I was going to mention that Pan will more than likely visit you via Dream(s) &/or Visions, in the weeks/months/years after the passing. I did not want to jinx it, so I kept my mouth shut, but rest assured, the probability is quite high when the Love bond between yall is this strong.
I think a dream plan is a fantastic idea, but I would also throw the idea in the air to let the dream come to you when the the time is right. Only you know what is best for you at this momment, trust you Heart and intuition.
For me, when the wound is this fresh, its best to feel the emotions deeply, whatever arises, and not run from them, nor get sweept away or drown by them. Whatching what arises in your mind like a Hawk in these next 49 days, both during the day and night, I think will provide you with powerful Spiritual tools, that will help you, (and the people you interact with), for many years to come.
Yes… I have recited recently this poem to a patient whose cat passed away a few days later. He was finally able to relax and go (had been suffering for years).
I think one of the Greatest gifts dogs offer is they teach us about Christ Love.
I asked a high level Muslim spiritual teacher this summer, if God’s Love was on par with that of a mother and child (having recently learned about the Buddhist Mother/Child reunion teaching and then seeing a goose):
He said yes, but theres really no comparison, bc the scale of Gods Love is so much more vast. He also one uped me on the sexism of my comment, and said:
“or a fathers daily labor to put a roof over the family’s head, clothes on their back, and food in their bellies”
But both the mother and fathers love is just a drop of water when compared to the ocean of God’s Love
Yesterday was the 1 week anniversary of Pan’s passing. I did tonglen for him and read the chapter from Preparing to Die about what to do in the bardo’s. Not sure if he can understand me but I felt connected with him while doing these things so I know it helped.
I’m taking a break from here until after Pan’s 49 days. Thank you everyone for the prayers, for the condolences, for the dedication of merit to Pan, for the support. I truly appreciate each and every one of you.