old building” with birds that are notorious for rebirth is well worth noting. Becuase they too are on a roof, yet unconfined, might represent a evolved paradigim shift, that you are trading a old outdated confining paradigm, for a more open and free one?

I dont know, just some thoughts.

Nothing came to mind with the Abyss dream, but I do have questions. What was your emotional state (mind state) while pacing between the two rooms? How about after the abyss formed? Did you throw the man into the Abyss?