AI drawing tool to help draw/express dreams

This is a good article about ChatGPT 4.

Lots coming out still as it was just released to a closed beta Tuesday.

Here is a screenshot of some of the things listed in the article:

One of the better videos I’ve listened to recently on AI:

Also this is a new feature, ChatGPT 4 analyzes images and explains them:

Wanted to update this, it is not a closed beta if you buy OpenAI Plus (their monthly plan - 20 bucks a month) it is available for use now.


I’m a big fan of Khan Academy from way back and I like what he is aiming for when applying A.I. to education.. On the other hand, I believe we should remember about 2/3 of the kids in the world don’t have internet access and the multi-tiered educational systems around the word range from applying modern technological pedagogies and practices, to those left over from previous centuries.


As my mom always taught me. No one left behind. The way I look into this is with rapid advancements, the quality and speed of help will dramatically improve. Will take some more time for sure. IMO we are already trying to help. In time AI will allow us to come up with more efficient, optimized ways to help we could not have come up with by ourselves. Chat GPT is recommending medicines for leukemia on day 2 of its release. Maybe it will pan out to be nothing but maybe not.

Modera’s vaccine for covid was done within 2-3 days using the assistance of AI. The thing that took all the time to get it releaaed was approval by the FDA. With any rate of progression imagine what is possible. :partying_face:

My favorite thing about AI is I see it causing a shift from knowledge to spirit. As said above in the video, soon everybody will have in their pocket a device that is vastly more intelligent then everyone combined in a room.

I’m probably to optimistic but with some of the minds I’ve seen shifting into AI, I see a limitless future.

I think Khan Academy has the right idea shifting to this as quickly as possible other schools should follow suit for sure. ( OpenAI customer story: Khan Academy )


As long as there is wisdom is in the equation, I’m all for it. Otherwise, we may get The Forbin Project.


Its mindblowing how adanced it is, and how advanced it will be in the future.

I am terrified by what it can do if its placed in the wrong hands. If it can help create a vacine, can it do the opposite, and help engineer a virus?


They just released v5 of MidJourney.

Here are a couple hand picked images from the new edition 🫨:


Very cool how they are using AI in so many helpful ways already and it has just begun emerging.

Here is another one that just came out. Microsoft released an improved version of Dalle for free. All you have to do is log into you Microsoft account to use it. If you don’t have one they’re free to make.

Also just worth mentioning ChatGPT 4 has been integrated into bings search feature and it is pretty incredible.

You ask bing a question, it searches and summarizes all the information it found on multiple sites into one or two paragraphs and cites all of its sources. Here’s a quick one I did.

Google is good but Bing took it to another level. It is crazy how much better it is at the moment.


The online version seems to be busy all the time. Is the Microsoft version any better?

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Yes, it generates images quickly and they are noticably better then the original Dall-e. Log into Microsoft account then goto Bing there should be a part where it says let’s chat, that is the AI portion of it. Once in the AI portion just type draw me a picture of (anything) .

My nephew has a space themed party coming up and these were from the first prompt I put in trying to make a picture for his card.


I rarely use my MS account but I will give it a shot. Looks like the free version has caught on and we know what happens when that happens. Thanks

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Additional Information that is good to know about Bing’s AI


So I had an interesting dream that was similar to an episode of a TV show. I used Bing’s AI imager to quickly generate pictures and put them into the Dream Journal that I have been keeping using MS Word, some with dictation, so I can actually go back and read what I wrote. The entry is as follows:


Very cool Barry! That looks like a great style for dream Journaling. A picture to instantly trigger memories then if you are looking back through your dream journal and one catches your eye you can read more in depth about it.

Also I would imagine putting more effort into a dream journal like that will make dream recall more rewarding thus improving recall.

Also love the images!


Appreciate you mentioning this. I have not used bing with the new AI yet, and am typically only a Google user, lookijg forward to comparing the two now.

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I wonder how the military is using AI for war games and other implementaions.

A few years ago when Drones were becoming popular I heard the Pentagon bought the patent or company of a Swarm program for drones, I guess it allowed hundreds of drones to move in syn and attack an object.

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I’d imagine the militaries technology is pretty advanced. Usually nothing is revealed on that front until they need to use it.

No problem. The “let’s chat” portion is direct access to the AI portion but I think they implement it in everything.

Some new cool advancements is how accurate the voice recreation is now. These two examples show how good it has become in a short peroid if time. One shows how it could completely change music. You can have your favorite artist sing any song you want that has an isolated vocal track. The other is a short movie that went viral on Twitter in which the creator used completely AI generated voices.


This is so cool that it can sing almost perfectly.


stumbled across the term dark factory today:

“Theoretically, the next step in this evolution would be full automation, in which workers are no longer needed to create output. Known as a dark factory, this environment is fully automated, with no required human labor. Without this, such a facility can literally operate in the dark, without heat, light or other environmental needs – hence, the “dark factory” moniker – to serve a workforce”

Great for fighting global warming, not so great for jobs.


Holding out hope this is the future.