🎵 Music That Moves You

@_mbready These Metallica dudes keep following me! I can’t get away from them!!! :slightly_smiling_face:


@_mbready. I think I’ll just go with the Turnpike to Purgatory.


That which you believe you shall achieve :blush:. I am somewhat of a procrastonator myself.

I’ve had dreams which show both paths are enjoyable so who am I to judge. :man_shrugging:

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@_mbready. Wow what a nightmare that must have been for you! So sorry that you had to go through that! But it also sounds like it was somehow a courageous rite of passage for you!


@_mbready. One way to look at is that “hell” is a state where one is stuck in suffering and you feel you can’t get out. Purgatory is where you start to climb the mountain of spiritual practices and it takes you out of hell and eventually up to the Stairway to Heaven. That’s how Dante portrays it, anyway.


Yup, I for one like purgatory. If I’ve ever learned one thing it is that the middle path is the way forward :slightly_smiling_face:.


Good read for this thread


@_Barry appreciate the country vids.

Was not impressed with this performance, prefer original song:

This one was JR s first hit, fun one to drive to:

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Native American tribes all over north and south america were enslaving eachother long before Columbus.

Easy to subjugate. Difficult to keep alive. Small Pox and many other noval bio (warefare) agents decimated tribal populations.


Native populations, its been theorized, created genocide and caused multiple animals species to go extinct. If that’s true, then they took the land from mother nature in a way.

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Hell of a win
Hell of a season my <3, well played :football: :microphone:


Yes, there was some slavery among some of the tribes. Here in the Salish Sea region (Puget Sound) the local Salish tribes were raided by powerful war-like tribes from further north in what is now Canada (like the Haida) and often carried off as slaves.
And yes, when the first European explorers arrived they unintentionally brought disease with them that decimated the Native population. So it was easy for the European colonists to take the land a century or so later, as the Native populations had already been decimated. But later on the U.S. government deliberately used biological warfare by taking blankets from sanitariums that were infected with smallpox and giving them to the Indians. Now that is pure evil!
Children were also taken from their parents and forced into boarding schools where they were supposed to forget about their culture and language, indoctrinated with Christianity, sexually abused and murdered. Mass child graves have been found on the grounds of these boarding schools - especially in Canada, but it happened in the U.S. as well.
And yeah, all cultures have done some bad things. But what happened in the Americas was particularly bad in my opinion.
And as I also posted, America is evolving forward, and hopefully becoming a better place for all. I have faith in that process. Spiritual evolution is an up and down process. “The arc of history is long but it bends towards justice.” -MLK


PS. As for Native people hunting animals to extinction, there has been some speculation about ice age mega-fauna being hunted to extinction by Native populations back in the ice age. As far as I’m aware this is based on speculative theories. But if this happened, then I think that they learned over time that this isn’t sustainable, as more recent Native ethic about what you can hunt and how much you can hunt is very different than that. I have a Native friend who told me this story:
As kids he and his brothers had BB guns and decided one day to go out hunting for birds. They first saw a sparrow, so they shot and killed it. Then they saw a robin so they shot and killed it. Towards evening they saw an owl, so they shot and killed it. They proudly took their game back home to show their Dad. So Dad says, “remember what I told you? That whatever you kill you’ve got to eat?”
“OK, then you better pluck, dress and eat those birds that you killed!”
He said that they relunctantly did “and that owl sure tasted terrible!”
Compare this to the white hunters who quickly hunted the once abundant passenger pigeon to extinction and killed buffalo by the thousands and let them rot. The latter to deprive the Native people of the Plains of their primary food souce.


This last video was filmed at Standing Rock.
Mni Wiconi. Water is Life.

I’d also highly recommend watching the film “Killers of the Flower Moon” is you haven’t yet seen it. Just posted on this in the movie thread.



@_Barry. Right. It’s the awkward stage where all the karmic shit goes down. And we as a species are also in a very awkward stage in our evolutionary process. We now have the technology to destroy ourselves and the whole planet. A very awkward stage where we either have to quickly evolve spiritually or we could easily destroy ourselves and this whole planet in the process!
Damn it’s hard to be a teenage gangster with big guns! :slightly_smiling_face:




Makes the Holocaust look like a day at Disneyland in comparission.

Not just ice age mamamals.

Horses too…

Talk to the US army. The bison population seemed to be a national security risk. The extinction was almost a complete success.

You forgot the Trail of Tears

The Cherokee’s version of 9/11 :skull: :skull: :skull:


Right, the Buffalo were a “security risk” because they fed the Indians who were a “security risk” as we were driving them off of their lands and starting to try to round them up on reservations. And yes, who can forget the Trail of Tears. Not only for the Cherokee but for a whole bunch of Eastern tribes who were rounded up and sent to Oklahoma or other areas that were deemed relatively worthless at the time. (At least until oil was discovered there much later- see Killers of the Flower Moon).
And the hits just keep on coming!

Remember this one?