Area 52 - OOBE - Remote Viewing

I was thinking about this while I was trying to fall asleep last night and I really like this idea. Placing a name on the left side of your card gives a target that you’d like to communicate with and drawing random wave functions gives you a frequency, a randomized, natural line of communication that you can communicate with the target on.

Drawing multiple frequencies would help if one of the frequencies is volatile or being used or something in that nature.

This is just thought that sprouted based on this concept but it is making a lot of sense to me at the current moment.


I like the way you think.

Run with it, and keep me posted.

I am excited to see where this goes

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One of our Dream Yoga Sharing Group(s) member and NC member, Tim (, used to live next door to Monroe and in well acquainted with his work. He’s full on board with these practices.


Has he been able to do the Remote viewing successfully?

Miss seeing you guys in Dream Sangha.

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I asked him if it was ok to post his email and he said the following: Sure, that is fine. I would be glad to talk to anybody about that. I have a lot of memories with Bob Monroe. I did my first program with The Monroe Institute around 1977 with my first Wife. I found it fascinating and stayed connected with the Institute for many years. When Bob bought the “New Land” which is the name he gave his new property and community at that time, I bought 5 acres from him and built a cedar log home there. That was around 1989. I moved there from Pa and lived there until about about 1993 0r 1994 when I moved back to PA. While I lived there Bob Monroe was my neighbor and my Friend and we had many interesting conversations together. I am glad to share any of that experience as it brings back a lot of good memories.

Still going strong . . . .


Awesome I am going to email him tomorrow? Does he ever post in the forums?

Will be back in September, hopefully sooner. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you for sharing this information. I’d love to hear some of the stories he has from the time spent in the new lands. Will keep him in mind as I explore Bob’s work further in detail. So far my favorite works Bob has done in his book are that of exploring places 2 and 3. It seems he was able to connect to stable lands and one of them was a heavenly realm.


Do you guys want to do a 4 way email, with you, @_Barry , Timhawk, and me all attached so we can all hear about his experiences together?


Today, RVing took an unexpectedly intriguing turn. Given the events between my previous visit and today, there was a lot to filter out when discussing my experiences with my Reiki practitioner. I chose to center our conversation around the synchronicities involving my Jehovah’s Witness friends.

I told her about my findings regarding their belief that Archangel Michael is Jesus. In response, she mentioned being familiar with it due to her upbringing as a Jehovah’s Witness. Moving on, I shared the synchronicities from the ‘A Course in Miracles’ post, and she found them quite interesting. After finishing our discussion, she mentioned a piece of information that synchronized with me. Albeit, the idea is rooted in pseudo-scientific and ancient astronaut theory, based on my preliminary research.

Before diving right into it, I wanted to say that it’s early for me to bring this up because I haven’t researched any of it in-depth. The reason for sharing it is because of the synchronization with the Annunaki’s fabled home:

She said that her friend told her in the past that Jehovah is Annunaki and the New Testament supports this. Whether that is true or not, I don’t know, but I’d imagine it is based on what religious beliefs or spiritual beliefs one carries. The main point, though, is that she had synchronized with my RVing post.

I think that is my sign to continue pursuing the path I am on in regards to RVing.

As an update, I’m currently working on my dreams; they are becoming more vivid (my recall is getting better), but there’s still a lot of work to do to get back to being able to perform WILDs at will. Hoping to get there soon. Then the fun begins.

Also, thought this was pretty cool from today. My Reiki practitioner saw me in a full suit of armor emanating all the elements while she was doing her session today. Seems I am gearing up for some intense exploring.

Another thing that was cool too, she placed her finger on a spot that she usually doesn’t and it is a spot that had been bothering me since I woke up this morning. Thought that was pretty cool, she must have had intuition to focus on that spot in particular.


I’ll send you my email in a PM. :+1:


Emailed you, going to message @_Barry my email now, if there are any other members reading this who want to join the list, let us know.

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I was looking into the new lands area @_Barry mentioned above. What I found was pretty cool and interesting, the CIA has pages upon pages of information they were tracking about it.

Here is an article they archived about new lands being built:

Planning to skim through all of these at some point:

Tonight I was also going through some of the RVing sessions they declassified. You can see the way they documented the sessions but they do not say how accurate the information was. The only sign that it was successful is how long they continued they continued project Stargate.

Here are some of the more interesting documents I found tonight searching through the archives:

Click to see


Trailer for episode 2:

Not the main reason I wanted to post though. I began doing some digging through the papers released during the freedom of information act and this one stood out far above the rest:

The key thing in this all being the force he was trying to utilize was love. I have always said love is the most powerful force in the universe. I wonder if they were truly able to set up a battalion that centered their hearts in love and were able to use it in a way that increases the amount of love while simultaneously decreasing the amount of hate.

I thought that phone call was pretty cool, here are the others I’ve found. I highlighted the interesting stuff to make sorting through it easier:

Click here to see

Still going through the documents, there are pages upon pages about the Monroe Institute.


This was so cool to read, really glad you posted it and highlighed that part. “spiritual strength, and ultimately a strength in love”

I wonder if he was friends with George Lucas?


:smiling_face: I think this is the guy who inspired the move “The Men Who Stare at Goats”. I watched it last week and it is a good movie. Worth a watch IMO if you are interested in RVing at all.

The second episode of Area 52 has been released and it’s quite good. I’ll provide the link below, but I came across this interesting clip from “PSI Fest” that recently occurred. This particular individual was a remote viewer in the government for numerous years. At the beginning of the video, he discusses his discovery of a plan by Saddam Hussein. The session is classified but he states it changed the world.

PSI Fest:

Episode 2:

The main reason for my reply is that this morning, I had my first successful attempt at RVing. I achieved lucidity in my dream where people were trying to harm me, which ultimately led me to fly towards the sky and into space. This is a common method I use to transition dreams.

However, this time as soon as everything went dark and I recognized I was at the phase between dreams, I repeated my mother’s father’s name. I heard a confused voice, but can’t remember exactly what it said (my recall isn’t perfect yet), then I said, “Take me to my mom’s father.”

After that, I saw a scene from a bird’s eye view of a man in a wheelchair moving between two women. The movement in this dream felt different. Flying didn’t feel the same, it was much more floaty. I descended to where he was and introduced myself as my moms son. Then I asked him to reveal something only he and my mom would know. He seemed surprised and appeared unable to come up with anything immediately.

He told me various things, mainly generic comments about her being a good person while she is alive to ensure a pleasant afterlife, but nothing specific. I don’t remember exactly how, but I followed him to a wall where I was continously being bitten and stung by spiders. The bites and stings didn’t bother me and I continued asking questions, but he could not provide satisfactory answers. I soon left and felt a strong sense that he was upset I hadn’t said goodbye. Another interesting dreamscape formed after this one, but I lost my lucidity.

I’ll try again when the opportunity presents itself.


Have yet to see the movie, you are not the first person to reccomend it, will definitely check it out now.

Loved this video:

I did not know they used it to get personality profiles on people too. The detoxification process was really fascinating to learn about as well. Not only personality profile, it seems to be able to do a Soul Profile on people, both alive and dead.

Truely Mindblowing! A+++++ video, appreciate you sharing!!!

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Have not looked at all the documents you posted, wondering if you have read this 29 page report?:

If not, guess who told me about it?:

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I have not seen that one yet. Will read through it shortly. Who recommended it?


Awesome, not 100% sure it is the correct document he recommended, but I googled the input he told me, and this was one of the first results.

I met him and his girlfriend while camping. Will tell you about the cool Synchronicity later.

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Who did you meet, Wayne?