More and more of my daytime is feeling lucid. The boundary of day and night awareness is more of a continuum. Here’s an example.
It started on 12/16 during the Q&A with @aholecek . It was my first time submitting a question and first interaction with Andrew. As my question about the collective unconscious gets read I hear my 25 year old son calling me from the other room… “Mom!! There are 400 crows outside the window! OMG. Something is going on! I’ve never seen this before.” So of course I think they’re there because of my energy being at the Q&A session. It’s affirmation…to be in this moment and that I’m supposed to be there.
At that moment, in my thinking, I ask these crows “Do you see me? Are you listening? Will you follow me?”
Since the Q&A event I’ve been wondering if the crows can show me the way to the collective super-consciousness that @NightHawk999 told me about. I have continued to ask the crows – I see them around a lot lately – if they will come to me in a dream.
In the 12/22/22 (that’s a lot of twos) lucid dream the crows came my way. At first I see them flying in the sky forming a coordinated circle. I ask them again, “Are you listening? Do you see me?”
This prompts the crows to subtly shift the circle shape into a dialogue bubble, like in a cartoon. The crows are in motion all the time.
OMG I realize that they’re showing me their thinking space, they’re consciousness. The space in the bubble is empty. I ask them “Is that space the space of the collective super-consciousness?” In response, the crow bubble fills with my recent dream drawings of the wasp hive to show me that HERE is where my ongoing hive conversations with the Self are happening. The crows are conscious of it.
The space in the bubble recedes indefinitely, and the murmuration is looking more like a brain now. Consciousness is all connected.
I am again blown away by this. I’ve been sitting with this dream for days now, mostly trying to find a way back into the space in the bubble. This feels like a different lucid space that I haven’t been to before. I’m trying hard to document how this lucidity happens for me and what it visually looks like.
The following day after the crow dream I found this beautiful, perfectly intact layer of a wasp hive at the dog park. I don’t know how it came to rest so perfectly in one piece when the rest of the hive was so tattered, tethered way up high in a tree and mangled from the storm. A satisfying find. It instantaneously brought me back to the space in the crow bubble.
I think all of this lucid stuff goes together. It’s one continuous conversation and awareness. Do you think so?
Holy fuck.