Excellent advice
I went in with a very cluttered mind and no meditation the last 2 tests, so looking forward to seeing what happens with a ‘clear sky’ mind.
I am ashamed to admit I have not read this part or much of the book yet. I have been so busy, and reading off a screen is one of my least favorite activities. But I think its time to print it out and indulge in that precious present
Thank you for this!
I was thinking the same thing about very early morning or late as night being perfect occassions.
Yes you make some good points about this. Dr JP talked about something similar in a recent meditation video.
SO TRUE, this was one of the big take aways for me.
LOVE this.
Dearest Beloved, great Mind thinks a like! My thoughts exactly, on the results interefereing with future results. Brilliant my friend!
thank you @mbready (and chatgpt 4) for an epic translation in such a short time…
it’s on chapter 10. you can go right ahead to it and, please remember… have fun !
@_Barry I will watch “Blind Man See” with very close attention… it might take some days or weeks, but I feel something really special is coming from it. thank you for sharing.
Dearest Beloved, when I did this ‘google search’ I was in a deeply meditative state and clear mind, Had just watched one of Andrews videos and was very awe inspired, clear, and spacious
Last weekend after the beach I went to a meditation group.
Before it started the leader of the session invited us to put any personal objects on the ‘alter’ we wanted to be energized (there were stones, candles and incense burning)
All I had on me was my wallet and my sunglasses. I didnt want my wallet stollen, so I figured I would put my sunglasses there, in an effort to see things more clearly.
Someone in the group made fun of me for putting my sunglasess on the table, and I told them the reason why.
Long story short, the group leader said that session they would be calling on the help of the Arch Angel Gabriel. I asked her (and the group) if he was the same Angel who inspired the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, she said she didn’t know (neither did anyone else) but thought it made sense due to his blessing characteristics.
Halfway through the meditation she explained the characteristics Gabriel was famous for. The last sentence of her explanation notes (I made sure to look it over after the session) said:
Found this piece of story in a very interesting article, that you might enjoy…
“For example, one day when a dear friend of mine was a schoolboy, he stood up from his chair in the middle of a lesson, ran out of the classroom, ran out of the school and all the way home, where he burst in the back door to find his mother lying on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood. She looked up at him and said, ‘Thank God you came Jack – I prayed you would’. In many indigenous cultures this would not be considered exceptional; in our culture it is either considered impossible or dismissed as a mere coincidence. Living in the head as we do, we live with a fractured sense of self – and so our eyes see a fractured world around us. And then when we do damage to the subtle, mindful, delicate interconnections that sustain life, we might barely notice.”
Reminds me of the dream I had where these two Dakinis took my eyes out and washed them so that I would see more clearly. Glad your solution was (potentially) less painful.
LOVED this dream! Andrew talked about Angels and Dakinis in his last book club presentation, coincidence!!!..
A few weeks ago, after a volunteer session. I was in a barn with one of the instructors, the instructor picked up some energy in the air that I was completely oblivious to, and walked to a stall where a worker housed their horse. She was crying and in the stall with her mother. Her horse was sick with a neurological isssue. I talked to her mom in the hallway and she said the horse only had a few weeks or months left, these dianosises never ended well. I asked the mom if I could give the horse a hug, and she said yes.
I did so after they both had left the stall. I wish you could have seen the body language of the horse. I have never had a horse react the way he did. He was very calm and lowered his head low. I could see in his face he felt the energy. I was connecting to his heart, and trying to fill his body with White light.
I told the girl later about the hug, and how his reaction was like nothing I had seen before. She said this horse was very intuitive and deeply sensitive to vibes and energies. He was a Polo horse when he was younger, makes sense he would be highly sensitive to that stuff. He died less than a week later. I am very glad I went with my gut and gave him a hug before he passed, I thought he had many more months to live. One of the nicest horses I ever knew.
Very beautiful soul.
The following week I was talking to the girl and gave her my condolences and told her I believe his soul is in a better place, along with being able to be near her and protect her in times of need. She agreed, and broghtened up when she told me after he had died she and her mom saw a landed bat, which they both took as a sign he was in a better place. (they moved the bat to a safe spot).
Makes total senses to me that this would be a very powerful sign from the heavens. Birds, bats, butterflies, and many other flying animals I think can all be strong messengers.
yes, there are many beautiful stories of synchronicities of birds related to death passages… What i enjoy the most when hearing this kind of stories, is the energy of people… the sparkling eyes, the soft heart, the soft voice…
thank you for sharing this beautiful story.
indeed. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day she would vent with you she had a wonderful dream with the stall…
and LOVING it. thank you again @_Barry for sharing this gem here.
@NightHawk999 just learned on this video a new technique for intuition that might give you more inspiration for your intuition trials:
at minute 19.20, Alex shares what he learned from people who work with remote viewing:
“the ultimate control is time”, which led him to ASK THE PERSON TO DESCRIBE THE IMAGE BEFORE THE IMAGE IS SHOWN"
Mind Blowing!
So, you can try to connect with the images on a card deck, and channel each card without even turning the cards and/or ordering them! just shuffle them and draw, write what you see. one by one. and then check.
If you try this, please let me know the results!
@Kalabasis I think you will enjoy this video very much!..
Beloved @_Barry I am deeply touched and infinitely grateful to you!..
I have consulted my intuition today, as usual (do it almost once a week, sometimes several times in the week) with a method I have been using for the last ten years…
I asked in my “traditional” way of doing it it, if I should try it in a new way, inspired in Alex’s video, where he shares that “time is the ultimate control”.
intuition said yes!
So today was different, and it’s a huge upgrade!.. thanks to you Barry!
Instead of connecting with each theme with my hand (in folded papers where I cannot see the theme I’m asking about), I connected at a distance, and only after recording all the answers on my audio recorder, I ordered the papers in numbers.
When I saw the answers… I was in awe… it was SPOT ON!
I feel there was less interference in this way.
I did several prayers and magic before… @NightHawk999 … if you wish, I can share all my secrets on this with you! (or anyone who reads this and is interested)
This is a new step for me.
Life is definitely AMAZING!
Long story short last summer I bought a star gazing tent during prime sale for really good deal. I sleep in hammock, but wanted to test this tech for laying and gazing on bluff edges, figured it would help keep the bugs away and give the back relief from the tough hikes.
The day I hiked in was scorching hot, 99F. Which meant the bluff rock was 10-15 degrees hotter.
I set up the tent on a flat rock area. Layed down, that night and was blown away. I had a theory the rock would absorb some of the heat and radiate it for a few hours into the night.
When I layed down that night for the first time in it, the rock was so hot, I had to get off it and go do something else bc i was sweating so much. I came back 2 hours latter for a retest;
OMG! Like slipping into a hot tub or hot bath. Really amazing feel. Like I was in the Womb of Mother nature. Words dont really do it justice to explain the feeling, but all I can say is I passed out in about 10min, and slept the whole night on my back on that rock ‘bed’ with no sleeping bag, just back on rock basically with tent plastic in between.
When I woke my first thought was ‘oh fuck, now my back is gong to be shot for the day’, but it was the opposite. The warm mountain stone at caused my back to relax all night.
It was like I melted into and merged with the Mountain, and our Great Mother. A blending of hearts kind of…
I will share it here soon…
but today I have a VERY interesting video to share…
I think you’re gonna love it…
some highlights:
@Dream_Hacker & @NightHawk999 thought about you on minute 23. It seems that divorcing from results is harder for men! So… congrats! You are amazing!
34:37 really cool explanation about how each object has its space that cannot be occupied by another object.
A photon from 1945 could easily be the same now.
All they need is to have the same momentum, energy and polarization.
For bosons it’s having the same spin.
Bosons - mind
Photon - physical structure
Gyal - glues it all and should be more recognized and praised. @Bucket thought about you on this one and also on @NightHawk999 of course
minute 43 - transmission is being blocked for all of us (not only for one person), and then it opens up.
minute 45:10
rocks can do it.
Any physical substance can screen information.
So why is is useful to screen the past and future, plus things in space? Or what are we getting from not screening the stuff out? And how is this beneficial to our growth? Because we are definitely screening out something that is beneficial for us. And available.
minute 49 - loving darkness @_Barry you might enjoy this part particularly now…
to love we don’t use words… it’s an experiential approach
But the person needs to want to experience that.
Like I can hold hands with someone look into their eyes and just love.
People are used to conditional love and think that love is a trick.
minute 52.
People tend to differentiate mind from heart.
More results.
More truth is found
minute 58.
What we call rational mind is just system two created by system one, which is our intuition. Brilliant definition of intuition - check it out @NightHawk999
Humanity is now learning how being aware of the present affects the future And how it relates towards the future. And how it relates to what is in the future.
When people practice leaving messages for themselves over time, meaning from their future selves to their present selves.Or from the past selves to the Present.Or from the present to the past selves. There’s this balance time perspective that boosts well being.
(I do this since a teenager and it definitely works)
Time is a human reaction to something fundamental.
Well my practice is still VERY much a work in progress – lucidity in sleeping dreams remains mostly elusive, despite (what I consider to be) very strong lucidity in the dream of the day. But it’s good to know “it’s not just me!”
So here is the full guide for preparing yourself to being a vessel and receiving intuitive answers. This is my version, an idea of what can be done. Every little detail here comes from sources of inspiration throughout the last 19 years.Spiritual keys that have touched, worked, and stayed with me.This is just an example. The most important, as usual, is that it comes from the heart, and is for the benefit of all.
When I know the date I connect with my heart and say "what is it needed to happen in time, space, and consciousness for when I consult my intuition on the (complete date), I receive miracles and confirmations, for the answers to be clear and I understand that clarity, And that I stay in awe when I correspond the answers to the themes, and that from that point on, I trust even more my intuition. In an easy, gentle, quick and very loving way, for the highest good of all, Right and wrong, good and bad, pod and poc, all nine shorts, boys and beyond + Right and wrong, good and bad, pod and poc, all nine shorts, boys and beyond + Right and wrong, good and bad, pod and poc, all nine shorts, boys and beyond (I have learned this when I was initiated to Access Barrs in 2014, and ever since I practice this everyday. This is high level fun magic);
When the time comes, I light two candles - one on my main altar and one in my room altar where I consult my intuition, with the intention “brilliant intuition”;
Usually I do it first thing in the morning, scrape the tongue, only drink water, only the light of the candle on, so that my brain somehow keeps close to alpha state;
I take the papers for my altar, connect with them, and with my Magic Wand, I bless each paper with “clarity”, and cover them;
I put on the audio recorder with headphones so that I can speak in a lower tone, close my eyes, and start with a prayer, after breathing profoundly three times. When I inhale, I breath also to my tummy and when I exhale, I first visualize the number 3, three times, first a very big 3, then a medium 3, and then a small 3, in the second exhalation, visualize the number 2, three times, first a very big 2, then a medium 2, and then a small 2, in the third exhalation, visualize the number 1, three times, first a very big 1, then a medium 1, and then a small 1.
My prayer is saying out loud:
I connect with my spirit guides, and the spirit guides of all people involved in these themes.
All light beings are welcome to be here, and support me in my conscious evolution.
(Connect with my closest Guardian Angel by saying) “Hug me Suzy” (three times, doing a special Mudra, and I pause, breathe deeply, until I feel Suzie’s warmth. When I feel Suzy’s Presence, I say) “thank you”, (deeply from my heart.)
I connect with my teachers and my masters, with my master’s masters and my teacher’s teachers.
I connect with the moon, in deep gratitude for it amplifying my psychic abilities, especially in this moment. Thank you.
I am so grateful for all the confirmations and miracles of today. Thank you.
I am so grateful for the clear answers and my ability to see that clarity. Thank you.
I am so grateful that I am able to see beyond the masks. Thank you.
I consecrate the fruits , flowers and benefits of this consultation to my intuition for the highest good of all in two our divine essence.
After this prayer, I start. More information in chapter 10 of my book.
Enjoy beloved @NightHawk999 and thank you so much for your endless curiosity.