In the dream I am in a very tall skyscraper, and every level has very high ceilings that are stacked from floor to ceiling with books. The center is hollowed out, so that from the very top floor if you looked down you could see all the way down to the bottom. There are escalators that move from floor to floor, and starting at the top I take them down to the lower levels. After a few levels I realize how tedious this is and how long it will take to get to the bottom, so I decide to go to the very center of the skyscraper where there is an elevator.
Inside the elevator with a few people, it starts going down slowly. Then something happenes and the elevator cord breaks and the elevator starts to free fall down very fast. People are panicing, and I get flung to the ceiling of the elevator, seeing the others below me.
I am afraid. But soon after the initial wave of fear there is also a sense of calm detachment that washes over me knowing that I am going to be allright in the end. In this state I moved with the elevator. Surrendering to its movements, and not fighting fate. It kept free falling, and then hit the first floor hard.
No one was hurt and there was no damage to the elevator. A miracle! Almost like God had interviened, and I walked out of it unfazed and nonchalantly as if nothing had happened.
There is more to the dream but too long to write out. When I woke I could not stop thinking about how vivid it was. And how much of the dreams I remembered from that night.
48 hours later, on the weekend I went to ride a horse with a friend to celebrate New years eve. After walking some distance and going over a few hills, we decided to go for a trot (making the horse move faster). When I squeezed the horse to go faster he did and a few seconds later, started to panic and run even faster. (I did not know it at the time, but the girdle stap that connects the saddle around the horses belly was slipping because I had not tightened it enough. This caused the saddle to slide and girrdle to pinch the skin of the horse, making it panic.). Eventually The saddle slipped too far to the right and made it impossible to stay on, and I fell of the horse and hit the ground.
The ground is usally rock hard and frozen this time of year. Thank God for warm temperature and weather which caused the snow to melt and ground to soften. I was lucky to walk away with no injuries, not even any bruises! Any soreness did not last more than 24 hours. Someone above was looking out for me for sure!
At the time I did not put the two events together, but upon reflection, I think the dream of the elevator may have been a dream of clarity (premonition dream).
The exact same emotion of fear, coupled with a detached calm collectedness of being able to rise above the fear, and know that things would be ok paralleled both the dream and the fall. Also in both I did not try to fight the choas, but surrendered to it, and moved with the flow. Had I faught to stay on the horse, I think I would have been seriously injured.
At first when I thought the dream might be a premonition because it was so vivid, I wrote it off as none, becuase there was no strong emotion(s) associated with it. But then upon reflection I realized just how intense the initial fear of falling in the elevator was. And also how irregular this type of dream was for me. So the dream definitely had the two big variables I have experienced in these types of dreams in the past: deep vividness and intense emotion.
I definitely think the meditation practices I have done up to now really helped me stay alert and in the moment, and not succomb to panic, and move with the flow to emerge unharmed.