Today, RVing took an unexpectedly intriguing turn. Given the events between my previous visit and today, there was a lot to filter out when discussing my experiences with my Reiki practitioner. I chose to center our conversation around the synchronicities involving my Jehovah’s Witness friends.
I told her about my findings regarding their belief that Archangel Michael is Jesus. In response, she mentioned being familiar with it due to her upbringing as a Jehovah’s Witness. Moving on, I shared the synchronicities from the ‘A Course in Miracles’ post, and she found them quite interesting. After finishing our discussion, she mentioned a piece of information that synchronized with me. Albeit, the idea is rooted in pseudo-scientific and ancient astronaut theory, based on my preliminary research.
Before diving right into it, I wanted to say that it’s early for me to bring this up because I haven’t researched any of it in-depth. The reason for sharing it is because of the synchronization with the Annunaki’s fabled home:
She said that her friend told her in the past that Jehovah is Annunaki and the New Testament supports this. Whether that is true or not, I don’t know, but I’d imagine it is based on what religious beliefs or spiritual beliefs one carries. The main point, though, is that she had synchronized with my RVing post.
I think that is my sign to continue pursuing the path I am on in regards to RVing.
As an update, I’m currently working on my dreams; they are becoming more vivid (my recall is getting better), but there’s still a lot of work to do to get back to being able to perform WILDs at will. Hoping to get there soon. Then the fun begins.
Also, thought this was pretty cool from today. My Reiki practitioner saw me in a full suit of armor emanating all the elements while she was doing her session today. Seems I am gearing up for some intense exploring.
Another thing that was cool too, she placed her finger on a spot that she usually doesn’t and it is a spot that had been bothering me since I woke up this morning. Thought that was pretty cool, she must have had intuition to focus on that spot in particular.