Hello from the hive

I did not even think about the Crown being tied to the Crown Chakra, I think you are absolutely right, great insight!

Yes I think she is in all of us. I also feel that the Spiritual path is one that deals with more female tools, gifts like looking internally, intuition, inner knowing, are all classicslly attributed and to women.

I think humanity as a whole fucked up the world in many ways, no doubt the share may be disproportionately attributed to men. But also keep in mind, there is a famous line, “Behind every great man, there is a great woman”, so that does complicate who is really running the show, and where the blame lies. :upside_down_face: (That quote was also adopted by the feminist movement of the 60s and 70s)

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I fiugured it more appropriate to comment on it here, rather than the other thread where you did the video of the journal.

I found it so cool that when you incubated the question of where do the trees lead to, the dream gave you a very powerful answer. Wish you would have posted a picture of that journal entry here, it is one of my favorite drawings and dreams that you have shared so far!

You are taken back to the forest in between the two hemispheres and look up to see in the trees, many different hives. That seems like perfect symbolism for the Collective Consciousness of the Universe, or the God consciousness. This is also what the Crown Chakra is used to tap into, the infinite knowlege and wisdom of the universes! So cool. Meaning all the minds (hives) of the world becoming one collective, or the Hive of God. Very powerful dream.

I believe this is also tied to the dream about the hive inside the egg. I think you are right that it symbolizes new beginings, or the birth of a new mind to see the world with. I think it also symbolizes feritility, and that you have found a very rich and fertile mind to use as you continue your spiritual path. One thing that really stood out to me, was the green leaves that you colored in, and noticing that most of these hives have that connection to the trees (mother nature) running through them. It ties back to this quote: "the energy of the great mother. She is nature, around us but also within us, the ever-unfolding source of life-giving power. “” I believe you are becoming much deeper conected to this energy, and it will continue to be a big part of your life going forward.

Have you been able to practice the higher level stages of Dream Yoga?

Andrew divides them into 9 stages. If you check out the webinar section of this site, there is a video dedicated to each of the stages and practices.

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In Andrews latest Book study video:

Book Study “Dream Yoga” | 27 |

He refers to the ego as being like a cocoon, that refernece reminded me of this picture. Very fitting.

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Hi @DreamingFromHere I really enjoyed looking at yr substantial series of LD drawings and references to wasp hives. Somewhere in these threads I will look for my wasp hives LD dream dilemma to send to you. In the meantime, I went to RISD too! Check out my Instagram carolelindbergartist


I dont think that is a coincidence, very cool Synchronicity!

@DreamingFromHere , have you ever seen the American Lotus plant and dried seed pod? It is one of my favorite plants, the flower is as big as my hand, and the leaves are massive (like elephant ears). The seed pod, which floats, will dry in the upright position, and as winter progresses, slowly turn upsidedown, to drop the seeds into the water/frozen snow and ice. Might just be a coincidence, but do these ‘Seeds of Buddha’ not look eirily similar to a Wasps nest?

Perhaps this is yet another sign that is trying to be communicated to you via dreams? The power of these ‘seeds of wisdom’, and the power of dream yoga. I also find it very interesting that there is no nest or wasps in the hive ever, emptiness is a very important part of the Dharma:


It is my understanding that the Lotus was such a sacred symbol to this tradition, because while keeping its roots in the muck and mire, it is able to rise above the filth and impurity, and become something pure and beautiful. This is the power of meditation, it allows us to rise above the thoughts and chaos of the monkey mind, and take refugue in the infinite stability and purity of awareness.


@NightHawk999 , that is a very interesting analogy of the lotus seedpods and the wasp nest. It would never have occurred to me. I wish to dream on this lovely idea, it almost seems like a happy ending…


It really amazes me how dreams communicate meaning and messages to us, either from our deepest subconsciouness/unconsciousness, and/or from a higher source like the collective consciousness.

I dont think it is a coincidence, the thought came to my mind a few times while reading about these hive dreams, i believe it is a supynchronicity.

While not identical is does look very similar:


Almost like layers of the seed pods being stacked on eachother. In the book the Attention Revolution, it speaks of different stages of meditation, and how each stage gets you deeper and deerp into the Self.


If you’re on facebook you might enjoy The Sacred Geometry group which highlights such phenomena.


I dont use it, too addictive. Neen trying to cut all addictions from my life. Caffeine was on my shit list for a long time too.

Have heard people mention Sacred Geometry before. Will do some reseach into it.

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This book does a nice job going through some of these natural rhythms.


Will add it to my list, and try to find it at my library, thank you.

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Beautiful, love this connection! It seems this same growth pattern repeats in nature and in dreams. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what to do during my dream interactions with the collective unconscious/ancestors. Here are a couple of examples from August 2022.

8/27/2022 Dream: The compound eyes of the spider are made up of ancestors looking back at me.

Notes: It’s the collective unconscious staring at me. They’ve arrived here via the shadow archetype. We’ve become joined in a compound in this space of consciousness. (The spider is a recurring dream symbol of my shadow work that is ongoing – it never ends.)

8/8/22 Ancestors fill the hive.


Interesting that it is a recurring dream symbol. Spiders were considered sacred to many Native American tribes, not all spiders, but I think the orb weaver species was considered sacred.


One myth is that the spider was the only animal capable of carrying fire accross water to give it to man. (Kind of like NA prometheus myth)

The webs the orb weavers make are spectacular! Really beautiful, and in most cases almost invisible unless the light hit it just right.

The term web of life comes to mind, not just in how we are all connected, but also how we are deeply connected to our ancestors before us, even if that connection is very difficult to see for most people.

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A synchronicity worth noting is that @KhyungMar also had a Spider dream this summer, comming to him after a dry spell in lucid dreaming.

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