šŸ Animal Communication

This makes me so happy! :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

This makes me eveb happier
:heart_eyes: :star_struck:

These pics make me the happiest!
Two gorgeous ladies! :green_heart:
One of my favorite horses at the place I volunteer at is named Melody.

My favorite is named Grace
She has almost identical colors as Harmony :balance_scale:, except the white on her 3rd eye is a bit larger

Shes the one I told you about who I call MuMu, I think maybe she was a sacred cow in a past life

LOVED this one! The joy is palpable!

Youre not Pyschic are you!?!?!?!

I would love too. Hopefully one day when I got the funds. Will keep this trip in my prayers.

Thank you for these wonderful pics! What a Blessing!

So last night before bed there was an owl squaking loud out my window, probably no further than 100ft. It did it for about 30min, and I wondered when it would stop. Had two powerful thoughts come to mind, one I will share in the dream thread, the other was about you and the deer, and how the 8 pronged wheel in Buddhism is held up by 2 deers, when I had that second thought, the owl stopped calling. Pretty potent sign, no?!?!?

Also the night before I saw that deer, I did guru yoga meditation for the first time, using Amitaba, I took the car headlights as another sign.





you are very welcome!.. you got a friend to make the introductions!.. :feather:
some hours after I posted this, as if they felt the connection, they posted a delightful text with a story that has everything to do with animal communication:

hereā€™s a taste:

"When he found the herd Calice was missing and not close by which is unusual. He whistled to call her and Sioux immediately responded walking to him. Joel thought the others would follow as well but only Sioux came.
He then talked to her telling her that he is worried about Calice and if she could help him to find her. As soon as he said those words Sioux lifted her head and called out loudly. The picture is taken just after she called.
Amazingly a few moments after Sioux called, Calice appeared and joined both of them. Not anybody else of the herd came.
What a beautiful testimony of true relationship and care. Sioux understood Joel and did indeed help to find Calice. We often think that animals donā€™t understand what we say but is it really true? I donā€™t believe that this was just a coincidence, I have had many similar situations with the horses or our dogs. "

yes, indeed!
look what I foundā€¦

hope you enjoy it.

this is lovely! I donā€™t remember you sharing this about MuMuā€¦ but I LOVE it :heart_eyes: thank you for sharing thisā€¦ sooooo sweetā€¦ :heart_eyes:

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


andā€¦ of squarse I LOVED the video with Jim (goose) and Richard (dog) hihihi :star_struck: amazing!.. The video with Suri is also awesome! :star_struck:




Worldā€™s Most Adorable Badger


Rescued Goose, Mini Horse Are Inseparable


My eyes gazed at this yesterday, and heart said to share it here. Already knew this but the way the author talks about it is very inspiring. I would just add that this is one of the reasons why training intuition is so importantā€¦

"Do you know what mycelium is?

Mycelium, the vast underground network of fungal threads, functions as a crucial support system for plants, connecting them in a manner reminiscent of the internet. This network, known as mycorrhiza when it forms a symbiotic relationship with plant roots, allows for the exchange of nutrients, water, and information among different plant species. Through mycelium, trees and plants can communicate, share resources, and even alert each other to potential dangers.

In a forest, when a tree is cut down, the mycelium network notifies neighboring trees of the distress. These trees, connected through the mycelium, respond by sending nutrients and water to the affected treeā€™s stump in an effort to preserve its life. This interconnectedness ensures the health and survival of the forest as a whole, with each tree acting as a vital component of the ecosystem.

Imagining a human society with a support system similar to mycelium evokes a vision of profound empathy and cooperation. In such a society, people would be acutely aware of each otherā€™s needs and challenges. In times of crisis, the response would be swift and collective, ensuring no one is left to face hardships alone. Resources would be distributed fairly, fostering a deep sense of community and mutual support.

In this envisioned society, empathy and assistance would be the norm, creating a resilient and nurturing environment. Just as the mycelium network sustains and protects the forest, a human network of support and care could ensure that every individual thrives. The interconnectedness would cultivate a culture of solidarity, where taking care of one another is inherent, much like the natural processes that sustain a forest.

If only humanity could adopt such a system, the world would be a place where compassion and support are as fundamental as the mycelium that binds the forest together."


This is my jam. I absolutely love the mycelium network. I believe it is the heartbeat of the planet.

I saved the same picture July 25th, a synchronicity :slightly_smiling_face:.

Even more of a synchronicity is a project I will be sharing soon with Night Club based on mushrooms (the non-illegal kind).

Going to make a post just for mushrooms this week on here covering the project I started Sunday.

Waiting on the final part in the mail then I will post pictures and explaining the project in depth.

Iā€™ll hold off on writing too much about my thoughts here but wanted to show you the cool synchronicity :slightly_smiling_face:.


No doubt in my mind they understand the emotional tone of what we say

No doubt in my mind they understand the energetic vibes we give off as well as the mental images we form in our minds.


"Have you ever been enthralled by the grandeur of the outdoors, mesmerized by the buckā€™s commanding presence, or felt a primordial connection to the wild forest?

Nature, with its hidden treasures and timeless wisdom, often reveals its secrets to those who wander off the beaten path."

Thank you for this

" * Strength and Virility: A buck is a symbol of strength, virility, and masculine energy, representing power and vitality.

  • Protection: Bucks are seen as protectors, emphasizing the need to safeguard what is valuable and to defend our loved ones.
  • Hope and Renewal: In certain beliefs, a buck represents a connection to the spiritual world and the guidance of higher forces.
  • Renewal: The shedding of a buckā€™s antlers symbolizes the cyclical nature of life, with each season offering the opportunity for renewal and growth.
  • Vigilance: Bucksā€™ keen senses and alertness serve as a reminder to be vigilant and aware of our surroundings.
  • Grace and Elegance: Their presence exudes a sense of grace and elegance, encouraging us to appreciate beauty and artistry."

Amazing, thank you Beloved!

"In many Native American traditions, the buck is seen as a symbol of strength, virility, and the connection between the spirit world and the earthly realm.

In Greek mythology, deer were sacred to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and wilderness, representing grace, swiftness, and independence.

In Celtic folklore, deer are associated with the forest and are seen as guides to the spirit world.

In numerous cultural traditions, the buck often symbolizes traits like nobility, agility, and the balance between the wild and domesticated aspects of the natural world."


"If you visit a Buddhist monastery, youā€™re likely to see a pair of deer sitting on either side of the dharma wheel on the monastery roof. One of the deer is a buck, while the other is a doe.

According to the legend, the dharma wheel was offered as a teaching of the noble path and looked upon in delight by two deer emerging from the forest. The deer represents those who are following the path taught by Buddha

In Shinto, the deer are seen as messengers of the divine. Deer can sometimes be seen roaming around shrines, where they are respected as sacred messengers. The deer dance, known as the ā€œShishi-odoriā€ is traditionally performed as a Shinto ritual in parts of Northeast Japan."

I did not tell you the day after I saw the Buck, I saw 2 deer in a grassy area right on the edge of a small forested area.

" Bucks: A Collection of Proverbs and Symbolism

Saying Meaning and Context
ā€œBuck upā€ Encourages resilience and courage in adversity.
ā€œLike a deer in headlightsā€ Describes a state of surprise or fear.

Buckle up Buckaroosā€¦

Cool I saw the Deer, then the Headlightsā€¦
I would say the phrase may not be tied to fear per se. I think its more a deer being captivated by the Light. When deer are truly afraid they bolt and run.


Mini Horse Tries So Hard To Make His Very First Friend | The Dodo Little But Fierce

1 Like

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Rescued Wolf Dog



Rescued Baby Owl Snuggles With His ā€˜Momā€™ Stuffie | The Dodo


Baby Kookaburra Sings For His Favourite Girl Every Day | Cuddle Buddies


Wild Crow Has Coffee With His Rescuer Every Day | The Dodo Wild Hearts


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Pittie Couldnā€™t Stop Shaking Until Her Rescuers Finally Give Her A Hug | The Dodo Pittie Nation


The puppy stole the duckling!


Funny Captain Cat:


Guy Jumps Into Ice Water To Save Deer With Bucket Stuck On Her Head | The Dodo