☀ Astrology & (Astronomy)

don’t see any similarity of Tim with the others. Very different from the “bad” and the “ugly” :cowboy_hat_face:


A Conversation with Debra Silverman on Astrology, Synchronicity, and the Human Experience

The Power To Choose Who We Are with Jill Bolte Taylor

Everyday Devotion with Colin Bedell and Colette Baron-Reid


Everything is Medicine & Everything Serves with Ash Ruiz

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Bringing Dreams Into Reality with Kristen Wolf

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How to Stay Confident Through Uncertainty with Brenna St. Onge

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The Importance of Finding Joy with Laura Lentz


Happened yesterday, about 24-36 hours ago (dates are wrong in article):

27 degrees :sagittarius:

"Because our Solar System is also revolving around the Galaxy, from our vantage point on the Earth, the Galactic Center appears to slowly drift through the constellations. Throughout ‘modern’ astronomical history, the Galactic Center has appeared in the constellation Sagittarius. The Sun’s orbit through the celestial zodiac passes near the Galactic Centre each year around 21-22 December. But our Sun seldom ever aligns ‘exactly’ with the true Galactic Centre. Each year the closest approach to the Galactic Centre in our orbit drifts, slightly. For example in 1900 the closest approach to Galactic Centre appeared to be Sagittarius 25 degrees 28minutes. By 1950 this had shifted to 26 degrees 10 minutes and reached 26 degrees 52 minutes by 2000. At its present position, Galactic Centre is almost exactly at 27 degrees Sagittarius (Tropical Zodiac) and 6 degrees Sagittarius (Sidereal Zodiac), which is the ‘true’ centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Within the spiral arms of the Milky Way are many Interstellar Star Communities. These are groups of solar systems and stars that revolve around each other in massive groups. These star systems revolve around each other in a very similar way that the Earth and Planets revolve around our Sun. Within our Interstellar Star Group, the Central Sun is the star Alycone, the brightest star in the Pleiades (Seven Sisters) Constellation. Our Sun and Solar System along with at least eight other Suns revolve around Central Sun Alycone on an approximate 26,000 year cycle. This Central Sun and all its Interstellar Star Group also revolves around the Greater Central Sun, Sirius, the Dog Star, brightest star in our skies. And all of these revolving Interstellar Star Groups collectively revolve around increasingly larger star systems, which collectively include six orbital cycles, all synchronized, that all revolve around the Galactic Center!"



Dr. Martha Beck (Oprah’s Life Coach): This Weird Trick Reduces Anxiety & Fixed My Childhood Trauma!



Brian Keating: I’m Spending $200 Million To Explore Existence! How God Fits Into Science Explained!


October 21, 1956
Burbank, CA

October 26, 1947

Ok Ok, I hope you’re not pulling my leg…

How about now, can you see some parallels above??? :arrow_up:

Or maybe I am just loosing my marbles…:


sometimes, losing the marbles is SO great… you might find space then to find other precious things on the way… some of them longtime forgotten… :wink:

only would do that to dance with you! and have FUN…! (not in the sense you are implying :heart_eyes: )

will answer differently now… what are the parallels you see in them?



Lol, only sometimes. Not so fun to find the tv remote in the mailbox, or couch pillows in the oven :upside_down_face:

Its kind of a strictly superficial homework assignment, but because you are so advanced spiritually, I think maybe when you see photos of people, you connect on a far deeper level.

Will give you 2 more examples, and then give it a rest lol (for now at least)

Did you watch the first 5min of this video?
How many guesses did it take you to guess her sun sign?
I nailed it with my first 2 guesses, I was getting a cusp vibe, and she ended up having her sun in the latter sign, havent done a chart yet, but my guess is she has at least 1-2 planets in the former adjacent sign.

Its a Superficial practice, but draws on the intuitive arts as well. Often when I do it, I cross reference the images of people I have met and know their signs, along with the energetic analysis of their behavior traits. Much harder to do with actors and politicians, cuz they spend so much time acting… Much easier to do with Authentic Souls.



that’s such a witch thing…! are you really a man? hihihi :wink:


I connected immediately, after looking 5 seconds to her, with Aquarius and Uranus energy to find that, at the moment, Venus is in the eleventh house, and that even though Uranus is still in Taurus, it’s on the cusp of the 10th with the 11th house (house of Aquarius) AND that Venus is in Aquarius :wink: I would say that the current planets are very aligned with her energy!.. hihihi

I guess I must be an actor then because you did not guess my sun sign… after several tries… and yes, I know… it’s all the other planets that make it so many times hard for people to see me… even being intuitive and having my astrological map in front of them! hihihi…
I have shared before with you that the sun sign is just a little tiny bit aspect of the map… :cowboy_hat_face:

Aside all this, and about this channel (The Diary Of A CEO) - it’s so clever for them to create a resume of the conversation and stop when it’s really interesting!

About the content of the video… On the day after the Solstice, I went for a walk. After some minutes, I stopped to be still and connected with the Field of the place. Some minutes after I stopped again near a lake… was there for some minutes, just breathing with eyes closed and… a path to the right opened to me, and then I turned left, and suddenly I was in the Land’s Circle of Olive Trees… I was there relaxing for some minutes, sitting on a wood circular natural “bench” from an old tree, and a bird came near by. We looked at each other for several minutes. Among several information that I received from the Land, in the end came this sentence “We are not crazy. We are the new earth frequency.”




Triple Dharma Day with Christmas, Hanukah, Dakini Day. Good time to remember the paramita of forbearance, patience, and that you never have to win an argument!


Chris Langan - Langan Critiques Peterson on Trump’s IQ

Chris Langan =

(March 25, 1952)


My 2nd favorite Vampire Slayer:

Sarah Michelle Gellar
:heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

The ULTIMATE Vampire Slayer:

Alina Habba

March 25, 1984
:heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:




a-ha! I see a parallel in these two :aries: :heart_eyes:
They are both deeply deeply sweet, AND yet, even being SO kind, they take no bull shit from others.



Amen Deer Sister

Hearts of Gold, and total Light Warrioresses

Wishing you and your family and Loved ones amd Beloved ones a very Merry Christmas, and a New Year filled with infinite Blessings, Infinite Love, and Infinite Light


P.S. I have a Chirstmas story that involves 2 mermaids I think you might enjoy



same to you Beloved :christmas_tree:

I wanna read/listen to it!.. :deer:


Had a pretty cool experience last night while doing some star gazing.

ChatGPT4-o said this is likely Sirius the star.

This was the star map I pulled up from my phone while pointing in the direction of the star:

It turned into a disco ball last night. Never seen a star rapidly shift through colors so fast before. The colors were extremely bright and the shifts were easy to see with the naked eye.
