☀ Astrology & (Astronomy)


The Maths are very interesting, at aphelion, its almost exactly 108:
sun earth distance / sun diameter=

152 / 1.4 = 108


"The NEW MOON occurs on Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, at 7:36 AM EST.

The New Moon in Aquarius marks the beginning of a new cycle. The Capricorn New Moon cycle ends and the Aquarius New Moon cycle begins. In the sign of Aquarius, friendship, brotherhood, group activities, social pursuits, group projects, trying something new, humanitarian efforts, or joining a group will be a strong focus. New beginnings regarding any or all of these matters are possible now.

This is a time when we should solve problems that require thinking “outside of the box.” We look to the future with a brand new, positive, and hopeful vision, frequently brainstorm and socialize, and focus on extending a friendly hand, receiving support, and expressing platonic love for those around us. It’s a time to give our emotions and passions a “break”, as we develop more objectivity and some detachment from past haunts. We might learn how something (or someone) works or revitalize ourselves through experiences that are new or simply different.

This cycle encourages us to reach out to people in our social circle and in our community, and recognize the value of our friendships and social networks. We might also recognize that some level of detachment and distancing ourselves from our habits and attachment to the past will help us break away from destructive behaviors that are holding us back.

With this potent Aquarius energy, we have the chance to make progressive changes in our lives. For some of us, circumstances are such that we need to pay more attention to these matters.

This New Moon harmonizes with Jupiter, and we find ourselves in the right place at the right time. We’re positive about our new beginnings."


"Humans have been predicting solar eclipses for thousands of years. The earliest recorded prediction of a solar eclipse was by Thales of Miletus, a Greek philosopher and mathematician.

Early predictions

  • Thales of Miletus

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus recorded that Thales predicted a solar eclipse, possibly on May 28, 585 B.C.

  • Ancient Babylonians

The Babylonians tracked lunar eclipses, which occur more often than solar eclipses. They were able to apply the math they learned from lunar eclipses to predict solar eclipses.

  • Ancient Chinese

Oracle bones from the Shang dynasty (1600–1045 B.C.E.) include descriptions of eclipses.

Accurate predictions

  • Edmond Halley: In 1715, Halley predicted a total solar eclipse that passed over London using Isaac Newton’s theories of gravity and orbital mechanics. His prediction was accurate to within four minutes.

Modern predictions

  • NASA: NASA uses pattern recognition to predict solar and lunar eclipses. They can predict eclipses for up to 1,000 years into the future."

The Longest-Running Science Experiment in History: Eclipses


She studied extreme psychopaths. Here’s what it taught her about human nature | Abigail Marsh


It’s official…! Uranus is direct in Taurus again. I dedicate this post in particular to my Taurus friends and… to me, who at the moment have the Sun progressing in Taurus in my chart!

Time to move forward with confidence towards everything linked to diet changes, conscious contact with the Earth, openness to Change in the choice to Be Happy, releasing everything that may still be vibrating in a more conservative spirit.
Doesn’t work? Let go. With lightness in the Heart.
Let go. With relief in the Soul.
Let go. With True Joy.
We deserve the wonderful surprises that life has for us!

(Photo from Pexels with an example of opening your consciousness by seeing things from a different perspective.)


I had the pleasure of seeing the Moon almost Eclipse Mars around this time.
The Sky was cloudy, so I didnt think I would get to see it, but there were some brief small patches in the clouds where both Deities shined through, right next to eachother


Marie-Louise von Franz about Synchronicity, Singularity, Fate & Free Will | Jungian Psychology

10;10 "they are very common’

12:00 “I cannot predict death…”


Sun shining behind a large tree without leaves during the winter.

When is the Midpoint of Winter?

" Winter is the shortest of the four seasons, lasting 88.99 days. It is shortest because at this time of year, Earth is at its closest point in its orbit to the Sun (known as perihelion). So when an object is closest to the Sun, it moves fastest in its orbit; gravity insists upon that. That is fundamental natural law.

Conversely, we are farthest from the Sun in early July, so we are moving slowest in our orbit. Which is why summer is the longest season, lasting just over 93 days."


such a GREAT video Beloved…
such precise and well transmitted teachings…
thank you for sharing!


most of the things are true, except for the lunar cycle to be exact 28 days, all the time:


always good to laugh!..
LOVED especially the Taurus, Libra and Pisces… hihihi

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Her hearts in the right place, but had to fact check this:

" The calends or kalends (Latin: kalendae) is the first day of every month in the Roman calendar . The English word “calendar” is derived from this word."

“Galactic signature”




Well played Dear Sister



Structures of the Archetypal Realm; How Nothing Becomes Something


yes it is… LOVE her frequency… which makes these facts not so relevant… but anyway… always good to combine and navigate the art of being rigourous and loving :heart_eyes:


Michael Harner

April 27, 1929, Washington, D.C.







" When Is The ‘Blood Moon’ Total Lunar Eclipse?

March’s full moon, the “Worm Moon,” will turn full at 2:56 a.m. EST on Friday, March 14, 2025 — the third and final full moon of winter in the Northern Hemisphere — and shortly after that time, it will travel through Earth’s central umbral shadow in space.




Read More

The entire event — which sees the moon first pass through Earth’s penumbra (its outer, softer shadow), then becomes partially eclipsed, then enters totality when the entire surface is within the Earth’s umbra. That entire process happens between 03:57 and 10:00 UTC on Friday, March 14, 2025, with totality occurring between 06:26 and 07:31 UTC. That’s a total of 65 minutes.

That all-important totality time translates to 2:26 to 3:31 a.m. EDT, 1:26 to 2:31 a.m. CDT and 12:26 to 1:31 a.m. MDT on Friday, March 14, 2025, 11:26 p.m. PDT on Thursday, March 13, 2025, to 12:31 a.m. on Friday, March 14, 2025, and 10:26 p.m. to 11:31 p.m. AKDT and 8:26 p.m. to 9:31 p.m. HST on Thursday, March 13, 2025."


so interesting @_Barry because yesterday was a very Blissful day thanks to me honoring precious lessons from the past… it is indeed “human to make mistakes, they are a part of life”, and they teaches us to evolve and create the world we dream of :heart_eyes:
