My project, exploring galantamine over the last 196 days

It broke this reality for me and proved that the waking world is not as solid as I had believed my entire life. I failed to mention that this was a co-worker who had just started working with me.

At the time, I didn’t know about his experience, but a couple of days later, after the event with the elevator, he asked me about my hobbies, and I told him about lucid dreaming. He shared that he could relate to it from his near-death experience, which resulted in an OBE. He believed that it was not just his imagination, something that I wholeheartedly believe about certain lucid dreams. Then I started to think that his OBE experience may have been what allowed us to share such an amazing thing.

My mom said something that makes some sense to me too. I called her right after it happened pumped full of adreline trying to explain what just happen and she said he might have been there to keep me grounded during the experience and thought having that experience without grounding i could have ended up somewhere otherworldly. It all sounds crazy, but to me, like I said, it is the single most important event that has happened in my life. The dissolving of this world, knowing 100% that place is not as solid as I had thought for 36 years was and still is a huge deal for me.

My reiki practitioner also had a good perspective on it which resonated with me. She said it may have been a wink from the universe telling me that I am on the right path, which I like to imagine is true :slightly_smiling_face:.

This was my first thought too after I woke up. I have heard little bits about this from books I’ve read and Andrew’s Q&As but never really explored it in depth. I thought about reading a book on it after the dream but ended up looking into some other topics.

I agree 100% with what you’re saying. I believe there are different types of lucid dreams. Some are comparable to a local network on your computer, similar to how your computer will only communicate with devices in your home our dream only interacts with our own mind. However, the extremely vivid ones that include seemingly intelligent dream characters I would compare to gaining access to the internet, in these dreams I believe our conciousness can travel to other places that exist outside of ourselves and we can interact with other real beings/energies.

Regarding the paranormal/precognition, I met my deceased grandmother in one of my dreams. It was one of those dreams with extravagant architecture and normal, human-like/stable dream characters. I sat down at a bar and had a drink with her. Then the guy who guided me up a flight of steps where my grandmother was waiting handed her a note with my name on it, next to my name was an image of a soundwave.

I marked it as a cool lucid dream and was happy to see my grandmother looking so healthy. The paranormal/precognition part happened when I sent my mom a text the next day. I told her about the dream, and she sent me a message back saying that my grandmother was in her dream too, the previous night. She said my grandmother came into her dream and handed her chocolates before leaving.

It gets weirder because I had never dreamt of my grandmother once in my entire life, and my mother said the same thing. Synchronicities like this are something I never ignore, and this one allowed my mother and me to feel more connected with each other and the universe.

I plan on sticking around for a bit, seems like the boards are currently buzzing with activity :+1:.

Editing to add a comment to your post in another thread. Didnt want to post there because it is unrelated. Pretty awesome we had a similar experience with our grandmother and you just recently mentioned it on here. I love how interconnected everything is. It truly is beautiful to float in a world of synchronicity.

Sorry, I didn’t answer this question previously. I tried both. I did prefer to take it when I woke up naturally at night because I was able to fall back asleep easier. Success seemed to be about the same both ways. I would recommend giving both a try to see which works best for you.

Much better then mine, I pay 60 for 3 months.

Will take a look at these thank you.