My Friend Morpheus Visits

That is the transition! Awesome to hear. :slightly_smiling_face:

It usually lasts about 3-5 seconds and then a dream begins forming.

If you it happens again in the future try to stay perfectly still and your body will try again in a couple minutes.


Having problems “going deeper” in liminal dreaming. I feel my experiences are mostly limited to the first level. I’ve been unable to fall asleep during my naps. Not a problem because the reason I started in the first place was to explore liminal dreaming, not get a rest. However I’d like to get close to it so I could practice remaining aware in that state. Oh well. I’m sure if I persevere it will happen. Will continue my efforts.

Got some huperzine-A. Taking it as a general nootropic to help with ADHD. But looking forward to seeing how it effects my dream life as well.


That’s cool! Have you ever had a WILD before? I hear the experience is really interesting. Watching thoughts become a dream world that you can step into.


No, definitely on my bucket list. The liminal dreaming practices I think are what will help achieve this eventually with enough patience and practice.

I think a big factor that influenced it was me being tired, relaxed, and sleeping on my back, which I rarely do bc dificult to fall asleep, but I sleep the deepest when I can get to sleep on my back.


Never worked for me, but good luck!


Had one great one. Fell into lucidity and the first thing I thought was 'I’m in!" Had a great lucid dream.


Sound like you are close to having one. Just keep up the practice!

:thinking: maybe I should try this too. Might help with my liminal dreaming. Could try yoga nidra + theta wave entrainment + breathing techniques and see if that gets me to the space. I sleep on my side, have aways done so since college.

I hope it works. Galantamine is too expensive. You can buy 4 months worth of huperzine for half the price of 2 months worth of galantamine. I’ve heard that some people wake up groggy from galantamine as well.

Awesome! Looking forward to having this experience some night. I’ve heard that WILD lucid dreams tend to be more stable. Was that your experience?


I use this in combination with galantamine every now and then. Sometimes I quit galantamine for a couple weeks and take it in place of galantamine completely to stop a resistance from building up to galantamine. I have a decent amount of experience with both medications. For me huperzine is about 70% the effectiveness of galantamine which is good enough for me.

Using both on the same night usually results in some pretty cool vivid dreams. I don’t do it all the time but it is something worth experimenting with.

Huperzine A produces long vivid dreams for me, but there is a clear winner between the two medications (galantamine) IMO.


Doseages? . . . . . . . . . …


Will try to find the video of one of the ladys Andrew interviewed that did a fantastic yoga nidra meditation

What is this?

Its worth every penny. I have heard getting it prescribed is far cheaper, but you have to factor in doctors visit costs.

Has side effects for sure. Grogginess is not one I noticed.

You as well :slightly_smiling_face:


I follow the instructions on this bottle. It is the best reviewed on Amazon and has tons of good reviews :+1:.



great video:

Here is the interview Andrew did with her:

A Deep Exploration of Yoga Nidra (“Yoga sleep”) with Michele Loew


Better dream recall with huperzine so far, but can’t say my dreams are any more vivid. Still, it’s only the first night. Will continue to monitor the quality of my dreams.

Thanks. Listened to that talk before I left and tried out some her videos. Thanks for posting. I’d like to do yoga nidra more often… but my sadhana schedule is already pretty full. I can do it on weekends, however.

Stuff like binaural beats and isochronic tones. You can find them on YouTube but they are pretty low quality. The higher quality stuff can be a bit expensive, but it’s worth it for the quality. I have several albums from . The founder John Dupuy was interviewed by AH.

Here’s one from YT:

Have you found that to be an issue with galantamine? Building up resistance? I plan on taking huperzine every day. Mostly because I’m using it as a cognitive enhancer. But maybe I could take a break on the weekends.

Hmmm. Maybe worth it to pick up some G. Maybe I can use it just on the weekends or something. That way it would last pretty long and won’t break my bank account.


Some imagery from my nap today:

Two people discussing meeting at a sushi bar in a dream

A group of scientists in lab coats surround another scientist with a device that plays sounds similar to dolphin song

A large Devonian armored fish catching and eating something

Interestingly I was able to notice a feeling shift in my experience during hypnagogia very similar to the feeling I get when listening to brainwave entrainment tracks when my brainwave patterns shift into the target patterns.


Awesome, really appeciate you posting this. Have not experimented with this before. Time to wet my beak.

Stomach issues and insomnia were the two worse side effects for me. Both are common complaints.

Will let you know around the equinox if the new brand I bought off amazon is effective. The one Andrew and @_Barry recommend is no longer selling there.

If you cant fall back to sleep on it,. use it as a coffee/caffeine substitute, and you will be rewarded with stronger dream recall at night.


I take a single peanut butter M&M or a pretzel with galantamine and it eliminates the discomfort.


A slice of cheese also helps. A small amount of food is great advice.


Happy exploring! I’ve found them useful. They can help deepen your meditation. And also like I shared earlier if you use them often you can get a sense of what it feels like for your brain wave patterns to shift, which is something you can also experience during hypnagogia as you shift into theta.

Here’s the interview I mentioned:

A free album from iAwake is available for download for listeners.

I just ordered some the other day. Figured it could be helpful to play around with during the weekends. Gonna start with 4g and see what happens.

I might have had a dream two nights ago where I was lucid. Not sure though. I definitely did attempt dream control during it and actually succeeded. I really only remember the last part of the dream though, and that it was pretty long.

Interestingly I had this dream on the night I prayed to God to give me lucid dreams to help me grow spiritually.


Didn’t do much for me but it was maybe 4-5 years ago. I suggest try a double dose (8mg) to start with, adding a slice of your favorite cheese.


Thank you for letting me know how effective this is.

I would say this in in my top 10 favorite interviews of Andrew, Really love John Dupuy and the work he does to connect people with Nature is truely Gods work!

Cool synchronicity, mine arrived today a few days early. I chose the 8mg option on Amazon, so, now we both can be test subjects for the 2 different brands and let people know if the product is legitimate.

If you are open to sharing it, I would love to hear.

I think you had a LD and started doing DY. If not, you are so close, its only a matter of time before you start moving mountains. Keep on rocking!