Astral Projection

Heres the Dream:

Dream 1 (non lucid):

Robert Moss is driving out of a huge Bluff/mountain range, and into the desert. He is narrating a book or lecture. I see him and the car way off in the distance. Then this view changes to it being a youtube video, and me watyching it.

Dream 2 (lucid)

I am in an unknown apartment that is mine. There are book shelves in the living room area. I walk over and see a circular glass bake pan with mold and gunk growing on it, looks like it is many weeks old. Had the thought I should probably put this in the sink and clean it. Kept walking and stopped and looked at a piece of paper on the ground. It had 7 pictures of 7 different types of mushrooms (apparently it had the seed/spores attached to the pater) there were these 7 mushrooms also growing out of the paper which I found bizarre and cool. Then I looked at the ground of the rest of the living room and there were all different types of mushrooms growing all around.
(this species caught my eye)

This is where I decided to do a reality check (I did not think I was dreaming because it was so vivid and real!!!). Held nose and was surprised I could breathe, I was dreaming, and now lucid.

Not wanted to get too excited, I decided to just surrender to the dream and let it lead me. Then the surroundings disappeared, and I was floating. Gently falling, I lightly moved my legs in the air enjoying this floating pleasant feeling. I was falling slow, and wondered when I would hit ground. Not long after this thought I felt my dream land in my sleeping body, and I woke up.

Not sure if this was a OBE or a hint of one, but it did feel like the ‘subtle’ or dream body merged with my actual body in the end, and right when they fully merged I woke.