My Friend Morpheus Visits

Its not an easy path to walk, but sounds like there are definitely some perks to walking the spiritual path. :innocent:


Two interesting dreams last night. The last one was definitely lucid, the first one might have been lucid.


  1. I’m carrying something somewhere but instead of stopping there I see a beach and an ocean just down a little path. I got this beach and walk into the waves. I try to turn the ocean into milk. I have limited success with this, so I try again. The waves turn whiter and they are very warm against my skin. Not sure if they tasted like milk since I haven’t drunk milk in a long time, but they weren’t salty and they tasted smooth. I see my nephew there and he says his brother has turned into a fish or something like that

Background: this dream might have been inspired by a gull I saw fly over me during the day while taking my dog out for a walk. I thought it was odd, I’m pretty far from any large bodies of water. Also it might be related to my intention to swim with dolphins. Too bad I didn’t remember that intention, because it would have been a perfect time to take advantage of it.

  1. I’m exploring a house. I am part of a party like from Dungeons and Dragons. I know my other party members are somewhere in the house, but I don’t see them nearby. I know my Dungeon Master M has probably set traps or puzzles to solve in this house, but I don’t see any of them. I try some doors but they are locked. After coming back from doing something else I don’t remember, I find the doors again, only they have shrunk. They are more like dog doors now. I manage to open them and squeeze in. I am in a dark room. I find a mirror. I look into the mirror and my eyes are wide and black like a grey alien’s eyes. I say to myself “I am dreaming.” I look around for my DM M but don’t see her. I don’t see much else to interact with either. I decide to try stage 2 of dream yoga. I try pushing my hands into a wall. They go in easily with very little resistance. I stand there with my arms in the wall up to my biceps, waving them back and worth in the walls and saying “Wee! Weeee! This is an illusion!” I then try to find the rest of my party. I try to find a place where I can walk through the wall, but the room is full of closets now and when I open the closet doors I am met only with other doors to open. I explore the closet a bit, they are fully of clothes and shoes and stuff like that. I wake up.

Background: I had just played a Dungeons and Dragons game with M that day. So I think this dream was a replay type of dream.


In between the two dreams I used the MILD technique. I tried to incubate a dream about the ocean so I could go back there and try to find some dolphins to swim with. I told myself “Next time I am dreaming I will know I am dreaming.” The incubation didn’t catch, but I did manage to become lucid in the next dream.


I don’t play but a good friend does and also is a frequent lucid dreamer and he gets into “The Zone” where it really becomes special. He even creates characters and has a major collection of characters and landscapes. He’s 52, so it’s a big part of his life, both day and night.


Really awesome, congratulations on this success.

Sometimes just the act of incubation seems to allow awareness to get its foot in the door.


If the first one wasnt, sounds like you came so close to having 2 Dream Yoga dreams, just having 1 is big!

When did you have these dreams? (the morning of which day?)

Did you use G, or were they spontaneous?

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Yeah it’s easy to get real into it. :grinning: That’s cool I’m definitely going to try using LD to inform my DnD campaigns in the future. I feel like all creative endeavors, LD will help a lot.

Funny thing is, it didn’t feel special. I didn’t get excited during the dream or anything. Also I feel my lucidity was very low. Kinda don’t know what to make of it- AH says dream yoga is the measure of the path and that he previously has struggled with stage 2 of dream yoga. Yet it went pretty easy for me. I know I’m not that spiritually advanced lol, I haven’t gone on any retreats, and I still struggle to stay focused during samatha. I’ll have to see in subsequent dreams if this was just a fluke or if I really find it so easy to put my hands through dream walls.

The morning I posted the reports. So Sunday I think.

No G. Might have had some huperzine in my system though from earlier. I took it the previous morning.


I’ve been working with the 5 remembrances and the thought that there are beings in the bardo right now with nobody to help them and that I can help them with my spiritual practice. It helps me cultivate vairagya, or dispassion for dualistic things.


Wasn’t a thing when I was growing up in the inner city in 50s-60s.


Your hard work and healthy habits are paying off big. I think this is extremely promising results from such a short time. Keep up the great work.

Dont sell yourself short, I have read your posts on God. I think any church or temple would be lucky to have you. :slightly_smiling_face:

Me too, but I have seen the long term progress that practices produce, and that is big motivation to keep adding fuel to the fire.

So cool, this was within 24 hours of the Full moon, and lunar eclipse!

Very Impressive! That really shows the power of the hard work you put in.

What are these?

AH says doing this practice for others and really meaning it will greatly accelerate your path.


Yes, first published in '74 I believe. Caused a moral panic, people thought it was a gateway to occult, or that it caused people to lose their sense of reality.

DnD sections begins 3:44, then there’s a break, then begins again in 6:38

Tom Hank’s first movie roll was a movie called Monsters & Mazes in which he plays a character that disassociates because of playing the game and thinks he’s his character in the game.


Yes definitely encouraged by it. At the same time I have a healthy dose of skepticism about it. Not gonna dissuade me from continuing forward of course. I just wanna see how things play out, get some more data before coming to a conclusion.

Thanks for that comment NT. I do try, but don’t feel like I make much progress. Still, just having met the dharma this life is something to be grateful for, and I am. So I continue to my spiritual practices, no matter how madly or incompetent I feel when doing them.

Oh hadn’t thought of that. There was the gull too that passed overhead which I felt was interesting.

The eclipse is passing through my part of town, so I will be able to see it.

Reminders about impermanence. From the Theravada tradition.

  1. I am of the nature to grow old. There is no way to escape growing old.
  2. I am of the nature to have ill health. There is no way to escape having ill health.
  3. I am of the nature to die. There is no way to escape death.
  4. All that is dear to me and everyone I love are of the nature to change. There is no way to escape being separated from them.
  5. My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground upon which I stand.

Had another LD, low lucidity. Wasn’t able to do anything with this dream.


Feelings? Sometimes when I know it, if I wake up feeling happy, or content or maybe not-so-much, I’ll note it.


What are you having difficulty with most? Time, patience, and not being afraid to explore new techniques are all very helpful.

I HIGHLY reccommend you make time to view it, and even if it is behind the clouds, set aside time to do something sacred.

Thank you for sharing this, it is very helpful!

The pot is starting to boil, this is a huge accomplishment. I also had an LD last night, which was about 48 hours fro the full moon. Will share below, both you and @_Barry helped inspire it!


So @Bucket you inspired me to try to incubate a dream about the ocean. I set an intention in the back of my mind, but did not do much practice.

Last night I had a dream like the Amazing Grace song where I was both watching the Captain on a sailing ship in very stormy weather, and at times was him, stearing and holding the rope to the giant sail.

(@BlessingsDeers , you will like this part, I think it was inspired by your Jim Carey video):

At one point I telepathically told the captain to pray to God. He did, and within 15-30 seconds (possibly even sooner), We sailed to the edge cloud wall of the storm and started to hit calmer waters and waves, with the huge dark cloud wall fading behind us. It was so cool!

This dream did not trigger LD, but worth noting, because there is a tie in with the LD:

I am in an above ground Train station at night. A train goes by and then leaves the door opens and a man walks into the station, he is in a gray dated suit, younger than me, with blond messy hair, and kind of looks like Mr. Beast.

He cannot stop talking about whales. This is when I started to realize I was dreaming. Not wanting to get too excited or let him know I knew it was a dream, I began to walk with him and talk about whales. A fun thought came to my mind, and I asked him, have you ever ridden a whale before?

He said no, and as we walked through the open wall to outside, my mind and intention helped turn the outside of the station into a new scene, it was daytime now, outside the station, and where the rails of the train would be in the trench (off the platform), I had generated the ocean, like a giant contained swimming pool. I was trying to generate a whale, but couldnt, so I asked him do you know how to make a whale call?

He made a weird loud noise.

Then trying to one up him, I howled, like a wolf at the moon, but in doing so, I looked up at the sky and habittually closed my eyes, this kicked me out of the dream…


No whale riding this time, but now I have something to look forward to in the future. :star_struck:



A little satisfaction I had a lucid dream I guess. That emotion was more muted than when I had the house dream though.

I’m thinking it must be illusory form practice that is creating the lucidity. These dreams haven’t started with reality checks, they’ve started with me suddenly looking at something strange- like me with grey alien eyes, and then saying “I’m dreaming.” For this dream it was me seeing two wolves, one which looked like it had moss growing on it.

Well my samatha practice hasn’t made any progress in years. Feels like I’m still as distracted as when I started. I can focus for 3-5 seconds most.

Yes local library is offering eclipse glasses for free, I’m gonna grab a pair. I’m not going to be in the totality, only 99% coverage I think. Still should be spectacular.


Like Jesus calming the storm, pretty cool dream!

Pretty cool. I wanna swim with whales too. And dolphins. Your dream reminded me of Alan Hovannes’s And God Created Whales.

That’s what whale song sounds, but not sure how a human can makes those sounds lol.


If you take illusory form practice seriously and are able to step into the correct mindset, that this world is a dream, it transfers into your night time (you see your dream as a dream and attain lucidity). The best part is I’ve found is that this cyclical process amplifies one another over time.

I’d say your 100% correct about what you said above.


this morning, went out with Solimar singing this song! this had never happened before! cool synch.


the house where I stayed in the South of Portugal a couple of days ago had a whale drawing in one of the rooms… and… a few weeks ago I created this informative/promotional image for the next lucid dream adventure as a teacher and facilitator:

and now you talking about whales… My Goddess… this is So cool!

Have you seen a video from Andrew explaining what can happen after you close your eyes? I think it was in the Answers and questions… next time you can dive inside yourself very deeply instead of waking up… :star_struck:


Another LD last night. This time the trigger was noticing that a door had changed from wood grain to white.

Yes a powerful practice I’m finding. The perfect accompaniment to Western LD induction techniques.