I have been meaning to post about this topic for over a year, but I have been very hesitant and reluctant to do so. Mostly becuase of the lack of interest, and dealing with skeptics and their critcisms. (The vast majority of my life I was a skeptic, and a non believer). But when I look back at my life what made me dive deeper intomthe spiritual path, Astrology was it. It made me realize that there are monumnetal forces at play that are invisible and drastically influence personality and human interactions.
If you have never done a birth chart for yourself before, these two sites do a pretty good job in showing you where the planets were at your time of birth:
(the location feature on this one is glitchy, so if you cant get it exact, find the closest town or city)
This one will paint a 2D picture for you, and give a decent explanation:
Most horoscopes you see in the papers only deal with your sun sign. If you are oblivious to where your moon sign is, or Mars, or Saturn, you will never get the full perspective of the Egoic personality.
Its a form of cosmic prejudice, but this prejudice has withstood the test of time, and like most great religions that have done so, it would be foolish to disregard their value withipout doing a deep dive.
I dont know how old the earliest zodiac depictions are, I have read over 2,000 years old. But I believe it is far older. The cave artwork at Lascaux & Chauvet dipects about (25%-33%) of the animals in the zodiac (Bulls, horses, Lions, Man):

(The depiction of a man with a bird I think is showing a spirtual leader dreaming)
While there is really no hard evidence to link these depictions to the zodiac, I think it does illustrate our ancestors captivation with and connection to these animals for over 15,000 years!!!
Astrology is a passion of mine. I dont claim to be an expert by any means, but if you are interested in learning more about it, or getting insight on your birth chart, or specific planetary placements, I would be more than happy to help.
Andrew has often talked about how 95%-99% of our behaviors are habits, and that calls into auestion the concept of free will. I think understanding the ‘Elemental’ make up of ones ego, really helps understand these behaviors that eventually lead to unconscious habits.
So put another way, understanding the ‘elemental’ make up of an ego, is a very powerful way to help fascilitate ego death, or rising about the ego in a more purified form.
@_Barry showed me this fantastic video on Tibetan Astrology, (which I know nothing about), but I was shocked on how its explanation of the elements was almost Identtical to how Western Astrology interprets them, especially when it comes to personality:
I am very interested in learning about Tibetan Astrology, so I you have resources or knowledge you would like to share, I am all ears One of my favorite memories with a monk, was meeting him in a park at random, and telling him what planets could be viewed in the sky, and at what times, and watching how his eyes lit up, even though the language barrior made communication difficult.
" The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed." C. Jung
Its so fascinating to see this take place from an astrological perspective. How Fire and Water typically are disharmonious combinations, as are Wind and Earth. Its been said that Carl Jung did a birth chart on all of his patients. I think this is the definition of “Skillful Means”, finding the best way to realate material and get a message accross.
My orginal title for this was going to be ASTROLOGY & ASTRONOMY, but in the minds of the ancient star gazers, the two disciplines were not separate, but One.
The next time you ask that cute girl at the bar:
“Whats your [sun] sign?”
Make sure you follow up with:
“Whats your Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn signs???”