Area 52 Episode 3:
Robert Monroe ‘Journeys Out of The Body’:
I stopped the book at this part last night because I wanted to record and share it. Even before he mentioned the pinching incident I was thinking about that. This makes sense 100%. I’ve had personal experience with a government official entering my lucid dream one time in the past. Projection was very clear and I got conformation that the government could still be working within what Robert Monroe calls the second body space from someone I trust.
The crazy thing is look what happen to Mitch McConnell today. The spot in the book I stopped at mentions that an experienced entity operating in second body could perform actions like a small precise pinch resulting in a stroke or what ever it may be. I believed it to be true even before listening to Robert’s book. Not about controlling the second space, but a trained being operating in the second state would be able to manipulate the third dimension from a higher dimension.
The timing is all perfect. The new episode coming out (it is still premiering as I write this) the clip of the book I found last night and Mitch’s issue, a heart failure in the hospital I work in about two seconds after I clocked in and another about two hours later. I haven’t heard a heart failure called over the PA in many months even possibly a year. My dreamstate too. Things are moving fast!
I wanted to include this clip because I think it is one of the only real incidents recorded where a being walked from a higher dimension into a lower dimension. Billy Carson’s YouTube channel is 4biddenknowledge if that gives any hint as to why they may have showed up to visit him in person:
Very interesting times, could be the moon who knows . Glad my heart is centered in love